Английский язык с Конаном-варваром
‘Oh, all right,’ grumbled Conan (ну, хорошо, — проворчал Конан).
‘Excellent (прекрасно)! I knew that so superior a mind as yours would see the force of my arguments (я знал, что такой превосходный ум, как твой = как у тебя, увидел бы = понял бы силу моих аргументов). And now we part, to meet again at the foot of the valley at moonrise (а теперь мы расстаемся, чтобы встретиться снова у подножия долины на восходе луны). That should occur about one double hour hence, which will give us ample time for our rendezvous (это должно произойти приблизительно через два часа: «один двойной час от сего момента», которое = что даст нам достаточно времени для нашей встречи).’
knew [nju: ], occur ['k: ], double [dbl]
Conan frowned. ‘Why should I need armor, just to dig up a chest?’
‘Oh, excellent sir! There are many dangers in these hills. Here roam the terrible tiger, the fierce leopard, the churlish bear, and the irascible wild bull, not to mention wandering bands of primitive hunters. Since a Khitan gentleman is not trained in the use of arms, your mighty self must be prepared to fight for two. Believe me, noble captain, I know whereof I speak!’
‘Oh, all right,’ grumbled Conan.
‘Excellent! I knew that so superior a mind as yours would see the force of my arguments. And now we part, to meet again at the foot of the valley at moonrise. That should occur about one double hour hence, which will give us ample time for our rendezvous.’
The night grew darker and the wind, colder (ночь
either Br. ['ad], Am. ['d], there [d], walk [w: k]
The night grew darker and the wind, colder. All the eery premonitions of danger, which Conan had experienced since first entering this forsaken vale at sundown, returned in full force. As he walked silently beside the diminutive Khitan, he cast wary glances into the darkness. The steep rock walls on either side narrowed until there was hardly room to walk between the cliffside and the banks of the stream which gurgled out of the valley at their feet.
Behind them, a glow appeared in the misty sky where the heads of the cliffs thrust blackly up against the firmament (за ними зарево появилось в туманном небе, где/в котором вершины утесов пробивались черным на фоне небесного свода; to thrust up — пробиваться). This glow grew stronger and became a pearly opalescence (это зарево становилось сильнее = усиливалось и стало жемчужной опалесценцией = слабым жемчужным светом). The walls of the valley fell away on either hand (стены долины понизились по обе стороны: «на каждую руку»), and the two men found themselves treading a grassy sward that spread out on both sides (и двое мужчин оказались: «нашли себя» — идущими /по/ покрытому травой дерну, который простирался по обе стороны; to spread out — развертывать(ся), простираться). The stream angled off to the right and, gurgling, curved out of sight between banks clustered with ferns (поток/ручей отклонился/повернул направо и, журча, исчез из виду между берегов, заросших папоротником).
grew [ru: ], two [tu: ], both [bu]
Behind them, a glow appeared in the misty sky where the heads of the cliffs thrust blackly up against the firmament. This glow grew stronger and became a pearly opalescence. The walls of the valley fell away on either hand, and the two men found themselves treading a grassy sward that spread out on both sides. The stream angled off to the right and, gurgling, curved out of sight between banks clustered with ferns.
As they issued from the valley, the half moon rose over the cliffs behind them (когда
issue ['u: ], half [h: f], water [w: t]
As they issued from the valley, the half moon rose over the cliffs behind them. In the misty air, it looked as if the viewer were seeing it from under water. The wan, illusive light of this moon shone upon a small, rounded hill, which rose out of the sward directly before them. Beyond it, steep-sided, forest-crested hills stood up blackly in the watery moonlight.
As the moon cast a powdering of silver over the hill before them, Conan forgot his premonitions (когда луна усыпала серебром: «бросила посыпание из серебра» — /небо/ над холмом перед ними, Конан забыл /о/ своих предчувствиях; to forget — забывать). For here rose the monolith of which Feng had spoken (Так как здесь возвышался монолит, о котором говорил Фэн). It was a smooth, dully glistening shaft of dark stone (это была гладкая, тускло блестящая колонна из темного камня), which rose from the top of the hill and soared up (которая поднималась с вершины холма и устремлялась ввысь) until it pierced the layer of mist that overhung the land (пока /не/ пронизывала слой дымки, который висел над землей; to overhang — нависать над, свешиваться на). The top of the shaft appeared as a mere blur (вершина колонны казалась /как/ лишь/не более, чем пятном).
moon [mu: n], here [h], shaft [: ft]
As the moon cast a powdering of silver over the hill before them, Conan forgot his premonitions. For here rose the monolith of which Feng had spoken. It was a smooth, dully glistening shaft of dark stone, which rose from the top of the hill and soared up until it pierced the layer of mist that overhung the land. The top of the shaft appeared as a mere blur.
Here, then, was the tomb of the long-dead King Hsia, just as Feng had foretold (здесь тогда была могила давно умершего короля Ся, в точности, как предсказал Фэн; to foretell — предсказывать, прогнозировать). The treasure must be buried either directly beneath it or to one side (сокровище должно быть закопано либо прямо под ним, либо сбоку). They would soon find out which (они скоро выяснят где: «которое»).
With Feng’s crowbar and shovel on his shoulder, Conan pushed forcefully through a clump of tough, elastic rhododendron bushes and (с ломом и лопатой Фэна на /его/ плече Конан с силой протиснулся сквозь заросли крепкого эластичного рододендрона) started up the hill (и начал /подниматься/ на холм). He paused to give his small companion a hand up (он остановился, /чтобы/ подать своему маленькому компаньону руку /наверх/). After a brief scramble, they gained the top of the slope (после недолгого карабканья они достигли вершины склона).
tomb [tu: m],just [st], shovel [vl]
Here, then, was the tomb of the long-dead King Hsia, just as Feng had foretold. The treasure must be buried either directly beneath it or to one side. They would soon find out which.
With Feng’s crowbar and shovel on his shoulder, Conan pushed forcefully through a clump of tough, elastic rhododendron bushes and started up the hill. He paused to give his small companion a hand up. After a brief scramble, they gained the top of the slope.
Папина дочка
4. Самбисты
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