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– It's no problem: we'll go to my hotel right now and change. Even if you want to leave, you still need a change of clothes, I hope you realise that?

I even smiled at this bitter truth: she was right – they wouldn't let me on the bus dressed like this! They'd be asking me where the blood came from!

– All right, but then I'll leave» I agreed sullenly.

My sister silently took me by the hand and led me to the car in which she had come to Big Ben. As people passed by, they looked at us in surprise, and I was ashamed of my appearance.

We arrived at the hotel, went into Mariszka's suite, she washed the blood off my face and hands (luckily my hair was clean), then I changed into one of her dresses (my sister loved dresses, and she had a lot of them) and a grey jacket. I didn't take off my boots, as the alternative was heeled shoes. After that, I had to wait for Mariszka to shower, change and call Markus to tell him about her walking me to the bus, and he said he was waiting for Brandon, who was supposed to show up any minute.

«Is that the Brandon Grayson who was at their wedding? He's just stunningly handsome! Also an extremely charming man» I remembered. That was all I knew about him, though, because I'd only seen him a couple of times.

After leaving the hotel, Mariszka and I got into the car and drove to the bus station. There my sister said goodbye to me, apologised for the bad day and Markus's behaviour, and left.

I went to the ticket office, ordered a ticket and, when it was time to pay, I was horrified to find that I had forgotten my purse with my wallet and phone in that horrible restaurant.

«What incredible bad luck! But there's nothing to be done: no one will drive me for free, so I have to go back there» I thought with annoyance and walked quickly to the restaurant: I remembered the way to it, because Mariszka's car had driven past it, and I had a good memory for directions. As I approached the restaurant, I suddenly heard Markus's voice.

– I'm glad you're here» he said, sighing heavily. – I'm afraid I have terrible news. I've wanted to tell you for a long time, but I've never been able to get away from Prague, even for a day, and it's a matter that can't be discussed over the phone – it's too personal.

– It's okay, Markus, the main thing is that you found the time. So, what happened to you? – A charming man's voice answered him (I recognised it immediately. it was Brandon Grayson). – You don't look so good. I've never seen you like this before.

– I'm lost, Brandon. I couldn't even imagine… It hurts me to even think about it. I can't understand how it happened because there's so much my parents won't tell me, so his last day in Prague is a mystery to me.

– What do you mean?

– Cedric disappeared.

«Cedric disappeared»? Not moved away like they told me, but disappeared?» – This news discouraged me. I stopped, leaned against the wall of the building, and even held my breath: I suddenly had a chance to find out about why Markus was so angry and worried.

– Disappeared? – Brandon was surprised too, judging by the tone of his voice.

– Yes. He realised it was us who hid her from him. But don't worry: he doesn't even know she was-» Crap! I didn't hear the last of his words, because a huge double-decker bus drove past me, followed by another one, drowning out the roar.

I mentally cursed: this conversation could be the key to Markus's secret!

When the buses were gone and there was relative silence, I listened again.

– Cedric's trouble is that he fell in love with the wrong woman» Brandon said grimly.

«How could Cedric fall in love with the wrong woman? Cedric! With his beautiful soul! If he chose her, then she's perfect!» – I was in fundamental disagreement with this saying, though I knew nothing of the «wrong woman.»

– Yes, damn her! But he disappeared. At the end of August, the day after we hid her» Markus said.

– 'Isn't there any trace of him?

– There isn't. He trashed the hall, burned all the paintings and our family portrait, but he talked to our parents for about twenty minutes and demanded we give her back to him, then he stormed off, got in his car and drove off. And those rattlers didn't even stop him! When I found out about it, it was like I was blind and deaf at the same time. If it hadn't been for Mariszka, I'd have gone mad. Cedric almost killed me.

– I had no idea it would turn out so tragically» Brandon muttered. – Was he so obsessed with her?

– As you can see. I've got the Secret Service on my ear, thousands of private investigators working for me, but so far there hasn't been a single lead: it's like Cedric's vanished off the face of the Earth.

– I'm sorry, Markus, and I want to help: I have a lot of connections, in all circles.

– You think I haven't tapped into them? But it's all for nothing! And Father… He still can't get over it: he just sits in his armchair, staring at the fireplace, and then he goes into Cedric's room and stares for hours at the painting he's done. Mum closes herself in her bedroom and only comes out to hunt. The castle suffocates us all. I can't imagine how Mariszka stands it all. – Markus took a deep breath. – I found this in Cedric's desk. Do you know who the author of the drawing is?

There was a rustle of paper, followed a second later by a heavy sigh from one of the men.

– Viper? – Brandon asked quietly.

«Her name is Viper? What a strange name… She must be an amazing girl to have won Cedric's heart. But I don't recall any vampires with such an unusual name. Although, there are so many of us, I don't know more than half of them. Maybe I'm just unfamiliar with her» I wondered sincerely.

– That's a touching drawing» Grayson said. – I think she's madly in love with him. I've probably heard it from her a dozen times.

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