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Brandon and I got into his black Bentley with tinted windows and drove out of London. It seemed to me that, after his conversation with Markus, Grayson had become pensive and was frowning his handsome, high forehead.

We drove in silence: Brandon must have been so deep in thought, or Markus's story must have shocked him so much that he couldn't talk. I, too, was far from reality, thinking about Cedric's fate. Had he fallen in love with the wrong girl? But that's impossible! Why did she displease the Morgans so much that they even interfered in their son's private life? And how dare they? Cedric is not a green guy like me, but an adult, wise and very strong vampire! Why did they hide Viper? Where? Her vampire parents would be looking for her, and maybe they would cause a scandal for the whole vampire society: it's unheard of to hide someone else's daughter somewhere!

I wanted to find out what the Morgans didn't like about the vampire, and I hoped that Markus's friend would clarify the situation for me. After all, he knew Viper too.

«Wait. How am I going to ask about this? I'm pretending like I didn't hear her and Markus talking!» – I grudgingly remembered, but I mustered up the courage to take the risk.

– I think Markus is kind of weird today» I said casually.

– I didn't think so» Brandon said. – Did he scare you?

– A little. When I said that Cedric had told me to go to Oxford, he crushed his glass of blood with his fingers. – I shrugged, shaking off the memory. – And he had that face… Very sad, even scary.

– He's in a lot of trouble right now. My poor friend is lost, but I think things will change soon.

– Do you think he'll be cheerful again? Markus was always such a joker, and today I don't recognise him.

Brandon didn't say anything, but his cheekbones sharpened. It made me feel a little creepy, and I knew he wasn't in the mood for a long conversation, but I couldn't pass up such a great chance to learn about Cedric's girlfriend and himself.

– Mariszka said that Cedric had gone to Russia… I wonder if he's coming on holiday? I'd like to chat to him and brag about going to Oxford, as he advised. – I was hoping Brandon would crack and tell me the truth.

– As I remembered, Cedric had said when he left that he wouldn't leave for another ten years» Grayson said.

I was surprised to see that he'd lied to my face. And if I hadn't heard with my own ears that Cedric had disappeared, I would have believed that smooth lie.

– Yeah? It's a shame. Maybe he's in love with someone else and that's why he's doing this? – I asked innocently.

– Cedric? In love? – Brandon let out a mocking laugh. – He's not even three hundred: he's too young to be in love.

– Why young? Markus isn't three hundred either, but he's already been in love and married. What makes you think Cedric couldn't–

– Cedric didn't leave because he fell in love» Grayson interrupted me. He frowned slightly. – He'd been obsessed with Russia for the last five years, wanting to go there and see the Russians.

– But there are plenty of Russians in the Czech Republic and Poland» I argued, increasingly amazed at the extent of Brandon's lies.

– Believe me, they're not the same Russians that live in Russia. Being in the centre of another culture, you are involuntarily drawn into it and lose your national identity. I don't think it would be wrong to say that you have already felt the influence of English culture.

– Yes, but… – I was confused: he gave me a real mate. I had nothing to say, because Grayson was absolutely right about me, about English culture and its influence on my mind. I mean, Mary Smith's influence on me.

But that defeat didn't discourage me from digging further into the sad story of Cedric and his girlfriend. On the contrary, it has doubled my annoyance.

– You can say what you want, but I know Cedric's in love» I told Grayson.

He glared at me. I thought he was going to come at me with questions about how and when I'd found out and maybe accuse me of being a spy, but to my amazement, Brandon just chuckled.

– If he did, I'm not aware of it» he said, and then he turned his gaze back to the road.

I was annoyed: what a great liar! How could I catch him? Was it even possible?

I was silent for a while, waiting to ask Grayson again, but not to be too forward, lest he realise that I had a personal interest in the story of Cedric and his crush.

About ten minutes passed.

My neighbour seemed drowned in his thoughts: his face was too detached and gloomy.

– What girl were you talking about? – I asked, as if out of boredom, without even looking at Brandon.

– What? – He asked in a completely calm tone.

«How calmly he keeps his temper! That's stamina!» – I was involuntarily surprised.

– When I came up to you, I overheard you talking about some Viper» I said, praying in my heart that he would tell me something about her, even the smallest thing.

– It's nothing» Brandon replied shortly. – She's an insignificant person.

– Why is she insignificant? – I asked.

– Because she doesn't matter» he said. – And forget it.

My question about Viper made his face tense.

«What's wrong with him? And what's the mystery with everyone acting so serious?» – I marvelled.

– 'But, if she's an insignificant person, why did you talk about her?

– Adults talk about many obscure things. But it's bad manners to overhear other people's conversations.

– I did not listen willingly, I was just going to get my bag! – I was indignant. – It's not my fault that I have such a fine ears!

– Let's not talk about that» the vampire said sternly. – If you want to know something, ask Markus.

– Oh, yeah! Right! He's gonna tell me everything!

– What makes you think I'd do that?

– I didn't. God, I was just asking!

Brandon didn't say a word, but his face remained tense and frowning.

I didn't try to repeat the attempted interrogation, but rather stared at the raindrops dripping down the windscreen. Of course, I hadn't expected to be entertained with conversation on the way, but I hadn't expected such unbearable silence either. I started to take the player out of my purse, but suddenly I noticed something unusual lying on the panel by the windscreen that looked like long, dark, straight strands of hair.

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