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Английский язык с Конаном-варваром

vengeful ['venfl], mouthful ['maufl], most [mst]

Conan's vengeful fingers strangled the yell in his throat. They went to the floor together and Conan wrenched the dagger from his enemy's hand. The blade glinted in the starlight, and blood spurted. Aram Baksh made hideous noises, gasping and gagging on a mouthful of blood. Conan dragged him to his feet and again the dagger slashed, and most of the curly beard fell to the floor.

Still gripping his captive's throat (все еще сжимая горло своего пленника) — for a man can scream incoherently even with his throat slit (так как человек может кричать бессвязно даже с /его/ перерезанным горлом; to slit — делать длинный узкий разрез, разрезать в длину, разрезать, рвать) — Conan dragged him out of the dark chamber and down the cypress-shadowed path (Конан вытащил его из темной комнаты /и/ вниз по дорожке, обсаженной кипарисами), to the iron-bound door in the outer wall (к обитой железом дверце во внешней стене). With one hand he lifted the bolt and threw the door open (одной рукой он поднял засов и распахнул дверь; to throw — бросать), disclosing the three shadowy figures which waited like black vultures outside (обнаружив три призрачных фигуры, которые ждали, как черные грифы, снаружи). Into their eager arms Conan thrust the innkeeper (в их жаждущие руки Конан швырнул хозяина гостиницы).

incoherently [nku'hrntl], cypress ['saprs], vulture ['vl]

Still gripping his captive's throat — for a man can scream incoherently even with his throat slit — Conan dragged him out of the dark chamber and down the cypress-shadowed path, to the iron-bound door in the outer wall. With one hand he lifted the bolt and threw the door open, disclosing the three shadowy figures which waited like black vultures outside. Into their eager arms Conan thrust the innkeeper.

A horrible, blood-choked scream rose from the Zamboulan's throat, but there was no response from the silent tavern (ужасный, давящийся кровью крик раздался из горла замбулийца, но из безмолвной таверны не было ответа; to rise — подниматься). The people there were used to screams outside the wall (люди там привыкли к крикам из-за стены). Aram Baksh fought like a wild man (Арам Бахш сражался, как дикарь), his distended eyes turned frantically on the Cimmerian's face (его расширенные глаза неистово повернулись к лицу киммерийца). He found no mercy there (он нашел никакой пощады там = он не нашел там пощады; to find — находить). Conan was thinking of the scores of wretches who owed their bloody doom to this man's greed (Конан думал о множестве несчастных, которые были обязаны своей кровавой участью жадности этого человека; to owe — быть должным, быть обязанным).

used [ju: st], wretch [re], greed [ri: d]

A horrible, blood-choked scream rose from the Zamboulan's throat, but there was no response from the silent tavern. The people there were used to screams outside the wall. Aram Baksh fought like a wild man, his distended eyes turned frantically on the Cimmerian's face. He found no mercy there. Conan was thinking of the scores of wretches who owed their bloody doom to this man's greed.

In glee the Negroes dragged him down the road, mocking his frenzied gibberings (в ликовании негры потащили его по дороге, насмехаясь над его бешеной бессвязной речью). How could they recognize Aram Baksh in this half- naked, bloodstained figure (как они могли узнать Арама Бахша в этой полураздетой, окровавленной фигуре), with the grotesquely shorn beard and unintelligible babblings (с гротескно остриженной бородой и нечленораздельным лепетом; to shear — стричь; обрезать)? The sounds of the struggle came back to Conan, standing beside the gate (звуки борьбы доносились до Конана, стоявшего возле ворот), even after the clump of figures had vanished among the palms (даже после того, как кучка фигур исчезла среди пальм).

gibbering ['br], grotesquely [ru'teskl], unintelligible ['nn'telbl]

In glee the Negroes dragged him down the road, mocking his frenzied gibberings. How could they recognize Aram Baksh in this half-naked, bloodstained figure, with the grotesquely shorn beard and unintelligible babblings? The sounds of the struggle came back to Conan, standing beside the gate, even after the clump of figures had vanished among the palms.

Closing the door behind him, Conan returned to his horse (закрыв дверь за собой, Конан вернулся к своей лошади), mounted, and turned westward (вскочил в седло и повернул на запад; to mount — садиться на лошадь), toward the open desert (в сторону открытой пустыни), swinging wide (делая широкий круг) to skirt the sinister belt of palm groves (чтобы миновать зловещий пояс пальмовых рощ; to skirt — обходить кругом, идти вдоль края). As he rode, he drew from his belt a ring (когда он скакал = на скаку он вытащил из своего пояса кольцо; to ride — скакать, ехать верхом) in which gleamed a jewel that snared the starlight in a shimmering iridescence (в котором сверкал драгоценный камень, который улавливал звездный свет игристыми переливами). He held it up to admire it, turning it this way and that (он поднял его, /чтобы/ полюбоваться, поворачивая его так и сяк). The compact bag of gold pieces clinked gently at his saddle bow (небольшой мешочек золотых монет звенел нежно / тихонько у луки его седла), like a promise of the greater riches to come (как обещание больших грядущих богатств: «больших богатств придти»).

iridescence [r'desns], admire [d'ma], promise ['prms]

Closing the door behind him, Conan returned to his horse, mounted, and turned westward, toward the open desert, swinging wide to skirt the sinister belt of palm groves. As he rode, he drew from his belt a ring in which gleamed a jewel that snared the starlight in a shimmering iridescence. He held it up to admire it, turning it this way and that. The compact bag of gold pieces clinked gently at his saddle bow, like a promise of the greater riches to come.

"I wonder what she'd say if she knew I recognized her as Nafetari and him as Jungir Khan the instant I saw them," he mused (я спрашиваю = интересно, что она сказала бы, если бы она знала, /что/ я узнал ее как Нафертари, а его как Джангир Хана в тот момент, /когда/ я увидел их, — размышлял он). "I knew the Star of Khorala, too (я знал = узнал и Звезду Хорала). There'll be a fine scene if she ever guesses (будет прекрасная сцена, если она когда-нибудь догадается) that I slipped it off his finger while I was tying him with his sword belt (что я снял ее с его пальца, когда я связывал его его поясом для меча). But they'll never catch me, with the start I'm getting (но они никогда /не/ поймают меня — с форой /преимуществом во времени/, /которая/ у меня есть)."

scene [si: n], guess [es], start [st:t]

"I wonder what she'd say if she knew I recognized her as Nafetari and him as Jungir Khan the instant I saw them," he mused. "I knew the Star of Khorala, too. There'll be a fine scene if she ever guesses that I slipped it off his finger while I was tying him with his sword belt. But they'll never catch me, with the start I'm getting."

He glanced back at the shadowy palm groves (он оглянулся на тенистые пальмовые рощи), among which a red glare was mounting (среди которых поднималось красное огнище). A chanting rose to the night, vibrating with savage exultation (пение поднялось к ночи, вибрируя диким ликованием). And another sound mingled with it, a mad incoherent screaming (и еще один звук смешался с ним, безумный неясный крик), a frenzied gibbering in which no words could be distinguished (бешеные нечленораздельные звуки, в которых невозможно было разобрать /никаких/ слов; to distinguish — различать, разбирать, распознавать). The noise followed Conan as he rode westward beneath the paling stars (шум преследовал Конан, пока он скакал на запад под бледнеющими звездами; to pale — бледнеть).

exultation [e'zlten], distinguish [ds'tw], beneath [b'ni: ]

He glanced back at the shadowy palm groves, among which a red glare was mounting. A chanting rose to the night, vibrating with savage exultation. And another sound mingled with it, a mad incoherent screaming, a frenzied gibbering in which no words could be distinguished. The noise followed Conan as he rode westward beneath the paling stars.

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