ГУЛаг Палестины
towards us. He is a permanent director of the Informative Committee Canada-Israel, an organization that may be considered as a shadow
structure of Israeli government. Allegations that Mr. Salle systematically treats the Russian-speaking refugees from Israel with partiality
were expressed several times. In 1996 Federal Court indirectly recognized that. Despite of that Mrs. Lucienne Robillard - Canadian Minister
of Immigration - gave Mr. La Salle a new commissioner's mandate (for the next term). 52% of refugee claimants from Israel obtained their
refugee status in 1994-95.On hearings with Mr. La Salle it is 0(%). In 1997 Mr. Jacques La Salle was accused in partiality towards refugees
from Israel, and his involvement in their cases was terminated* (see comments). However, his mandate wasn't terminated in general. How
can it happen in a country, which is not a province of Israel, but an independent state?
In the first large paragraph on page#4 of the decision the tribunal express recognition that the persecutions we faced in Israel might
happen to us. But it claims indirectly that we provoked them ourselves by refusing to give up our believes and views. And it claims directly
that the persecutions were caused by some individuals, not by country's rules, traditions or policy. And it claims also that there no
persecutions against Russian-speaking people at all. As we can see that paragraph is deeply contradictory in itself. In first 5 lines it
recognizes the existence of persecutions (calling them "difficulties" but that is not important because it clear explaining what it means). In
next 5 (!?) lines it says the contrary. We already know (see the reasons expressed above) that there is a bad hidden lie in the referrals
concerning fascism in this document. So, this lie is exploited in that paragraph, too.
The next paragraph is based on a sentence in my refugee claim (in my PIF), which did the translator, Mrs. Broder herself, insert. Instead of
just translating my story about what happened to me during my work on a stadium in Petach-Tikva (August, 1991), she transformed this
event into a symbolic conclusion-declaration. In the same time this conclusion is correct in general. Because what happened to me then
may be called a slavery. This event was discussed during the two hearings. I was tested if I tell the truth, and it is clear from the test that I
told the truth. Besides, I presented an affidavit from Mr. Ginsburg who describes the same event. I also presented an article written by
Rivka Rabinovich and entitled "Haim #1 and Haim #2", which professionally describes some forms of slavery in Israel. I also explained
during my hearings that I do not want to make any declaration and that Mrs. Broder just distorted my words. Instead of taking into
consideration all these facts the tribunal is persisting in its absolutely inadmissible and illegal suggestions. Instead of investigating whether
or not we were persecuted it accuses us in spreading slander about Israel. It claims like if we would not came to Canada to seek a political
asylum but to spread the slander about Israel. If we claimed that my wife and me - were beaten during our work: that's because we want
show Israel as a state of slavery, claims the tribunal. If we describe what happened to our children: that's because we want to draw a
picture of Israel as a horrible state... And so on. Reading that document you completely forget that it is a decision in refugees' claim. It looks
like the tribunal misinterpreted its functions and sees itself not as immigration but as a political tribunal. But the main point of this paragraph
is that we claim we got no help from the state of Israel and will not be defended by it if will be deported back there because we want to
show Israel as a mayhem. This is the only tribunal's excuse for ignoring all our evidences, all documentary and other material proofs of
police and other state offices' refusal to defend us. This is the only excuse for ignorance of all the reliable and very serious evidences like
Amnesty International's confirmation in our case! This is the only excuse for ignorance of intensity and incredible scale of our attempts to
find protection in Israel!
The next paragraph continues the allegation that we claim we were denied police protection, multiple organizations' , Knesset members'
help (and even our layer couldn't do anything) and were forced to turn to Amnesty International only because ("en effet"!) we want to show
that Israel is a state of injustice.
The declaration, which the tribunal made in the next paragraph (that Israel is a democratic state, a state like other countries, and so on) has
nothing what to do with our claim.
Let us express our father concern about credibility of the documentation the tribunal used as a documentary proof "against us". We know
that the same document, which mentions the 80% "mobilized" Israelis mentions also a "Department of Integration", which doesn't exist in
Israel. It's clear that the real name of Israeli Ministry of Absorption ("misrad ha-klita in Hebrew) was replaced by non-existing "Ministry of
Integration" because it sounds strange for Canadian (or American, European) ears. But the "Ministry of Absorption" is the real name of the
organization, which "takes care" of new immigrants. And this document changes it to the "Department of Integration"...In reality the Zionist