Английский язык с Р. Киплингом. Истории просто так
exclusively [Iks'klHsIvlI], bow [bqu], Ethiopian ["JTI'qupIqn]
This was very bad for the Giraffe and the Zebra and the rest of them; for he would lie down by a ‘sclusively yellowish-greyish-brownish stone or clump of grass, and when the Giraffe or the Zebra or the Eland or the Koodoo or the Bush-Buck or the Bonte-Buck came by he would surprise them out of their jumpsome lives. He would indeed! And, also, there was an Ethiopian with bows and arrows (a ‘sclusively greyish-brownish-yellowish man he was then), who lived on the High Veldt with the Leopard; and the two used to hunt together — the Ethiopian with his bows and arrows, and the Leopard ‘sclusively with his teeth and claws — till the Giraffe and the Eland and the Koodoo and the Quagga and all the rest of them didn’t know which way to jump, Best Beloved. They didn’t indeed!
After a long time (долгое
giraffe [GI'rRf], shadow ['Sxdqu], half [hRf]
After a long time — things lived for ever so long in those days — they learned to avoid anything that looked like a Leopard or an Ethiopian; and bit by bit — the Giraffe began it, because his legs were the longest — they went away from the High Veldt. They scuttled for days and days and days till they came to a great forest, ‘sclusively full of trees and bushes and stripy, speckly, patchy-blatchy shadows, and there they hid: and after another long time, what with standing half in the shade and half out of it, and what with the slippery-slidy shadows of the trees falling on them, the Giraffe grew blotchy, and the Zebra grew stripy, and the Eland and the Koodoo grew darker, with little wavy grey lines on their backs like bark on a tree trunk; and so, though you could hear them and smell them, you could very seldom see them, and then only when you knew precisely where to look.
They had a beautiful time in the ‘sclusively speckly-spickly shadows of the forest (они прекрасно проводили время в ‘сключительно крапчато-рассыпчатых тенях леса), while the Leopard and the Ethiopian ran about over the ‘sclusively greyish-yellowish-reddish High Veldt outside (в то время как Леопард и Эфиоп бегали по ‘сключительно серовато-желтовато-рыжеватому Высокому Вельду), wondering where all their breakfasts and their dinners and their teas had gone (спрашивая себя, куда подевались все их завтраки, и обеды, и ужины). At last they were so hungry (наконец они так проголодались) that they ate rats and beetles and rock-rabbits (что они стали есть крыс, и жуков, и сеноставок [39] ), the Leopard and the Ethiopian (Леопард и Эфиоп), and then they had the Big Tummy-ache, both together (а потом у них обоих вместе Сильно разболелись Животики); and then they met Baviaan — the dog-headed, barking Baboon (а потом они встретили Павиана — собакоголового лающего Бабуина), who is Quite the Wisest Animal in All South Africa (который Действительно Наимудрейшее Животное во Всей Южной Африке [40] ).
Я бы взял «Наимудрейшее» в кавычки. Здесь Киплинг слегка подшутил над слушателями.
beautiful ['bjHtIful], wonder ['wAndq], animal ['xnImql]
They had a beautiful time in the ‘sclusively speckly-spickly shadows of the forest, while the Leopard and the Ethiopian ran about over the ‘sclusively greyish-yellowish-reddish High Veldt outside, wondering where all their breakfasts and their dinners and their teas had gone. At last they were so hungry that they ate rats and beetles and rock-rabbits, the Leopard and the Ethiopian, and then they had the Big Tummy-ache, both together; and then they met Baviaan — the dog-headed, barking Baboon, who is Quite the Wisest Animal in All South Africa.
Said Leopard to Baviaan (спросил Леопард Павиана) (and it was a very hot day (а это был очень жаркий день)), ‘Where has all the game gone (куда делась вся дичь)?’
And Baviaan winked (а Павиан подмигнул). He knew (он знал).
Said the Ethiopian to Baviaan (спросил Эфиоп Павиана), ‘Can you tell me the present habitat of the aboriginal Fauna (ты можешь сообщить мне нынешнее место распространения туземной Фауны)?’ (That meant just the same thing (это означало то же самое; to mean — значить, означать), but the Ethiopian always used long words (но Эфиоп всегда пользовался длинными словами). He was a grown-up (он был взрослый).)
And Baviaan winked (а Павиан подмигнул). He knew (он знал).
knew [njH], habitat ['hxbItxt], fauna ['fLnq]
Said Leopard to Baviaan (and it was a very hot day), ‘Where has all the game gone?’
And Baviaan winked. He knew.
Said the Ethiopian to Baviaan, ‘Can you tell me the present habitat of the aboriginal Fauna?’ (That meant just the same thing, but the Ethiopian always used long words. He was a grown-up.)
And Baviaan winked. He knew.
Then said Baviaan (тогда сказал Павиан), ‘The game has gone into other spots (дичь ушла в другие места [41] /поиграть в пятнашки/); and my advice to you, Leopard (и мой совет тебе, Леопард), is to go into other spots as soon as you can (уйти в другие места /поиграть в пятнашки/, как можно скорее).’
And the Ethiopian said (а Эфиоп сказал), ‘That is all very fine (все это очень хорошо), but I wish to know (но я желаю знать) whither the aboriginal Fauna has migrated (куда мигрировала туземная Фауна).’
Выражение to go into spots имеет два значения: 1) уйти в (другие) места; 2) стать пятнистыми, получить пятна, покрыться пятнами. В русском языке это можно передать, скажем, так: «слинять», что тоже имеет два значения, или «пойти пятнами». Или вот как может прозвучать вышеприведенное предложение: «Дичь позорно слиняла, запятнав себя бегством / запятнав свою репутацию и шкуру».
Then said Baviaan (тогда Павиан сказал), ‘The aboriginal Fauna has joined the aboriginal Flora (туземная Фауна присоединилась к туземной Флоре) because it was high time for a change (потому что было уже давно пора для перемены = измениться); and my advice to you, Ethiopian (и мой совет тебе, Эфиоп), is to change as soon as you can (измениться как можно быстрее; to change — изменяться; переодеваться).’
advice [qd'vaIs], whither ['wIDq], aboriginal ["xbq'rIGnql]
Then said Baviaan, ‘The game has gone into other spots; and my advice to you, Leopard, is to go into other spots as soon as you can.’
And the Ethiopian said, ‘That is all very fine, but I wish to know whither the aboriginal Fauna has migrated.’
Then said Baviaan, ‘The aboriginal Fauna has joined the aboriginal Flora because it was high time for a change; and my advice to you. Ethiopian, is to change as soon as you can.’