Очерки по психологии бессознательного (сборник)
JUNG, Carl Gustav. Studies in Word Association. Collected Works, vol. 2. (Alternative source: Translation by M. D. Eder, London, 1918; NewYork, 1919.)
JUNG, Carl Gustav. A Study in the Process of Individuation. In: Collected Works, vol. 9, i.
JUNG, Carl Gustav. Symbols of Transformation. Collected Works, vol. 5.
JUNG, Carl Gustav. The Theory of Psychoanalysis. In: Collected Works, vol. 4.
JUNG, Carl Gustav. The Transcendent Function. In: Collected Works, vol. 8.
JUNG, Carl Gustav. Wandlungen und Symbole der Libido. Ein Beitrag zur Entwicklungs-geschichte des Denkens. Leipzig and Vienna, 1912. For translation, see: Psychology of the Unconscious. Translated by Beatrice M. Hinkle. New York, 1916; London, 1917. (Subsequently replaced by Symbols of Transformation, q.v.)
JUNG, Emma. On the Nature of the Animus. Translated by Cary F. Baynes, in: Animus and Anima. New York (Analytical Psychology Club), 1957.
KANT, Immanuel. Vorlesungen iiber Psychologie. Leipzig, 1889.
KUBIN, ALFRED. Die andere Seite. Munich, 1908.
Lehmann, Friedrich Rudolf. Mana. Leipzig, 1922.
LlEBEAULT, AMBROISE AUGUSTE. Du sommeii et des 'etats analogues consid'er'es au point de vue de i’action du moral sur ie physique. Paris, 1866.
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth. The Song of Hiawatha. Boston, 1855.
LOVEJOY, ARTHUR O. The Fundamental Concept of the Primitive Philosophy. The Monist (Chicago), XVI (1906), 357-82.
MAEDER, ALFRED. La Langue d’un aliene. Archives de psychoiogie (Geneva), IX (1910), 208–216.
MAEDER, ALFRED. Psychologische Untersuchungen an Dementia-Praecox-Kranken, Jahrbuch fur psychoanalytische und psychopatholo-gische Forschungen (Leipzig and Vienna), II (1910), 185–245.
MAYER, Robert. Kleinere Schriften und Briefe. Stuttgart, 1893.
MEYRINK, GUSTAV. Der Golem. Leipzig, 1915. For translation, see: The Golem. Translated by Madge Pemberton. London, 1928.
MEYRINK, GUSTAV. Fledermause: 7 Geschichten. Leipzig, 1916.
NELKEN, Jan. Analytische Beobachtungen "uber Phantasien eines Schizophrenen, Jahrbuch fur psychoanalytische und psycho-pathologische Forschungen (Leipzig and Vienna), IV (1912), 504-62.
NERVAL, GERARD DE (LaBRUNIE de). Aurelia. In: Le Reve et la vie. Paris, 1855. (Pp.1-129.) For translation, see: Aurelia. Translated by Richard Aldington. London, 1932.
OSTWALD, WILHELM. Grosse Manner. Leipzig, 1910.
OSTWALD, WILHELM. Die Philosophie der Werte. Leipzig, 1913.
Pfaff, Johann Wilhelm Andreas. Astrologie. Nurnberg, 1816.
Pfaff, Johann Wilhelm Andreas. Der Stern der Drei Weisen, 1821.
ROUSSEAU, JEAN-JACQUES. Emile, ou L’Education. Amsterdam and The Hague, 1762. 4 vols. For translation, see: Emile. Translated by Barbara Foxley. London and New York (Everyman’s Library), 1911.
SEMON, RICHARD Wolfgang. Die Mneme als erhaltendes Prinzip im Wechsel des organischen Geschehens. Leipzig, 1904. For translation, see: The Mneme. Translated by Louis Simon. London and New York, 1921.
SlLBERER, HERBERT. Problems of Mysticism and Its Symbolism. Translated by Smith Ely Jelliffe. New York, 1917.
SODERBLOM, NATHAN. Das Werden des Gottesglaubens. Leipzig, 1916. (Original: Gud-strons uppkomst. Stockholm, 1914.)
SPIELREIN, SAVINA. Die Destruktion als Ursache des Werdens, Jahrbuch fur psychoana-lytische und psychopathologische Forschungen (Leipzig and Vienna), IV (1912), 465–503.
SPIELREIN, SAVINA. Spiritual Disciplines. Translated by Ralph Manheim and R. F. C. Hull. (Papers from the Eranos Yearbooks, 4.) New York (Bollingen Series XXX:4) and London, 1960.
SPITTELER, CARL. Imago. Jena, 1919.
SPITTELER, CARL. Olympischer Friihling: Epos. Leipzig, 1900–1905. 4 parts.
SPITTELER, CARL. Prometheus und Epimetheus. Jena, 1920. For translation, see: Prometheus and Epimetheus. Translated by James Fullarton Muirhead. London, 1931.
TACITUS, Publius Cornelius. Dialogus: Agricola: Germania. Translated by Sir William Peterson and Maurice Hutton. (Loeb Classical Library.) London and New York, 1920.
WARNECKE, JOHANNES. Die Religion der Batak. (Religions-Urkunden der Volker, ed. Julius Boehmer, Part IV, vol. 1.) Leipzig, 1909.
WEBSTER, Hutton. Primitive Secret Societies. New York, 1908.
WELLS, Herbert George. Christina Alberta’s Father. London and New York, 1925.
WILHELM, Richard, and Jung, Carl Gustav. The Secret of the Golden Flower. Translated by Cary F. Baynes. New edition, London and New York, 1962.
WOLFF, Toni. Einfuhrung in die Grundlagen der komplexen Psychologie. In: Die kulturelle Bedeutung der komplexen Psychologie. Berlin, 1935.