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11 Revolution africaine, 1973, № 499, 14—20 September.

12 Ibid.

13 Proposals for a communications policy for Canada. Ottawa, march 1973.

14 Thomas Guback. Cultural identity and film in the European economic community, paper presented at conference "Film in Europe", London, February 21—23, 1974.

15 Kaarle Nordenstreng and Tapio Varis. Television traffic — a one—way street? — "Report and papers on mass communication", 70. Paris, UNESCO, 1974.

16 International economic report of the president, transmitted to congress february 7, 1974. Washington, D. C, 1974, p. 70.

17 Ithiel de Sola Pool. The rise of communications policy research.— "Journal of communication", 1974, 24 (2), pp. 31—42,

18 Raymond Williams. Television: technology and cultural form. London, 1974, p. 19.

19 Social indicators 1973, executive office of the president, office of management and budget. Washington, D. C, 1973, p. 225.

20 F. Kemper*. Democratization and participation in the dutch press, paper presented before the international association for mass communication research. Leipzig, September 12—20, 1974.

21 Meeting of international advisory panel on communication research Paris, UNESCO, October 15—19, 1973. "Communication research policies and planning*' (mimeographed working paper). Paris, UNESCO, October 1973, p. 3.

22 Report of the meeting of experts on communications policies and planning, op. cit.

23 See the discussion on public opinion polls in: Herbert 1. Schiller. The mind Managers. Boston, 1973.

24 Kaarle Nordenstreng. Comprehensive communications policies—an example from Finland. Tampere, 1974 (mimeographed).

25 Ithiel de Sola Pooh op. cit.

26 Ithiel de Sola Pool. Direct broadcast satellites and the integrity of national culture.—In: Control of the direct broadcast satellite: values in conflict. Palo alto, 1974; D. Lerner% F. Frey and W. Schramm in: Handbook of communication. Chicago, 1973.

27 Frantz Fanon. The wretched of the earth. New York, 1965.

28 Amilcar Cabral. Return to the source: selected speeches of Ami) car Cabral. New York, 1973, p. 51.

29 Ibid., p. 47.

30 "Granma". May 2, 1971.

31 Sheila Rowbotham. Hidden from history. New York, 1974.

32 A small step toward changing the language of sex domination is observable in the "Guidelines for equal treatment of the sexes in McGraw-Hill book company publications". New York.

33 T. Powers. Pride and Prejudice. "More", 1975, 5 (1).

34 Rita Cruise O'Brien. Domination and Dependence in Mass Communication: Implications for the Use of Broadcasting in Developing Countries. IDS Discussion Paper № 64. Brighton, October 1974, pp. 8-9.

35 Dallas Smyiht. Mass Communications and Cultural Revolution: The experience of China. In: G. Gerbner, L. Gross and W. Melody (Eds.). Communications technology and social policy. New York, 1973.

36 Meeting of international advisory panel on communication research, december 15—19, 1973. Paris, UNESCO (mimeographed).

37 Report of the meeting of experts on communications policies and planning, op. cit.

38 Paulo Freire. Cultural action for freedom. Harmondsworth, Middlesex, 1972, p. 78.


1 "The New York times", december 5, 1975.

2 John C. and Michele R. Pollock. The U. S. Press and Chile ideology and international conflict, October 1972 (mimeographed).

3 Neil P. Hurley. Chilean television: a case study of political communication. — "Journalism Quarterly", 1974, 51 (4), pp. 683— 689, 725.

4 Herbert I. Schiller and Dallas Smythe. Chile: an end to cultural colonialism. — "Society", 1972, 9(5), pp. 35—39,61.

5 Fred Landis. How the CIA Gets good press in Chile. —

«Spectrum" (University of Illinois), October 26, 1974.

6 Tapio Varis. International inventory of television programme structure and the flow of TV programmes between nations. Tampere, 1973; Thomas Guback. Film as international business.— "Journal of communication", 1974, 24 (1), pp. 90—101; Oliver Boyd—Barrett. The World — Wide news agencies, paper presented before the inter- national association for mass communication research. Leipzig, September 12 — 20, 1974.

7 "The international Herald Tribune", October 4, 1973.

8 Stuart Hall. External influences of broadcasting: the external—internal dialectic in broadcasting: television's Double Bind. — F. S. Badley (Ed.). Fourth symposium on broadcasting policy. Man- chester, 1972.

9 H. Schiller and D. S my the, op. cit.

10 Tran Van Dinh. Communications and wars of national liberation. — "Journal of communication", 1976.

11 Patricia Fagen. The media in Allende's Chile. — "Journal of communication", 1974, 24 (1), pp. 59—70.,

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