Закат Америки. Уже скоро
29. Associated Press, «U.S. Defense Secretary Says NATO Could Become a Relic of History», December 5,2000. Available at:cnn com/2000/WORLD/europe/12/05/nato ap/index html.
30. «The Alliance at Risk», Guardian, November 24,1999.
31. Cited in Stephen Fidler, «Between Two Camps», Financial Times, February 14, 2001.
32.John R. Bolton, testimony before the House International Relations Committee, November 10, 1999, p. 1. Available at:house gov/internationaLrelations/ 106/full/ 106first/testimony/bolton htm.
33. И Буш, и Пауэлл утверждали, что создание европейского военного контингента
34. John Vinocur, «America's „We'll Call If We Need You“ War», International Herald Tribune, October 3, 2001.
35. The Pew Global Attitudes Project, survey released on December 14,2001. Available at:people-press org.
36. Steven Erlanger, «German Joins Europe's Cry that the U.S. Won't Consult», New York Times, February 13, 2002; Suzanne Daley, «Many in Europe Voice Worry U.S. Will Not Consult Them», New York Times, January 31,2002; and Steven Erlanger, «Protest, and Friends Too, Await Bush in Europe», New York Times, May 22, 2002.
37. Andrew Sullivan, «America at War: America Wakes Up to a World of Fear», Sunday Times (London), September 16, 2001; and Marshall Wittman, panel discussion at the New America Foundation, «21 st Century Infamy: The Terrorism of September 1 lth and Implications for American Foreign Policy», September 13, 2001.
38. Tom Segev, «One Palestine, Complete: Jews and Arabs Under the British Mandate», trans. Haim Watzman (New York: Metropolitan Books, 2000), p. 495, 460.
39. Martha Crenshaw, «The Effectiveness of Terrorism in the Algerian War», in «Terrorism in Context», ed. Martha Crenshaw (University Park, Pa.: Penn State University Press, 1995), p. 512—513.
40. Alistair Home, «A Savage War of Peace: Algeria, 1954—1962» (New York: Viking, 1977), p. 444.
41. Crenshaw, «The Effectiveness of Terrorism In the Algerian War», p. 480.
42. Thomas Friedman, «A Memo from Osama», New York Times, June 26, 2001.
43. Discussion on «International Correspondents», CNN, October 6, 2001.
44. Alan Sipress and Lee Hockstader, «Sharon Speech Riles U.S»., Washington Post, October 6, 2001.
45. Cm. Elaine Sciolino and Eric Schmitt, «U.S. Rethinks Its Role in Saudi Arabia», New York Times, March 10, 2002;
and Shibley Telhami, «Shrinking Our Presence in Saudi Arabia», New York Times, January 29, 2002.
46. Richard Morin and Claudia Deane, «Poll: Americans Trust in Government Grows», Washington Post, September 28,2001.
47.«Presidential Debate I», October 3, 2000, Boston, Massachusetts. Available at:foreignpolicy2000.org/debate/candidate/candidate html.
48.Cited in Steven Mufson and John Harris, «Novice Became Confident Diplomat on World Stage», Washington Post, January 15, 2001.
49. Sebastian Mallaby,
50. «U.S. Urges Bin Laden to Form Nation It Can Attack», The Onion, October 3, 2001.
51. Cm. Peter Trubowitz, «Defining the National Interest: Conflict and Change in American Foreign Policy» (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1998), p. 171—234.
52. «Южный регион», поданным Статистического бюро, включает в себя Алабаму, Арканзас, Делавэр, Флориду, Джорджию, Кентукки. Луизиану, Мериленд, Миссисипи, Северную Каролину, Оклахому, Южную Каролину, Теннеси, Техас, Виргинию, Западную Виргинию и Вашингтон, округ Колумбия. Данные о населении приводятся из отчета Статистического бюро США «Resident Populations of the 50 States, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico», Census 2000: Available at:census gov/population/ cen2000/phc-t2/tab01.pdf. Recruitment data from Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Force Management Policy, «AC Enlisted Accessions by Geography», Population Representation in the Military-Services. Available at: http: / / dticaw dtic mil/prhome / poprep98 / html / 2-geography. html.
53. В рассматриваемые данные включаются действующие базы, резервные и охраняемые территории и исключаются участки менее 10 акров площадью и менее 10 миллионов долларов по стоимости. Цифры приводятся по отчету министерства обороны, Office of the Deputy Undersecretary for Defense (Installations & Environment), «Base Structure Report (A Summary of DoD's Real Property Inventory), Fiscal Year 2001 Baseline». Available at: http: / /www acq osd mil/installation/irm/irmlibrary/bsr2001.pdf;andU.S. Census Bureau, «Land Area, Population, and Density for States and Counties», Census 1990. Available at:census gov/population/censusdata/9odenstco.txt.
54. Department of Defense, Washington Headquarters Services, Directorate for Information Operations and Reports, «Prime Contract Awards by Region and State, Fiscal Years 2000, 1999, and 1998», Table I-i. Available at:whs. osd mil/ peidhome/geostats/p06/fy2000/p06tabi. htm.
55. Peter D. Feaver and Richard H. Kohn, «The Gap: Soldiers, Civilians, and Their Mutual Misunderstanding», National Interest, no. 61 (Fall 2000), p. 29—37. См. также the Triangle Institute for Strategic Studies, «Project on the Gap Between the Military and Civilian Society», Digest of Findings and Studies Presented at the Conference on the Military and Civilian Society, October 28—29, 1999. Available at:unc edu/depts/tiss/RESEARCH/CIVMIL.htm.
56. Walter Russell Mead, «The Jacksonian Tradition and American Foreign Policy», National Interest, no. 58 (Winter 1999—2000), p. 5—29.
57. Министерство обороны сообщает, что на военную службу чаще стремятся представители «областей, отстающих в социально-экономическом развитии… при малом представительстве офицеров из наиболее развитых райо нов…» Родители призывников также чаще всего принадлежат «к классу с низким социальным статусом». См.: Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Force Management Policy), «Population Representation in the Military Services», November 2000. Available at:dtic mil/ prho me/poprep99/ index html.