Quantum entanglement, or The destiny rock
And it went like this.
Chapter 2: Testing the Future
– Buddy, why don't we see what happens tomorrow?
When the "luminary of science" began in such a manner, which was expressed in the suggestion of something uninteresting, illogical and even stupid, Rutra immediately realized that he was up to something grandiose.
– We'll sleep tonight and see what happens tomorrow," Ruthra replied in the same manner.
– Then think about our role in the life of other worlds.
– And how have we affected these worlds?
– So that's something that needs to be checked out.
– And how's that?
– I thought you were smarter than that.
– You shouldn't have thought so.
They laughed. Many people, listening to their conversation from the outside, took their remarks seriously, which puzzled them about their relationship: it seemed that they were almost enemies, when in fact they were amusing themselves by arousing the emotions of others.
Rutra even had a peculiar theory about this kind of catching pleasure from influencing the emo ts y of those around him. This theory was part of his worldview about metaphysics. And the essence of it was people's uncertainty about understanding god, namely, what god needs from us. According to the logic that people put into the concept of god, it would be reasonable to assume that god doesn't need people at all. And if he created them, it means that he pursued some purpose. Everyone explained this purpose in his own way, starting from sages, thinkers and ending with charlatans and swindlers. Much more there were, of course, self-confident, and sometimes autocrats, fantasists. And it was a blessing if they did not have a sick imagination.
Rutra answered such a question as follows: since god is not material, he does not need material things. And since we have to give him immaterial things, the god, from whom we ask anything for our happiness, demands happiness back, but already processed, born from his seed, the happiness he gave us. And if you did not give him back anything good, spoiled what he gave, lost it, and suddenly – what is worse – turned it into grief, then accept his anger as education. This is the unity and struggle of opposites. But are they opposites? Perhaps it is something that creates the world. After all, agree, a world with only grief and negativity must eventually die. It is logical that the developed worlds, of which there are many in the universe according to Rutra's theory, have passed this stage. The stage of creating negativity from negativity. Blood feuds must stop at some point, or everyone will die at some point. In the other interpretation, however, there can be no intelligent god. God is something amorphous on which the entire universe depends. For example, one part of it is the law of universal gravitation. And according to this theory, reason again rests on the same truth. Since we can evolve by becoming better than each other, we become worse by killing. Simple logic, but isn't don't kill, don't steal complex logic? Isn't everything in this logical paradigm? For those who believe in the spiritual essence of god, we give him our positive emotions. And for those who believe in logic based on empirical reasoning – some super civilization is harvesting the energy, our brain waves, that we emit during euphoria – of happiness, of pleasure. Now think about it. If we become a supercivilization, if we can move through the worlds with the help of the influence of entangled pairs of elementary particles of atom on each other – we will not be able to take anything material from there. It is useless to move material things across great cosmic distances. Then what? The same waves of happiness. Imagine what kind of currency it will be, what kind of drug it will be, although maybe it will be the medicine of the soul in the future. After all, if our bodies do not matter for our existence – only spiritual food will be needed.
While thinking about the fact that his friend's jokes clearly carried a scientific assumption, a thought occurred to Ruthra. It was a question – why doesn't anyone come to us from other worlds? He thought about it and found the answer himself. How can they come if they don't have a welcoming terminal. That is, you can send a radio signal – even to the next street, even to deep space. If they don't have a receiving facility, all your efforts are useless.
– Listen, Mr. Smartass, I've got a clever idea," Ruthra addressed the scientist mentally.
– I'm ready to feed off your happy ideas.
– What if we put the brain in a consciousness receiving setting and put it into a trance state?
– Is this your grand idea? – sneered a colleague.
– I thought your brain power was strong enough to process that information. All right, I'll give you a new batch. We've been working on modifying the optical unit for six months now. We combined it with the collider and the emitter in the reverse order of particle motion and turned it into a receiving device. We know the principle. Let's install a transmitting device on the other side so that it does not send from the brain, but introduces there the influence of entangled pairs. If it is a natural, natural influence of pairs on each other, the brain will not understand anything. Like white noise on radio and television. And if there is something there that the brain understands, then the brain should sort of see it. So we will try to record the influence not of particles of this brain on particles somewhere else in the world, but the influence of any particles on this brain.
– Let's start with your great brain.
– I'm not a scaredy-cat, unlike you.
– Oh, oh, Darwin's theory in practice.
– Shall we?
– Well, it's your brain, I don't care. I have your clone. I'll restore my chess partner. I don't need a competitor.
– I didn't doubt your loyalty. I'm going to the lab.
– Are you eager to test your innovation?
– I got a report this morning that the system is ready. What are you waiting for? Let's at least test it.
– Well, it's your brain. Torture it.
Ruthra waved his hand, a gesture that said "I'm done with you," and headed for the rigging room.
Rutra lay in the rig, the assistants switched the rig to the mode he recommended, performed additional procedures. Ten minutes of manipulation yielded nothing. They called in additional technicians and a programmer. Another ten minutes of fiddling and no result. Ruthra didn't want to believe that no one from other worlds could come to Earth. The impossibility of it, the unreality of such a process, defied logic. The revolutionary technology had to work both ways. It was, in fact, a natural process. Unusual, perhaps, but natural. If you hear, you are heard. If you see, they see you. If your organs can be transplanted to someone else, someone else's organs can be transplanted to you. If your thoughts influence someone – and you are influenced by someone else's thoughts. Why can you accept electrons coming from a distant star, galaxy, some radiation, but you cannot accept the totality of all thoughts, which are someone else's thoughts? That is, someone's identity as such. Why not? You can. Only in the same way that you can hear someone's voice or the signals of distant stars using an instrument created by your brain; you need another instrument to receive the radiation of the thoughts of a distant being from the vast expanse of the universe.
Something wasn't working. Ruthra was getting nervous, and Parmen was teasing him:
– You fall asleep, go into a trance and then imagine you're there somewhere. It'll suck, but it'll give the Grand Master peace of mind. He really doesn't want to admit failure.
– You'd better be quiet, 'luminary of science,'" Ruthra replied in a tone that only Parmen understood.
– Maybe you really need to calm down your emotional state? – suggested one of the professors, the chief laboratory specialist.
– I'm calm.
– Maybe it's a blockage. You really need to calm down. Let's do this: you will try to create a detached state for yourself, to go into a trance… or better yet, to fall asleep, and we will scan all the incoming frequencies that are functional for the brain. We will switch the equipment to all modes. And if you feel any changes, let us know.
– All right. (chuckles) Let's try that, too, and if it doesn't work, I'm sorry, I'll take it from here.
Soon Rutra went into a trance by meditation, or perhaps he fell asleep. Somewhere in the depths of nirvana he heard Parmen's voice whispering in his ear: