Мировая астрология
Современная астрология, приняв концепцию прецессионных веков, возродила представление о Великих годах, которая, возможно, предшествовала еще развитию вавилонской астрологии. Но существуют три фундаментальных различия между прецессионным годом и старым годом Платона. Первое — техническое: переход от одного цикла к другому уже не зависит от соединения всех планет в точке Творения. Второе — теоретическое: концепция цикла бесконечного роста и деградации человеческой
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Adams, J. "The Nuptial Number of Plato" London, 1891.
Aristotle "Polities' (trans. R.H.Racham) London, 1932.
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Booker, J. "The Bloody Almanak" London, 1643.
Boyer, C. "A History of Mathematics" New York, 1968.
Blavatsky, H. "The Secret Doctrine" London, 1893.
Blavatsky, H. "The Secret Doctrine of the Archaic Ages" London, 1931.
Campbell, J. "The Masks of God: Oriental Mythology" London, 1973.
Campion N. "The Great Year" London, 1992.
Campion N. "The Age if Aquarius: A Modern Myth" in Me Evers (ed) "The Astrology of the Macrocosm" St Paul, Minnesota, 1990.
Capra, F. "The Turning Point" London, 1982.
Carter, C. "An Introduction to Political Astrology" London, 1951.
Cheiro "The Book of World Predictions" London, 1931.
Cicero "De Divinatione" (ed. E.E.Kellett) Cambridge, 1936.
Collin, R. "The Theory of Celestial Influence" London, 1954.
Cooper, J. C. "Yin and Yang" London, 1981.
Costard, G. "The Use of Astronomy in History and Chronology Exemplified" London, 1764.
Curtiss, H. A. and Curtiss, F. H. C. "The Message of Aquaria Albuquerque, 1981; впервые опубликовано в 1921 году.
Cumont, F. "Astrology and Religion Among the Greeks and Romans" New York, 1912.
Dewey, E. and Mandino, O. "Cycles": The Mysterious Forces that Trigger Events" London, 1971.
Diodorus Siculus "History" (trans. C. H. Oldfellow) London, 1933.
Pagan, C. "Zodiacs Old and New" London, 1951.
Gleadow, R. "The Origin of the Zodiac" London, 1968.
Graves, R. "The Greek Myths" London, 1953.
Graves, R. "The White Goddess" London, 1961.
Hand, R. "Essays on Astrology" Rockport, Mass: 1982.
Heindel, M. "Rosicrucian Cosmoconception" California, 1911.
Heindel, M. "The Message of the Stars" London, 1918.
Heindel, M. "Simplified Scientific Astrology" California, 1919.
Hesiod, "Works and Days" (trans. S.Butler) London, 1923.
Jung, C. G. "Collected Works" vol. 9, part II, London, 1951.
Kepler, T. "Dreams of the Future" London, 1963.
Levi, "The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ" London, 1965.
Lewis, G. C. "An Historical Survey of the Astronomy of the Ancients" London, 1862.
Macrobias "Commentary of the Dream of Scipio" (trans. W.H.Stahl) New York, 1952.
Manuel, F. "Shapes of Philosophical History" London, 1965.
Massey, G. "The Natural Genesis" London, 1883.
McClain, E. G. "The Myth of Invariance" London, 1978.
Muller, M. "Ancient Hindu Astronomy and Chronology" Oxford, 1862.
Neugebauer, O. "The Exact Sciences in Antiquity" Oxford, 1957.
Pearce, A. J. "The Textbook of Astrology" vol. I, London, 1879.
Pearce, A. J. "The Science of the Stars" London, 1881.
Pingree, D. "The Thousands of Abu Ma "shar" London, 1968.
Pingree, D. "The Astrological History of Masha allah" Cambridge, 1971.