Театр абсурда
Caragiale, unpublished La Jeune Fille i Marier(first performance 1953), in Thidtre II(trans.
by Donald Watson, Maid to Marry,in Plays,voL III)
Le Maitre(first performance 1953), in Thidtre II(trans. by Derek Prouse, The Leader,in Plays,vol. IV)
Le Connaissez-Vous?(first performance I9J3). unpublished La Niice-Epou*e(first performance 1933), unpublished Le Rhume Onirique(first performance 1953), unpublished Le Tableau(first performance 1955), Dossiers Acinonites de College de Pataphysique,no. 1, 1958; also in Thidtre III(trans. by Donald
Watson, The Picture,broadcast in B.B.C. Third Programme,
L'Impromptu de ГAlma ou Le Camilion du Berger(written 1955, first performance 1956), in Thidtre II(trans. by Donald Watson, Improvisation or The Shepherd's Chameleon,in Plays,vol. Ill) Impromptu pour la Duchesse de Windsor(written 1957, first performance
1957), unpublished (trans. by Donald Watson, unpublished)
Tueur Sans Gages(written 1937, first performance 1959), in Thidtre II(trans. by Donald Watson, The Killer,in Plays,voL IIQ [Le] Rhinocbos[the definite article on the tide page is an error by the publishers] (written 1938, first performance 1959), Paris: Gallimard, 1959 (in the series ‘Le Manteau d’Arlequin’); also in Thidtre III(trans. by Derek Prouse, Rhinoceros,in Plays,vol. IV, and in Penguin Plays,1962)
Seine h Quatre(written 1939, first performance 1959), Cahiers du College de Pataphysique, Dossier 7,1959; also Paris: Avant-Sckneno. 210,
15 December 1959; also in Thidtre III(trans. by Donald M. Allen, Foursome,New York: Evergreen Review,no. 13, May-June i960) Apprendre i Marcher, Ballet(first performance i960), in Thidtre IV Les Salutations(opening scene of an as yet uncompleted play, Scene a Sept),Paris: LesLettres Francises,no. 805, 31 December i960; also in Thidtre III
Le Roi se Moot(written 1962, first performance 1962), Paris: Gallimard, 1963; also in Thidtre IV(trans. by Donald Watson, Exit the King,in Plays,vol. V)
Le Piiton de Г Air(written 1962, first performance 1963), in Thidtre
III(trans. by Donald Watson, A Stroll in the Air,in Plays,voL VI) Dilire et Deux… h tant qu on veut(written 1962, first performed 1962), in Thidtre III(trans. by Donald Watson, Frenzy for Two,in Plays,vol. VI)
La Soif et la Faim(written 1965, first performance 1966), in Thidtre IV(trans. by Donald Watson, Hunger and Thirst,in Plays,voL VII) Jeux de Massacre,Paris: Gallimard 1970 Macbett,Paris: Gallimard, 1972
VHomme aux Valises suivi de Ce Formidable Bordel,Paris: Gallimard, 1973 (trans. adapted by Israel Horovitz, Man with Bags,New York: Grove Press, 1977)
Collected editions
Thidtre I,Paris: Arcanes, 1953 (in the series ‘Locus Soltis’), contains: La СапШгке Chauve, La Lefon, Jacques ou La Soumission, Le Salon de Г Automobile
[A second volume of the above edition, announced as being in preparation in 1953, did not appear. It was to contain: Les Chaises, Victimes du Devoir, La Niice-Epouse, La Jeune Fille h Marier]
ThMltre I,Paris: Gallimard, 1954, contains: Prefaceby Jacques Lemarchand, La Cantatrice Chauve, La Legon, Jacques, ou La Sou- mission, Les Chaises, Victimes du Devoir, Amidii ThMtre II,Paris: Gallimard, 1958, contains: L'Impromptu de TAlma, Tueur Sans Gages, Le Nouveau Locataire, L'Avenir est dans les CBufs, Le Maitre, La Jeune Fille A Marier ThMltre III,Paris: Gallimard. 1963, contains: Rhinoceros, Le Ptiton de Г Air, Dilire i Deux, Le Tableau, Scene h Quatre, Les Salutations, La Colire
Thitre IV,Paris: Gallimard, 1966, contains: Le Roi se Meurt, La Soif et la Faim, La Laame, Le Salon de Г Automobile, L’CEuf Dur, Le Jeune Homme i Marier, Apprendre i Marcher ThiHtre V,Paris: Gallimard, 1974, contains: Jeux de Massacre, Mac- belt. La Vase, Exercices de conversation et de diction Francoises pour itudiants Ambicains
English translations
[Ionesco’s plays have been published by Grove Press, New York, and John Calder, London. The first volume of these editions differs; the others are identical]
Vol. I [U.S. edition], trans. by Donald M. Allen, contains: The Bald Soprano, The Lesson, Jack or The Submission, The ChairsVol. I [English edition], trans. by Donald Watson, contains: The Lesson, The Chairs, The Bald Prima Donna, Jacques or ObedienceVol. II, trans. by Donald Watson, contains: AmitUe or How to get rid of it. The New Tenant, Victims of DutyVol. Ill, trans. by Donald Watson, contains: The Killer, Improvisation or The Shepherd’s Chameleon, Maid to Marry