Американский английский языка по методу доктора Пимслера. Уроки 1 - 30.
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Скажите «я хотела бы поужинать с вами сегодня вечером».
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I’d like to have dinner with you tonight.
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Не сегодня вечером, завтра вечером.
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Not tonight, tomorrow night.
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Not tonight, tomorrow night.
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Скажите «тогда в восемь часов в ресторане Парковый Проспект».
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Then at eight o’clock at the Park Avenue restaurant.
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– * -
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Now you will have a conversation with a man.
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Прежде всего спросите, как он поживает.
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How are you? How are you today?
– * -
I’m fine, thanks.
– * -
Спросите, что он хочет делать.
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What do you want to do? What do you want to do?
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When? Now?
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Спросите, который час?
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What time is it? What time is it now?
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Вы знаете который час?
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Do you know what time it is? Do you know what time it is now?
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Спросите, что он хочет делать сегодня вечером?
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What do you want to do tonight?
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I don’t know and you?
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Спросите, хотел ли бы он что-нибудь выпить в гостинице, имея ввиду конкретную гостиницу.
– * -
Would you like to have something to drink at the hotel?
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Would you like to have something to drink at the hotel?
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Yes, I would. But not tonight.
– * -
Спросите «тогда завтра вечером?»
– * -
Then tomorrow night?
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Then tomorrow night?
– * -
Yes, tomorrow night is fine.
– * -
Он собирается задать вам вопрос. В своем ответе скажите «в шесть часов».
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At what time are you going to have dinner tonight?
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At what time are you going to have dinner tonight?
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At six o’clock.
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I’m going to have dinner at six o’clock.
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В следующем ответе употребите слова «в семь часов».
– * -
And tomorrow?
– * -
At seven o’clock.
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Tomorrow I’m going to have dinner at seven o’clock.
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Отвечая на следующий вопрос скажите «в десять часов».
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At what time would you like to have something to drink with me?
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At what time would you like to have something to drink with me?
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At ten o’clock.
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I’d like to have something to drink at ten o’clock.
– * -
A на этот вопрос ответьте сами.
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What would you like to drink?
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I’d like to have wine, please.
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I’d like to have beer, please.
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I’d like to have coffee, please.
– * -
Would you like to have some wine or some beer?
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I’m sorry, repeat please.
– * -
I’m sorry, repeat please.
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Скажите «хорошо, но слушайте, пожалуйста».
– * -
Ok, but listen please.
– * -
Ok, but listen please.
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Сейчас он скажет «до свидания, мисс». Ответьте ему.
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Good-bye, miss.
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Good-bye, sir.
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Урок №12.
Listen to this telephone conversation.
Listen to this telephone conversation.
A - Hello, Marry. It’s Peter. How are you?
B - Hello, Peter. I’m fine, thanks. And you?
A - I’m fine too. Marry, would you like to have dinner with me tonight?
B - Not tonight, Peter. But tomorrow night I’d like to.
A - Ok, at what time? At eight o’clock?
B - Eight o’clock is too late.
A - Then at seven o’clock?
B - Ok, tomorrow night at seven o’clock. At the Park Avenue restaurant. And thank you.
A - You are welcome. Good-bye Marry.
B - Good-bye, Peter.
Listen again.
Listen again.
A - Hello, Marry. It’s Peter. How are you?
B - Hello, Peter. I’m fine, thanks. And you?
A - I’m fine too. Marry, would you like to have dinner with me tonight?
B - Not tonight, Peter. But tomorrow night I’d like to.
A - Ok, at what time? At eight o’clock?
B - Eight o’clock is too late.
A - Then at seven o’clock?
B - Ok, tomorrow night at seven o’clock. At the Park Avenue restaurant. And thank you.
A - You are welcome. Good-bye Marry.
B - Good-bye, Peter.
Помните, как сказать «сегодня вечером»?
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Скажите «завтра вечером».
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Tomorrow night
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Tomorrow night
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Скажите «в шесть часов».
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At six o’clock.
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Спросите «не позже?»