Освой самостоятельно С++ за 21 день.
52: {
53: public:
54: Array(int itsSize = DefaultSize);
55: Array(const Array &rhs);
56: ~Array { delete [] pType; }
58: // операторы
59: Array& operator=(const Array&);
60: T& operator[](int offSet) { return pType[offSet]; }
61: const T& operator[](int offSet) const
62: { return pType[offSet]; }
63: // методы доступа
64: int GetSize const { return itsSize; }
66: //
67: friend ostream& operator<< (ostream&, const Array<T>&);
69: private:
70: T *pType;
71: int itsSize;
72: };
74: template <class T>
75: Array<T>::Array(int size = DefaultSize):
76: itsSize(size)
77: {
78: pType = new T[size];
79: for (int i = 0; i<size; i++)
80: pType[i] = (T)0;
81: }
83: template <class T>
84: Array<T>& Array<T>::operator=(const Array &rhs)
85: {
86: if (this == &rhs)
87: return *this;
88: delete [] pType;
89: itsSize = rhs.GetSize;
90: pType = new T[itsSize];
91: for (int i = 0; i<itsSize; i++)
92: pType[i] = rhs[i];
93: return *this;
94: }
95: template <class T>
96: Array<T>::Array(const Array &rhs)
97: {
98: itsSize = rhs.GetSize;
99: pType = new T[itsSize];
100: for (int i = 0; i<itsSize; i++)
101: pType[i] = rhs[i];
102: }
105: template <olass T>
106: ostream& operator<< (ostream& output, const Array<T>& theArray)
107: {
108: for (int i = 0; i<theArray.GetSize; i++)
109; output << "[" << i << "] " << theArray[i] << endl;
110: return output;
111: }
114: Array<Animal>::Array(int AnimalArraySize):
115: itsSize(AnimalArraySize)
116: {
117: pType = new Animal[AnimalArraySize];
118: }
121: void IntFillFunction(Array<int>& theArray);
122: void AnimalFillFunction(Array<Animal>& theArray);
124: int main
125: {
126: Array<int> intArray;
127: Array<Animal> animalArray;
128: IntFillFunction(intArray);
129: AnimalFillFunction(animalArray);
130: cout << "intArray...\n" << intArray;
131: cout << "\nanimaiArray...\n" << animalArray << endl;
132: return 0;
133: }
135: void IntFillFunction(Array<int>& theArray)
136: {
137: bool Stop = false;
138: int offset, value;
139: while (!Stop)
140: {
141: cout << "Enter an offset (0-9) and a value, ";
142: cout << "(-1 to stop): ";
143: cin >> offset >> value;
144: if (offset < 0)
145: break;
146: if (offset > 9)
147: {
148: cout << "***Please use values between 0 and 9.***\n";
149: continue;
150: }
151: theArray[offset] = value;
152: }
153: }
156: void AnimalFillFunction(Array<Animal>& theArr,
157: {
158: Animal * pAnimal;
159: for (int i = 0; i<theArray.GetSize; i++)
160: {
161: pAnimal = new Animal(i*10);
162: theArray[i] = *pAnimal;
163: delete pAnimal;
164: }
165: }
Примечание:Для облегчения анализа в приведенные ниже результаты работы программы добавлены номера строк, но в действительности они не выводятся.
1: animal animal animal Enter an offset (0-9) and a value. (-1 to stop): 0 0
2: Enter an offset (0-9) and a value. (-1 to stop): 1 1
3: Enter an offset (0-9) and a value. (-1 to stop): 2 2
4: Enter an offset (0-9) and a value. (-1 to stop): 3 3
5: Enter an offset (0-9) and a value. (-1 to stop): -1 -1
6: animal(int) Destroyed an animal...animal(int) Destroyed an animal...animal(int) Destroyed an animal...initArray...
7: [0] 0
8: [1] 1
9: [2] 2
11: animal array
12: [0] 0
13: [1] 10
14: [2] 20
16: Destroyed an animal...Destroyed an animal...Destroyed an animal
17: <<< Second run >>>
18: animal(int) Destroyed an animal..
19: animal(int) Destroyed an animal..
20: animal(int) Destroyed an animal..
21: Enter an offset (0-9) and a value. (-1 to stop): 0 0
22: Enter an offset (0-9) and a value. (-1 to stop): 1 1