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Английский язык с Р.Л.Стивенсоном. Остров сокровищ (ASCII-IPA)

Еремин Андрей


outnumbered [aut`nAmbqd] discipline [`dIsIplIn] ammunition [xmju`nISn]

The captain looked on for a while in silence. Then he spoke. “My lads,” said he, “I’ve given Silver a broadside. I pitched it in red-hot on purpose; and before the hour’s out, as he said, we shall be boarded. We’re outnumbered, I needn’t tell you that, but we fight in shelter; and, a minute ago, I should have said we fought with discipline. I’ve no manner of doubt that we can drub them, if you choose.”

Then he went the rounds, and saw, as he said, that all was clear.

On the two short sides of the house, east and west, there were only two loopholes; on the south side where the porch was, two again; and on the north side, five. There was a round score of muskets for the seven of us; the firewood had been built into four piles — tables, you might say — one about the middle of each side, and on each of these tables some ammunition and four loaded muskets were laid ready to the hand of the defenders. In the middle, the cutlasses lay ranged.

“Toss out the fire (тушите огонь; to toss out — выбросить, избавляться),” said the captain; “the chill is past, and we mustn’t have smoke in our eyes (холод прошел = потеплело, и у нас в глазах не должен быть дым = дым только мешает).”

The iron fire-basket was carried bodily out by Mr. Trelawney (железная жаровня была вынесена самим мистером Трелони), and the embers smothered among sand (и тлеющие угли потухли в песке; to smother — задохнуться, потушить).

“Hawkins hasn’t had his breakfast (Хокинс не завтракал). Hawkins, help yourself, and back to your post to eat it (Хокинс, бери /завтрак/ и возвращайся на свой пост, чтобы съесть его; help yourself — пожалуйста, берите, угощайтесь),” continued Captain Smollett (продолжал капитан Смоллетт). “Lively, now, my lad (живо, дружок); you’ll want it before you’ve done (ты захочешь его, прежде чем закончишь /есть/ = надо успеть перекусить). Hunter, serve out a round of brandy to all hands (Хантер, раздайте всем бренди).”

And while this was going on (и пока это происходило), the captain completed, in his own mind, the plan of the defence (капитан составил в своей голове план обороны; to complete — закончить, доделать, выполнить).

bodily [`bOdIlI] completed [kqm`plJtId] defence [dI`fens]

“Toss out the fire,” said the captain; “the chill is past, and we mustn’t have smoke in our eyes.”

The iron fire-basket was carried bodily out by Mr. Trelawney, and the embers smothered among sand.

“Hawkins hasn’t had his breakfast. Hawkins, help yourself, and back to your post to eat it,” continued Captain Smollett. “Lively, now, my lad; you’ll want it before you’ve done. Hunter, serve out a round of brandy to all hands.”

And while this was going on, the captain completed, in his own mind, the plan of the defence.

“Doctor, you will take the door (доктор, вы возьмете дверь),” he resumed (продолжил он). “See, and don’t expose yourself (глядите /за обстановкой/, и не выставляйтесь); keep within, and fire through the porch (стойте внутри и стреляйте через крыльцо = из двери). Hunter, take the east side, there (Хантер, бери восточную стену). Joyce, you stand by the west, my man (Джойс, ты стой у западной, мой друг). Mr. Trelawney, you are the best shot (мистер Трелони, вы лучший стрелок) — you and Gray will take this long north side, with the five loopholes (вы с Греем возьмете эту длинную северную стену, с пятью бойницами); it’s there the danger is (это там опасность = это самая опасная сторона). If they can get up to it (если они смогут приблизиться к ней; to get up to — поравняться, достигнуть), and fire in upon us through our own ports (и начнут обстреливать нас через наши собственные бойницы), things would begin to look dirty (/наши/ дела будут выглядеть грязно = нам не поздоровится). Hawkins, neither you nor I are much account at the shooting (Хокинс, ни ты, ни я не считаемся хорошими стрелками) we’ll stand by to load and bear a hand (/поэтому/ мы будем стоять рядом, заряжать /мушкеты/ и помогать /остальным/).”

As the captain had said, the chill was past (как капитан /уже/ сказал, холод прошел). As soon as the sun had climbed above our girdle of trees (как только солнце поднялось над окружавшими нас деревьями; girdle — пояс; ремень; кольцо), it fell with all its force upon the clearing (оно со всеми своими силами набросилось на нашу поляну = стало безжалостно палить; clearing — прояснение; расчищенный участок леса, просека), and drank up the vapours at draught (и испарило: «выпило» туман разом; draught — тяга /воздуха/, глоток; один вдох, затяжка). Soon the sand was baking, and the resin melting in the logs of the block-house (скоро песок раскалился, а смола расплавилась = выступила на бревнах блокгауза; to bake — печь, запекать). Jackets and coats were flung aside (куртки и камзолы были сняты; to fling aside — отбросить); shirts thrown open at the neck (рубахи распахнуты у ворота = мы расстегнули вороты у рубах; to throw — бросать), and rolled up to the shoulders (и закатали до плеч /рукава/); and we stood there, each at his post, in a fever of heat and anxiety (мы стояли там, каждый на своем посту, разгоряченные жарой и тревогой; fever — жар, лихорадка; нервное возбуждение).

resumed [rI`zjHmd] girdle [gq:dl] draught [drLt] anxiety [xN`zaIqtI]

“Doctor, you will take the door,” he resumed. “See, and don’t expose yourself; keep within, and fire through the porch. Hunter, take the east side, there. Joyce, you stand by the west, my man. Mr. Trelawney, you are the best shot — you and Gray will take this long north side, with the five loopholes; it’s there the danger is. If they can get up to it, and fire in upon us through our own ports, things would begin to look dirty. Hawkins, neither you nor I are much account at the shooting we’ll stand by to load and bear a hand.”

As the captain had said, the chill was past. As soon as the sun had climbed above our girdle of trees, it fell with all its force upon the clearing, and drank up the vapours at draught. Soon the sand was baking, and the resin melting in the logs of the block-house. Jackets and coats were flung aside; shirts thrown open at the neck, and rolled up to the shoulders; and we stood there, each at his post, in a fever of heat and anxiety.

An hour passed away (час прошел).

“Hang them (черт бы их побрал)!” said the captain (сказал капитан). “This is as dull as the doldrums (это скучно, словно в штиль; doldrums — дурное настроение; экваториальная штилевая полоса). Gray, whistle for a wind (Грей, посвисти-ка; to whistle for a wind — выжидать удобного случая, ждать у моря погоды).”

And just at that moment came the first news of the attack (и как раз в этот миг пришло первое известие об атаке).

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