Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin / Inna Tiggi
Ианна Инна Бальзина-Бальзин / Инна Тигги
3.VI.2016 - 22.XI.2016
Great Britain, Nottinghamshire,
Boughton, near New Ollerton - Sutton-in-Ashfield, near Mansfield
My poems and songs on English
Some my poems on English
including some in Russian to English Translation
* My native language is Russian
* English is a foreign and Second language for me
* I am not a professional writer, the writing is my hobby
Great Britain, Nottinghamshire
– O, Angel, lying over plenty times,
still an angel,
whom had tried
for all survive.
He knew the light and a darkness,
plenty shades,
becoming through all sins
to be a man.
Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin
14 September 2015
Great Britain, Nottinghamshire
Monkey in the Zoo
Monkeys in the ZOO discussed
what would God ... give them more food.
One Big Monkey loud shouts:
– I saw God ! I know all !!!
– O, You're Saint! Lets be Provider
For all us in a Future life !!!
– What we need to be beloved?
– Why had God created us?
The Provider Monkey, proud,
staying straight, for longer speech,
said to others plenty speeches.
Sad, be honest, would this see.
Smallest little bits, creatures,
they're alive, they live in Zoo,
Staff, when drunken, kindly gave them
balls, toys, food, before them leave.
Clouds on the sky, and the nature,
a broken doll without a leg,
a dandelion, which was as a present,
died, dry, for a duspin bin.
Inna Tiggi
Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin
– --- The original poem on Russian -----
Великобритания, Ноттингемшире
Обезьяна в зоопарке,
Сидя в клетке
Говорила всем кругом:
– Бог сказал мне - свои планы!
Как мы жить должны в нирване!
Ей товарки отвечали:
– Ты - Святая Обезьяна!
– Ты - Пророк! Веди же нас
В светлу жизнь и в тот же час!
Только клетка на замочке?
В клетке - стая, там комочки,
Обезьянчики сидят
И Богами быть хотят!
А привратник, как напьётся,
То игрушку им подбросит:
Мячик, книжку, мишку, шарик,
Куклу, просто одуванчик.
Инна Тигги
Ианна Инна Бальзина-Бальзин
Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin
Monkey in the Zoo
19.9.2015. Great Britain, Nottinghamshire
Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin
Dedicated to British Journalist Graham Phillips
What would be if Graham married on Ukrainian girl from Kiev
If Graham would married on that Ukrainian girl from Kiev
She would educated his son
that this is all right
to bomb properties of other people
in their own country
still plenty times
She would educated his son
that this is all right -
to kill kids and women
and pensioners
just if they are from another Ethnic
and their native language
is Russian
and not Ukrainian.
If Graham would married on that Ukrainian girl from Kiev
She would educated his daughter
from her Ukrainian Mum
to work as a prostitute,
staying on the streets of Amsterdam.
And later Graham
would walk on the streets of Amsterdam,
looking for all prostitutes here, standing around all times
He would try find his own beloved daughter here:
– O, My God. Where is she?
Where is she now?
And later,
on return back to his home,
after a work
in a war conflict zone,
He would find
his wife,
this Ukrainian girl or a woman
the traditional Ukrainian village manners:
Her lovers would be
in the bed with her,
all naked,
and her lover would be
hidden in the wardrobe,
under the bed,
and still staying in their garden.