Манипуляторы сознанием
3 Erik Barnouw. A History of Broadcasting. New York, 1968.
4 Paul F. Lazarsfeld. Some Problems of Organized Social Research. — "The Behavioral Sciences: Problems and Prospects", Boulder, VIII, 1964, p. 11.
5 Paul B. Sheatsley. AAPOR Times 21. — "Public Opinion Quarterly" 32, 1968—69, p. 463.
6 Hadley Cantril. The Human Dimension: Experiences in Policy Research. New Brunswick, 1967, pp. 24—30—31.
7 Lazarsfeld, Some Problems, p. 11.
8 H. Cantril. Human Dimension, pp. 35—37.
9 George Gallup, Jr., "The Challenge of Ideological Warfare", in Propaganda and the Cold War. Washington, 1963, pp. 54—56.
10 Cantril. Human Dimension, Chs. 1, 2.
11 "Political Pollsters Head for Record Activity in 1968", Congressional Quarterly Fact Sheet, 3. V. 1968, p. 1000.
12 George Gallup, Jr. "Image of the United States Abroad in 1969: A Report", in The Case for Reappraisal of U. S. — Overseas Information Policies and Programs. N. Y., 1970, p. 18.
13 Richard L. Merritt. The USIA Surveys: Tolls for Policy and Analysis, in Western Europe arid Perspectives on International Affairs. New York, 1968, p. 6.
14 H. Cantril. Human Dimension, pp. 35—49. Кэнтрил пишет: "Очевидно, в демократии, подобной нашей, ни один президент не может добиться осуществления своей политики, пока народ не заинтересуется этой политикой и не поймет ее смысла" (р. 69).
15 Harold Mendelsohn and Irving Crespi. Polls, Television and the New Politics. Scranton, 1970, p. X.
16 Marylin Bender. Market Research. — "New York Times", 29. VIII. 1971. Jack J. Honomichl. Big Business Snaps Up 22 Top Research Firms. — "Advertizing Age", 20. X. 1971, pp. 1, 83.
17 Richard Hodder—Williams. Public Opinion Polls and British Politics. London, 1970, pp. 9—14.
18 Roper Research Associates. "A Ten—Year View of Public Attitudes Toward Television and Other Mass Media, 1959—69". New York, 1969.
19 "The Perils of Polling", Transaction 81, N 9-10, VII/VIII, 1971, p. 8.
20 John D. Morris. No Fault Poll Results Disputed. — "New York Times", 24. I. 1972.
21 Richard Halloran. Tactics Disputed in Fight to Win Release of P. 0. W*s.
– "New York Times", 7. VI. 1971.
22 Cantril. Human Dimension.
23 Report of the Standards Committee, American Association for Public Opinion Research, 1970, Chapter 7, pp. 165—166.
24 Jerom Johnston and Gerald G. Bachman. Young Men Look At Military Service. — "Youth In Transition", N 193. The Univ. of Michigan, VI. 1970.
25 John Herbers. Servey Finds Fear of U. S. "Break—Down". — "New York Times", 27. VI. 1971.
26 Richard L. Merritt, Ellen P. Flerlage, Anna J. Merritt. Political Man in Postwar German Education. — "Comparative Education Review", 15. X. 1971, p. 4.
27 Milton Rokeach. The Role of Values in Public Opinion Research. — "Public Opinion Quarterly", 32, N 4, (Winter 1968—69), p. 549.
28 "Chicago SunTimes", 26. VI. 1968.
29 Mendelsohn and Crespi. Polls, TV, Politics, pp. 40—41.
30 H. Cantril. Human Dimension, p. IX.
31 George Gallup, Jr. A Guide to Public Opinion Polls, Prince- ton, 1948, pp. 3, 7.
32 Robert M. Smith. Youth Found Cool to Career in F. B. I. — "New York Times", 15. II. 1972.
38 Harwood L. Childs. Public Opinion, p. 1.
34 Bernard C. Cohen. The Relationship Between Public Opinion and Foreign Policy Maker. — "Public Opinion and Historians" Detroit, 1970, p. 70.
35 Kaarle Nordenstreng. "Broadcasting Research in Scandinavian Countries", International Studies of Broadcasting. Tokyo, 1971, p. 257.
36 Anthony Wilden. System and Structure: Essays in Communica- tion and Exchange. London, 1972, p. XX.
37 Alex S. Edelstein. Ideas In Search of Methodologies In International Communications, paper for Raymond
38 Paul Lazarsfeld. The Discussion Goes On. — "Public Opinion Quarterly", 9 (Winter 1945—46), p. 404.
39 Mendelsohn and Crespi. Polls, TV, Politics, p. 314.
1 "Advertizing Age", 19. II. 1973, p. 64.
2 "What a Multinational Company Is". — "New York Times", 19. VI. 1972.
3 "International Advertiser 10", N 1, 1969, p. 25.
4 "The Uncertain Mirror", Report of the Special Senate Commit- tee on Mass Media, vol. 1. Ottawa, 1970, p. 246.
5 "Advertising Age", 27. III. 1972.
6 "Broadcasting", 1. IX. 1969.
7 "Who's Where Around the World", Printers' Ink (now Marketing/Communications), 9. VI. 1967, pp. 21—30.
8 Ralph Leezenbaum. JWT: Mystical Melding of the Swinging and the Staid. — "Marketing/Communications", III. 1970, pp. 22— 30.
9 "White House Branch of J. Walter Thompson?" — "Broad- casting", 24. II. 1969, p. 36.
10 "The Financial Times" 17. X. 1969.
11 "Profile of Agencies Around the World", — "Printers' Ink" (now "Marketing/Communications"), 9. VI. 1967.
12 Robert P. Knight and John D. Stevens. Articles on Mass Communications in U. S. and Foreign Journals, a Selected Annotated Bibliography. — "Journalism Quarterly 47", N 1, 1970, pp. 198—199.
13 Marcel Niedergang. Double—Edged Reform for Perusian Press. — "Le Monde", 1. IV. 1970, p. 3 (еженедельное издание на англ. языке).
14 "Profile of Agencies Around the World".
15 "Public Relations Quarterly", Winter 1970—71.
16 William A. Durbin. International Public Relations. — Cur- rent Thoughts in Public Relations: A Collection of Speeches and Articles. New York. 1968, pp. 120—121.