Странности нашего тела – 2
33. Juan S. Synthetic people // Sun-Herald (Sydney). 2 May 1999. Tempo. P. 16.
34. Juan S. What is the Pinocchio effect? // New York Daily News. 2 August 2005. Body Work. P. 1–2.
35. Juan S. What is the Pinocchio effect? // National Post (Toronto). 22 August 2005. Body & Health. P. 1–2.
Глава 3
1. Apple D. and Rabb M. Ocular Pathology (5 thed.). St Louis: Mosby, 1998.
2. Доктор
3. Coulombre A. The role of intraocular pressure in the development of the chick eye // Journal of Experimental Zoology, 1956. Vol. 133. P. 211–225.
4. Goss R. The Physiology of Growth. N. Y.: Academic Press, 1978. P. 191–199.
5. Juan S. Do my eyeballs remain the same size from birth? // National Post (Toronto). 22 August 2005. Body & Health. P. 2.
6. Adler’s Physiology of the Eye (10 thed.) / Moses R. and Hart W. St Louis: Mosby, 2003.
7. Juan S. The eyes have it // New York Daily News. 8 September 2004. Body Work. P. 2.
8. Доктор Том Стикел работает на факультете оптометрии университета Индианы в Блумингтоне (США).
9. Schwartz S. Visual Perception: A Clinical Orientation. Connecticut, Norwalk: Appleton & Lange, 1994.
10. Juan S. How long does it take to damage your eyes when you stare at the sun? // National Post (Toronto). 11 October 2005. Body & Health. P. 1–2.
11. Доктор Джон Моренски работает на факультете нейрохирургии университета Миссури в Колумбии (США).
12. Juan S. Why do I sometimes visualize a glowing green or yellow 'eye' after rubbing my eyes? // National Post (Toronto). 16 January 2006. Body & Health. P. 1–2.
13. Lessard N., Pare M., Lepore F. and Lassonde M. Earlyblind human subjects localize sound souces better than sighted subjects // Nature, 1998. Vol. 395. P. 278–280.
14. Lessard N., Lepore F., Villemagne J. and Lassonde M. Sound localization in callosal agenesis and early callosotomy subjects: Brain reorganization and compensatory strategies // Brain, 2002. Vol. 125. P. 1039–1053.
15. Pallarito K. Early blindness sharpens sense of sound // Daily Health and Medical News. 18 August 2004.
16. Wuensch K., Chia R., Castellow W., Chuang С. and Cheng B. Effects of physical attractiveness, sex, and type of crime on mock juror decisions: A replication with Chinese students // Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 1993. Vol. 24. P. 414–427.
17. Wuensch K. and Moore C. Effects of physical attractiveness on evaluations of a male employee’s allegations of sexual harassment by his female employer // Journal of Social Psychology, 2004. Vol. 144. P. 207–211.
18. Доктор'a Д. Абвендер и К. Хаф работают на факультете психологии
19. Abwender D. and Hough K. Interactive effects of characteristics of defendant and mock juror on US participants'judgment and sentencing recommendations // Journal of Social Psychology, 2001. Vol. 141. P. 603–615.
20. Juan S. Unique eye-dentity // New York Daily News. 5 April 2005. Body Work. P. 1.
21. Juan S. Iris, retina hold keys to eye-dentification // National Post (Toronto). 9 May 2005. Body & Health. P. 1.
22. Juan S. How does peripheral vision work? // National Post (Toronto). 24 October 2005. Body & Health. P. 2.
23. Доктор Том Вильсон – патолог онкологического отделения медицинской школы Университета Вашингтона в Сент-Луисе (Миссури, США).
24. Heydt R. von der. Image parsing mechanisms of the visual cortex // J. Werner and L. Calupa. The Visual Neurosciences, MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 2003. P. 1139–1150.
25. Sheldrake R. The Sense of Being Stared. N. Y.: Three Rivers Press, 2003.
26. Rosenthal G., Soper B., Folse E. and Whipple G. Ability to detect covert observations // Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1997. Vol. 85. P. 75.
27. Доктор'a К. М. Кук и М. А. Персингер работают на кафедре неврологии Лаврентийского университета в Онтарио (Канада).
28. Cook C. and Persinger M. Experimental induction of the 'sensed presence' in normal subjects and an exceptional subject // Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1997. Vol. 85. P. 683.
29. Juan S. Do supermarkets hypnotize you to shop? // National Post (Toronto). 12 December 2005. Body & Health. P. 1–2.
30. Juan S. The ghost in the machine // New York Daily News. 28 September 2004. Body Work. P. 2.
Глава 4
1. Juan S. The psychology of smell // Sun-Herald (Sydney). 4 April 1999. Tempo. P. 13.
2. Интервью, 12 марта 1999.
3. Juan S. Can the smell in a supermarket affect consumer spending? // National Post (Toronto). 11 October 2005. Body & Health. P. 2.
4. Juan S. Cinnamon buns take the cake with smell // National Post (Toronto). 17 October 2005. Body & Health. P. 1–2.
5. Доктор Р. Джеймс Свансон работает на кафедре биологических наук, акушерства и гинекологии университета в Норфолке (Вирджиния, США).
6. Juan S. Cat hair has no effect on nasal hair // National Post (Toronto). 9 January 2006. Body & Health. P. 1.
7. Carlos Padilla is from the University Clinic at the University of Texas Health Science Center in Austin.
8. Juan S. Can the cold cause a cold? // National Post (Toronto). 14 March 2005. Body & Health. P. 1–2.