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That turned back and only shook the head in agreement. Then it left my office and closed behind itself(himself) a door.

Having remained one, I long thought over what men after all fools. We, women, give them everything. Caress, heat, we care for them. Obstiryvay them, we prepare. And they do not appreciate it. They should satisfy only the male vanity, to prove to other man that it is better than it, and for this purpose they remove prostitutes or bring mistresses. Than just to stay at home and enjoy life? And then at a divorce still are indignant why we take away from them everything? Yes for it all will be a little! Cables. You will not find other word.

The novel, having left an office, thought that, perhaps, this woman is right, Larisa, perhaps, wants to zakhomutat it and to attach to herself this child.

– Bough. What it bough, – he thought. – A bough, a bough also is.


Larisa's history

It is time to get acquainted closer with Larisa. Who such this woman? Roman saw it the kind and loving woman. Even virgin. But who such actually Larisa? Now we learn it. So?

Larisa. She lived with the old grandma in the village of settlement type. Why in the village of settlement type? You ask, and will not keep itself to wait for the answer. In it, as well as in the village, all knew everything about all. Secrets were not. Rumors turned into gossips, and gossips - in the history which could not be disproved. As they say, prove that you not a donkey - a donkey all the same will remain, and it at best.

Her parents died in plane crash, and since its birth about school years it was under supervision of the grandma. Then her grandma got sick. At it legs refused, and then paralysis of its right side came. She could not move a hand and a leg, now she did not get up, and behind her special leaving was required.

Then there were services of guardianship at their place. They wanted to take away little Larisa in orphanage, and to attach her grandma in a clinic. It was so favorable to all, but not Larisa. She did not want to go to orphanage and the more so did not want to leave the grandma. She wanted to live here, in the house. To go every day to school and to look after the only thing in the life the only native person close to it. But it was impossible. For the girl who just passed into the second class this there were only dreams. So it got to orphanage, her grandma was placed in clinic where in a week died. Their house was taken by the state, and Larisa remained one. It had neither a house, nor relatives, nor means of livelihood. She had to spend eleven long years in orphanage until she was adopted. Upon termination of institute as to the young specialist nevertheless provided it a separate living space. It was the house with the site in a solitude of one of settlements of Ramensky district. What settlement? Perhaps, I will refrain from comments not to be unfair to other villages of settlement type.

So, Larisa was a well-educated girl. She lived by rules as it was always taught in orphanage. But nevertheless something from its biography should be told in more detail. Somehow time when Nina Mikhaelovna Lopukhova sat on a bench and, watching for children, with pleasure dragged on cigarette smoke, Larisa saw how other girl who was called Alice sat one somewhere aside on a bench. She with anybody did not communicate and did not look at anybody. Only drew something on the earth a small stick. Larisa approached her.

– Hello, my name is Larisa, and you?

The girl, drawing on the earth something a stick and not tearing off the look from it, answered.

– Alice.

Larisa sat down nearby, asked:

– Why you do not play with all girls?

What that answered:

– I love loneliness.

– What the loneliness means? – Larisa was surprised. – You that with anybody you do not communicate?

That heaved a deep sigh.

– with anybody, – she confirmed and with bitterness added: – I all life one, me was handed over in orphanage when I was seven years old. I was a burden for the parents. – She made a long pause and sorrowfully added. – However, I even did not know them.

Larisa with understanding looked at Alice. She though knew that it to live without parents, but her parents died in road accident, and Alisina somewhere lived. They threw the daughter and lived without her. They did not even regret that their daughter lives in a distance from a native home. They were afraid of it, were afraid of its return that she learns where they live and as it would not be awful, will revenge them. Alice was an unusual child. It had paranormal abilities, it was capable to inspire in other people that it was necessary for it. In other words, it had an ability to telekinesis. From where did it have this ability? Nobody knew.

– They gave you at the birth?

– Is not present, – Alice answered, – said to me that they threw me when I went to the first class. You represent, in seven years at me went monthly, – Alice admitted, – and I began to feel what nobody could feel.

– That it? – with obvious interest Larisa asked. – Did you change? How?

– I did not understand what happens to me, – Alice continued to speak. – But I began to understand that I can operate people.

– to Operate people? – Larisa did not understand. – It as?

Alice explained:

– I can inspire to whom you want that you want, and this person will carry out only my will. – She made a pause, then she added: – Scientists call this ability telekinesis.

– Telekinesis? – Larisa was surprised. – Do you at the age know such grown wise words as telekinesis?

– I know a lot of things, – Alice told and, having looked at the tutor Nina Mikhaelovna Lopukhova, told: – Here you see, Nina Mikhaelovna, sits on a bench, smokes. She does not care for anybody. She wants that there came the quiet time, and all of us would go to sleep, and she will go to the senior group to boys and will meet one of young men. She wants it, and it her, – she made a pause, then continued, – but it only desire, – Alice told. – Nina Mikhaelovna does not love this young man, he is necessary to her, only to derive pleasure.

Larisa took an interest.

– you what you mean?

Alice accurately and distinctly answered:

– Sex.

– Sex?

– Yes, – Alice confirmed. – She sleeps with him. And what? It by sight is no more than thirty five has some, and to it eighteen.

– From where you know it?

– I See, – Alice answered. – I just see it.

– you See? – Larisa was surprised. – But how?

– I told you that I not such as all. I just it see also all here. – Here she took an interest: – Do you want to be convinced of truthfulness of my words?

Larisa shrugged shoulders.

– I trust you, – she told. – But if it you want?.

– it is good, – Alice answered, – you look.

It translated the view of Nina Mikhaelovna Lopukhova. That also sat on a bench, smoked. Her thoughts were far from the children playing a row. They were somewhere away, she did not worry about anything, only dreamed. Dreamed, enjoying sweet taste of death. Suddenly she involuntarily looked at the children playing not the background and, having counted them, she understood that one girl is not enough. Whom did not it get? Alice? No, not it. Larisa? Too not. Then whom it did not get? To Vick. The girl from group in which there was also Larisa. Larisa saw how having quickly extinguished a cigarette, Lopukhova called to Vika and, looking quickly extensively, tried to find out it. She ran on the platform, asking children, they did not see Vika? Those stupidly looked at it and observed how Lopukhova runs here and there, trying to find for Vika. But its attempts were vain. She did not see it and did not see Alice sitting nearby, and with it and Larisa. She saw in Larisa Vick and, having run up to it, sat down on hunkers and, having taken it for shoulders, told.

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