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1500 русских и 1500 английских идиом, фразеологизмов и устойчивых словосочетаний

Григорьева Анна Ивановна


висеть на волоске

to hang by a thread

His life was hanging by a thread.

висеть над головой (у кого-л.)

to hang over one’s head

The threat of dismissal hung over my head.

витать в облаках

to have one’s head in the clouds

The new secretary must be in love. She has her head in the clouds most of the time.

вить веревки (из кого-л.)

to twist/wrap someone round one’s little finger

His wife can twist him round her little finger.



to keep one’s temper

You should learn to keep your temper.

власти предержащие

the powers that be

The powers that be have decided to demolish the old building to make space for a car park.

влетать в копеечку (кому-л.)

to cost someone a pretty penny

That house must have cost them a pretty penny.

вместе с водой выплеснуть и ребенка

to throw the baby out with the bath water

I know there are weaknesses in the programme but we shouldn’t act too hastily and throw the baby out with the bath water.

вне себя

beside oneself

She was beside herself with joy when she heard the news about her son.

вносить свою лепту

to do one’s bit

We must all do our bit to finish this job in time.

во весь голос

at the top of one’s voice

He was shouting at the top of his voice.

во весь опор

at full tilt; for all one is worth

The boy was running at full tilt down the street.

I ran to the station for all I was worth to catch the last train.

во все глаза

all eyes

The children were all eyes, taking in every detail of their new house.

во всю мочь

with all one’s might

He struggled with all his might to open the stiff door but it stayed shut.

во всю прыть

like greased lightning; like a bat out of hell

He ran out of the room like greased lightning.

The dog ran after the cat like a bat out of hell.

во плоти

in the flesh

I’ve never seen the Queen in the flesh.

во что бы то ни стало

at all costs; at any price

You must at all costs avoid an argument with your employer.

He was determined to get his freedom at any price.

водить за нос (кого-л.)

to lead someone up the garden path; to take someone for a ride

He never realised that she had been leading him up the garden path.

The people who have invested their money in this project have been taken for a ride.

водой не разольешь

as thick as thieves

Mary and Tom are as thick as thieves. They go everywhere together.

возводить на


to put someone on a pedestal

He has put his wife on a pedestal and won’t listen to a word of criticism against her.

возлагать надежды (на кого-л./что-л.)

to pin one’s hopes on someone/something

We are pinning our hopes on the new advertising campaign.

возродиться из пепла

to rise from the ashes

He bought the firm when it was bankrupt. Now it has risen from the ashes and is in profit.

войти в историю

to go down in history

I’m sure that his name will go down in history.

волк в овечьей шкуре

a wolf in sheep’s clothing

I always suspected that he was a wolf in sheep’s clothing.

волосы становятся дыбом кого-л.)

one’s hair stands on end

When the boy heard that sound, his hair stood on end.

вольная птица

(as) free as a bird

He felt as free as a bird when he escaped to his country house.

вооруженный до зубов

armed to the teeth

The robber was armed to the teeth and ready to fight.

I arrived for the interview armed to the teeth with letters of recommendation.

вопрос жизни и смерти

a matter of life and death

Go and get the doctor. Tell him it’s a matter of life and death.

воротить нос (от чего-л.)

to turn one’s nose up at something

She always turns her nose up at my cooking.

ворошить прошлое

to rake over the ashes/coals

Jim has already made an apology for his rude behaviour, so there’s no need to rake over the ashes.

воскрешать в памяти (что-л.)

to call something to mind

I know this actor but I can’t call his name to mind.

воспрянуть духом

to take heart

The soldiers took heart when they heard the news.

вот тебе и раз!

well, did you ever!; I say!

Well, did you ever! Mrs Smith has finally decided to move house.

I say! What a surprise!

впадать в детство

to be in one’s second childhood

He was acting very strange, as if he was in his second childhood.

впадать в немилость

to fall from grace

He was one of the president’s closest advisers for several years but fell from grace when the fraud was discovered.

впадать в уныние

to lose heart

After so many unsuccessful attempts to win the championship, he began to lose heart.

впитать с молоком матери (что-л.)

to imbibe something with one’s mother’s milk

We imbibed a love for music with our mother’s milk.

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Рей Полина
Любовные романы:
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рейтинг книги


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альтернативная история
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Эволюционер из трущоб. Том 2

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2. Эволюционер из трущоб
космическая фантастика
рейтинг книги
Эволюционер из трущоб. Том 2

Законы рода

Flow Ascold
1. Граф Берестьев
боевая фантастика
рейтинг книги
Законы рода

Штуцер и тесак

Дроздов Анатолий Федорович
1. Штуцер и тесак
боевая фантастика
альтернативная история
рейтинг книги
Штуцер и тесак

Идеальный мир для Социопата

Сапфир Олег
1. Социопат
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Сумеречный Стрелок 5

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Мое ускорение

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Спасите меня, Кацураги-сан! Том 2

Аржанов Алексей
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Спасите меня, Кацураги-сан! Том 2