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Quantum entanglement, or The destiny rock

– I am a scientist, Ruthra Paschow. I invented the technique of body cloning.

– Tell me about the technology.

Ruthra took a deep breath, then exhaled. He decided not to be nervous.

– There's nothing particularly complicated about it, really. Human bodies can be cloned… just like regular animals, which are already being cloned on an industrial scale. Some of the difficulty is the ability to accelerate the growth of the body. However, this too is solved by the rapid growth technique used in animal breeding. The difficult part of this process is moving consciousness into the brain. It was a real challenge, but I managed it.

– What is consciousness?

– It is our memory recorded in detail and billions of connections, neural contacts, outside the body and in the body, providing that body with the highest level of functioning. The more connections, the more intelligence. At a certain level there comes a verge ts a of arithmetic and geometric progression, forcing us to do the next, improved action to maintain the previous one. This is how we sharpened flint, invented the bicycle, flew into space, and created artificial intelligence.

Ruthra said the last, emphasizing the word 'artificial'.

– What matters, of course, is how quickly these connections commutate with each other and determine, based on life experience, the most optimal, best solutions. And now, please, you explain what is happening and where I have found myself?

– You came into our world unannounced. You're not in the program. I received no notification of your arrival. And frankly, I don't know your mission. However, since you showed up instead of the one who was supposed to carry out the program's mission, you'll have to carry it out.

– Very interesting and lucid. Now, humanly speaking, please. What's the mission? What's the program? What's going on here? Where am I, anyway? Oh, and free me, damn it!

– I must give you an introduction, then you can see for yourself. As you know.

– Just wait! Set me free! I don't know anything!

– Just listen," Ruthra heard directly in his head, and at the same time he felt free of the invisible shackles. – Are you comfortable communicating aloud or silently? This body is prepared for all options.

– Out loud," Ruthra said loudly.

– Listen, please. As you know, the temperature on planet Earth has been rising steadily.

– Really," Ruthra interrupted wryly again.

– Don't interrupt. Or I'll have to strap you back in.

At these words, Ruthra jumped off the couch.

– No shit.

– Listen, please.

– All right. Go ahead.

– After 2027, the process became irreversible. The constant increase in temperature caused the melting of fossil glaciers, and most coastal cities and countries began to flood. The UN decided to give the territory of Siberia to the inhabitants of the flooded areas, as the climate there has become moderate. In return, Russia demanded that the main control center of the world government be located in Moscow under the administration of the Russian president and another 30% of the UN budget. This led to a conflict in the movement of finances, distribution of resources, coupled with the fact that armed conflicts began around the world… all of which caused the Perimeter system to go into combat mode.

– Wait, wait, wait. Let's say I believe all this. First, what kind of perimeter system are you talking about?

– The Perimeter system is a complex of automatic control of a massive retaliatory nuclear strike. To ensure guaranteed fulfillment of its role, the system was originally designed as fully automatic, and in the event of a massive attack is capable of making a decision on an adequate retaliatory strike on its own, without human participation. In Europe and the United States, it is known as the "Dead Hand." It is a complex expert system equipped with a multitude of sensors, monitors the presence and intensity of negotiations in all systems. It is an artificial intelligence.

– I don't believe any of this, but I realize something extraordinary is going on here. What's the bottom line?

– The Perimeter system has gone into combat mode, can launch missiles at any moment.

– Anything at all? Why didn't she launch? Or what does it depend on?

– The system went offline in 2029, and conditions have been met since then to ensure that it does not activate.

– This is already interesting. What are the conditions and why can't it just be turned off?

– You can't turn it off. It's designed that way. No one thought about it at first. But when they decided to disable it, it turns out it sees it as an enemy takeover of the system. There's no password from the system's true creator. It was created that way, as it turns out, on purpose. And the conditions: it requires full access to all radio and television broadcasting systems, control of all types of communication.

– Why?

– Only in this case the system as if calms down, seeing the absence of danger. Otherwise, it perceived the information being voiced as deception, which was the case at the beginning, when they tried to put it into a rest mode and disable the missiles themselves. Now all systems are under her control, and she cannot disbelieve herself. This is how peace, and in fact the existence of life on the entire Earth, is preserved, because when she launches it will certainly be retaliated against.

– Now, this is all very interesting, but I want to check it out for myself. First of all, who are you who's talking to me?

– I told you, I'm a machine.

– Okay, I'll take that as a yes. Then give me the people. Where am I, actually?

– This is RAS, the Russian Academy of Sciences. The main control unit of all artificial intelligent systems is located here. To be more precise, the Academy as such is no longer here. The whole building is a single block with a central control core. In our world, everything is made of structured water. Signals are better transmitted in water.

– That's very clear. I'll try to understand sometime. But I'd still like to see some real people. How do I get to the control unit, the central office… or better yet, the Presidium.

– I haven't told you everything yet. There are no people here. No one lives in Moscow.

– Look, stop this concert. What's going on?

– Listen to this, then you'll understand what happened. A lot of things have changed. The world's a different place.

Ruthra decided to be quiet, to listen. Suddenly water appeared in front of him, right in the air, in front of his mouth, in the form of a ball… or a big huge drop. He was thirsty and had been wondering where to get water until then. It surprised him, and he began to suspect that he was in a virtual reality or a dream, but he drank the water. It poured into his mouth as soon as he opened it.

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