54 исторические миниатюры и 29 переводов. Сборник
Jednak pojawienie sie nowego czlowieka, nowych umiejetno'sci, nowych mozliwo'sci bylo i nadal pozostaje masowym. Cywilizacyjne inwestycje daly cywilizacyjny doch'od.
Pan Коперник, znacie. Na wielkich przestrzeniach wkr'otce moze doj's'c do wladzy spoleczno's'c bardzo swoistych dzialaczy politycznych.
W tej spoleczno's'c, nawiasem m'owia'c, sa i ludzie z religijna edukacja.
Wreszcie, burzliwa i niejednoznaczna polityczna aktywno's'c wspomnianej grupy swoistych politycznych dzialaczy moze sko'nczy'c sie tak samo niejednoznaczne. I ksztaltowa'c stosunkowo dlugi okres intensywnego rozwoju gospodarczego.
A w takim rozwoju jednego z gl'ownych zada'n moze stana'c stworzenie rakietowo-kosmicznej i lotniczej branzy .
Ekonomia i finanse? Czy nie mozna rozwiazywa'c te problemy na koszt pa'nstwa?
Zagrozenia dla zycia, zwiazane z awaryjno'scia? Te pytania pa'nstwo moze r'owniez wzia'c na siebie.
Marzenie o "nowe spolecze'nstwo" moga by'c uzupelniona marzeniem o rosnacych na Marsie jabloniach...
Ten potencjal, kt'ory tworzyli i tworza panowie Zukowski i Ciolkowski, otrzyma mozliwo'sci praktycznego wcielenia.
Wyraze swoje zdanie wzgledem termin'ow. W 'srodku XX stulecia stana sie bardzo istotne wydarzenia. My'sle: wystrzelenie w przestrze'n kosmiczna pierwszego sztucznego satelity ziemi - druga polowa lat 1950, rakiety kosmicznej z czlowiekiem na pokladzie - poczatek lat 1960.
Co powiecie, pan Kopernik?
– Moge powiedzie'c, pan Newton, ze nie ma gwarancji, ze na Marsie jablko nie upadnie na glowe genialnego uczonego.
– To nie bedzie przeczylo zasadom heliocentrycznej koncepcji, pan Kopernik. Podpowied'z mozliwo'sci osobistego spotkania na Marsie?
– Dziekuje za omawianie, pan Newton! Uwazam, co i Geo-Marsja'nska (Geo-Martian) technologiczna rewolucje 21 stulecia, i nasze spotkanie na Marsie mozna charakteryzowa'c jak bardzo wiarygodne perspektywy. Do spotkania na Marsie!
– Przyjemnie, pan
Zobaczymy sie na Marsie!
15 lutego 2017 - 26 marca 2017.
Eksperymentalny tlumaczenia z jezyka rosyjskiego na jezyk polski: 28.09.2017 23:19.
Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Сказка о беседе Николая Коперника и Исаака Ньютона". (Из Сборника "Две сказки о четырех технических революциях").
(Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich "The tale about conversation between Nicolaus Copernicus and Isaac Newton". (From the Collection "Two Tales of Four Technical Revolutions").
– Translation from Russian into English.)
XXVIII. The tale about provident Baron and genius Inventor (From the Collection "Two Tales of Four Technical Revolutions").
(Phased translation from Russian into English).
1861. Ancient castle. The ingenious Inventor hurrying on affairs. Inventor of the engine of Industrial revolution.
Portraits on the walls.
A man came down from one of the portraits.
– Do you mind, Mr. Academician, if I walk with you for a few minutes?
– I will consider it as honor, mister Baron, - the Inventor has answered.
Delicately refused in due time from the title of Baron, a brilliant Inventor has not renounced membership in different scientific societies and was a member of the Royal societies of London and Edinburgh, to the Paris Academy and many others.
– I am getting acquainted, Mr. Academician, at leisure with literature. Recently read a biographic essay about You. For example, what is there about You said: "He was very happy with their monetary companions."
The Baron looked attentively at the Inventor. And continuing:
– Writers like to speak beautifully ... Sometimes it is difficult to understand where the truth is. Makes you wonder about the power of literary creativity and about change of focus of attention. So I distrustfully reacted to "happiness", was "granted", "given" by the monetary companions ... By coincidence, I saw you, Mr. Academician. And I decided to clarify for himself the question ...
– Imagine, mister Baron, all arising up difficulties were settled well. In the end, the practical implementation of my invention has completed successfully. By and large, I have no claims to partners. Even there are occasions to thank them..
– Perfectly, Mr. Academician! I see that the author of biographic essay about You tried to be exact. I thank You for an answer!
It seemed to the Inventor that a Baron intended to return back in a portrait.
– I will take an opportunity, mister Baron. I will take an interest. How did You decide, personally You - it's understandable, not alone, - but personally You ... To go to the Head of State, to demand from him the signing of the Historical Charter of constitutionality, parliamentarism and justice?
Baron smiled:
– As said by a famous writer, my distant relative, "Wake up - clean the planet." At that time, we did not have such an ambitious task, but we decided to heed the recommendation. The formulation was a little changed: "woke up - get busy improving the affairs on the Island". So, I woke up and started to work, started to act ...