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«Brandon knows this Viper girl too? Why does everyone know her and I don't?» – I was overcome with annoyance.

– That's the trouble: it's some kind of curse. Damn it, why did this have to happen to my brother?! – Markus exclaimed quietly.

– Where is she now? – Brandon asked. Markus didn't answer, and the man repeated in an insistent tone: «Markus, where is she?

– In a safe place» Markus answered him. – Why do you want to know?

– I wonder where you locked her up, because I'm aware of the story and I remember very well how your parents took her away unconscious.

– No, I'm sorry, but I'm not answering that question.

– Markus, don't be stubborn. You know very well that this stays between us

– Why do you insist?

– Why? Maybe I want to visit her. – Grayson's voice turned mocking.

– Brandon, I'm not in the mood for jokes right now. Only three persons know about this.

– But four persons know the whole story, and that includes me.

– Don't insist. I'm gonna say no. – Markus' voice sounded very tired. – I know you're curious…

– Misha! What are you doing here? – I suddenly heard Mariszka's voice right above my ear.

My sister took me by surprise, but I couldn't let her realise I was overhearing. I had just found out about a big secret: Cedric was in love with a girl named Viper, but his family was against her, and she was hidden somewhere, and then Cedric disappeared. What a news flash!

– Two buses just drove by and splattered me from head to toe! – I put on my hysterical Misha mask again.

– I can see that. But what are you doing here? You're supposed to be on the bus to Oxford!

I shook off the hem of my dress and my boots, which were really muddy from the buses that had deprived me of the opportunity to find out where Cedric's girlfriend had been for a long time.

– It's a comedy story! – I said loudly, knowing that Markus and his friend could hear every word we said: it was better that they didn't know that I'd overheard their entire conversation. Well, most of it. – I'd forgotten my purse in the restaurant, and they wouldn't take me to Oxford for free» I added sarcastically. – I looked like a complete fool! I was so embarrassed!

My sister laughed softly.

– You always have adventures. Come on, I'll buy you a ticket» she said.

– Thank you, but actually, I came to get my purse: my money, smartphone and house keys» I said.

– Then let's go get your bag.

Mariszka took me under her arm, we entered the restaurant and went down to the men. When we entered the room, Markus's friend rose from his chair, greeting us.

– Ladies. – He smiled pleasantly.

«A real gentleman, not like the rude Haraldson! And what a handsome man!» – I thought to myself as I looked at Brandon.

– It's good to have you back» Markus said, and came over to me and took my hand in his. His eyes were remorseful, and his face was deeply embarrassed. – Please forgive my tactless behaviour.

– Oh, it's nothing! I understand: you are tired! Mariszka said that lately you've been working a lot and hardly resting. Give it up, Markus: work isn't going anywhere. – I played dumb and put a silly smile on my face.

– Really? I'm glad you don't hold a grudge. – He smiled, but it was so fake that I felt sorry for him.

Now I understood Markus's behaviour, and after what I'd heard, I was filled with pain for him, because his brother was gone! No, not just gone, but gone!

– It's okay, don't apologise: it's just that I'm a bit woozy today too» I replied. – Oh, my purse! Imagine, I was buying a ticket and suddenly I realised I'd left it here!

– It must have looked quite funny… I'm sorry, I have a phone call. I'll just be a minute. – Markus took the phone out of his jacket pocket and walked to the other end of the room.

– I know you: you're Markus's best friend! – I chirped to Brandon.

– Yes, I am. We met at your sister's wedding» he smiled a beautiful smile.

He and I chatted about nothing, remembered how Markus had mistaken which finger Mariszka should put her wedding ring on, and laughed quietly about it.

– Would you stop bringing that up every time? Somehow all our wedding guests only remembered that embarrassment! Brandon, I'll see how you act during your wedding! – Mariszka said with a laugh.

– I guess you'll just have to dream about it» he laughed. – I prefer to be a forever bachelor!

Markus returned. It was obvious he wasn't happy about something.

– I'm sorry, Brandon, this damn thing is messing up all my plans! – he turned to his friend. – Just a streak of bad luck!

– Come on, I understand» Brandon said, patting Markus on the shoulder.

– But it's embarrassing to have you come all the way from your estate to see me» Markus said sadly.

– It was nothing. I got to see my best friend, and his lovely wife and her sweet little sister» Grayson said with a smile.

– Where are you going now? – Mariszka asked him.

– To the estate.

– Can you give Misha a lift to Oxford?

– Oh, no, I don't want to bother anyone! – I was immediately embarrassed.

– You'd be honoured if you let me drive you. – Brandon smiled at me.

– Then don't be mad at me for talking all the way» I agreed, but I was embarrassed at being so blatantly sold out.

I said goodbye to my sister and her husband, but I was still uncomfortable with today's situation: the memory of Markus crushing the glass in his hand and the conversation I'd overheard about Cedric's fate kept me on edge.

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