Очерки по психологии бессознательного (сборник)
FREUD, Sigmund. Early Psycho-Analytic Publications. Translated by James Strachey and others. Standard Edition, vol. 3 (1962).
FREUD, Sigmund. «Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality». Translated by James Strachey. Standard Edition, vol. 7 (1953), pp. 125–243.
FREUD, Sigmund. Totem and Taboo. Translated by James Strachey. Standard Edition, vol. 13 (1955), pp. 1-161. Freud, Sigmund. See also Breuer.
FROBENIUS, Leo. Das Zeitalter des Sonnengottes. Vol. I (no more published). Berlin, 1904.
GANZ, HANS. Das Unbewusste bei Leibniz in Eeziehungzu modernen Theorien. Z"urich, 1917.
[GOETHE, JOHANN Wolfgang von.] Geothe’s Faust, Parts I and II. An abridged version translated by Louis MacNeice. London and New York, 1951.
[GOETHE, JOHANN Wolfgang von.]
Haggard, Sir Henry Rider. She. London, 1887.
HELM, Georg. Die Energetik nach ihrer geschichtlichen Entwickelung. Leipzig, 1898.
Hoffmann, Ernst Theodore Wilhelm (Amadeus). The Devil’s Elixir. (Trans. anon.) Edinburgh, 1824. 2 vols.
HUBERT, Henri, and MAUSS, Marcel. Melanges d’histoire des religions. Paris, 1909.
I Ching, or the Eook of Changes. The German translation by Richard Wilhelm rendered into English by Cary F. Baynes. New York (Bollingen Series XIX) and London, 1950. 2 vols. (1 vol. edn., 1961.)
JAMES, William. Pragmatism. London and Cambridge, Mass., 1907.
JAMES, William. The Varieties of Religious Experience. London and Cambridge, Mass., 1902.
JANET, Pierre. LAutomatisme psychologique. Paris, 1889.
JANET, Pierre. N'evroses et id'ees fixes. Paris, 1898. 2 vols.
JANET, Pierre. Les N'evroses. (Bibliotheque de philosophie scientifique.) Paris, 1909.
JUNG, Carl Gustav. The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious. In: Collected Works, vol. 9, i.
JUNG, Carl Gustav. The Archetypes of the Collective Unconscious. In: Collected Works, vol. 9, i.
JUNG, Carl Gustav. Brother Klaus. In: Collected Works vol. 11.
JUNG, Carl Gustav. Collected Papers on Analytical Psychology. Edited by Constance E. Long; translated by various persons. London and New York, 1916; 2nd edn., 1917.
JUNG, Carl Gustav. Commentary on The Secret of the Golden Fower. In: Collected Works, vol. 13. (Alternative source: Wilhelm and Jung, The Secret of the Golden Fower, q.v.)
JUNG, Carl Gustav. «The Concept of the Collective Unconscious». In: Collected Works, vol. 9, i.
JUNG, Carl Gustav. Concerning the Archetypes, with Special Reference to the Anima Concept. In: Collected Works, vol. 9, i.
JUNG, Carl Gustav. The Content of the Psychoses. In: Collected Works, vol. 3.
JUNG, Carl Gustav. Freud and Psychoanalysis. Collected Works, vol. 4.
JUNG, Carl Gustav. General Aspects of Dream Psychology. In: Collected Works, vol. 8. JUNG, Carl Gustav.
JUNG, Carl Gustav. Mysterium Coniunctionis. Collected Works, vol. 14.
JUNG, Carl Gustav. On Psychic Energy. In: Collected Works, vol. 8.
JUNG, Carl Gustav. On the Psychology and Pathology of So-Called Occult Phenomena. In: Collected Works, vol. 1.
JUNG, Carl Gustav. Paracelsus as a Spiritual Phenomenon. In: Collected Works, vol. 13. JUNG, Carl Gustav. The Practice of Psychotherapy. Collected Works, vol. 16. (2nd edn., 1966.)
JUNG, Carl Gustav. Preface to the Second Edition of Collected Papers on Analytical Psychology. In: Collected Works, vol. 4.
JUNG, Carl Gustav. The Psychological Aspects of the Kore. In: Collected Works, vol. 9, i. JUNG, Carl Gustav. The Psychological Foundations of Belief in Spirits. In: Collected Works, vol. 8.
JUNG, Carl Gustav. Psychological Types. Collected Works, vol. 6. (Alternative source: Translation by H. Godwin Baynes. London and New York, 1923.)
JUNG, Carl Gustav. Psychology and Alchemy. Collected Works, vol. 12.
JUNG, Carl Gustav. The Psychology of Dementia Praecox. In: Collected Works, vol. 3. JUNG, Carl Gustav. On Psychological Understanding. In: Collected Works, vol. 3.
JUNG, Carl Gustav. Psychology and Religion. In: Collected Works, vol. 11.
JUNG, Carl Gustav. The Realities of Practical Psychotherapy. In: Collected Works, vol. 16, 2nd edn.
JUNG, Carl Gustav. A Review of the Complex Theory. In: Collected Works, vol. 8.
JUNG, Carl Gustav. The Role of the Unconscious. In: Collected Works, vol. 10.
JUNG, Carl Gustav. Sigmund Freud in His Historical Setting. In: Collected Works, vol. 15. JUNG, Carl Gustav. The Stages of Life. In: Collected Works, vol. 8.
JUNG, Carl Gustav. The Structure of the Psyche. In: Collected Works, vol. 8.