Английский язык. Практический курс для решения бизнес-задач
The laws of physics do not apply in the stock market. There is no gravitational force that pulls stocks back to even. Over ten years ago, Berkshire Hathaway’s stock price went from $6,000 to $10,000 per share in a little more than a year. Had you thought that this stock was going to return to its lower initial position, you would have missed out on the subsequent rise to $70,000 per share over the following six years
We’re not trying to tell you that stocks never undergo a correction. The point is that the stock price is a reflection of the company. If you find a great firm run by excellent managers, there is no reason the stock won’t keep on going up.
5) Having just a little knowledge, because it is better than none, is enough to invest in the stock market.
Knowing something is generally better than nothing, but it is crucial in the stock market that individual investors have a clear understanding of what they are doing with their money. It’s those investors who really do their homework that succeed.
Don’t fret, if you don’t have the time to fully understand what to do with your money, then having an advisor is not a bad thing. The cost of investing in something that you do not fully understand far outweighs the cost of using an investment advisor.
Source: June 19, 2002, Investopedia.com
Exercise 4*. Fill in the blanks using terms given below.
Digging Deeper Into Bull And Bear Markets
What Are Bear and Bull Markets?
Used to describe how stock markets are doing in general – that is, whether they are….. or…… in value – these two terms are constantly buzzing around the investing world. At the same time, since the market is determined by investors’……, these terms also denote how investors feel about the market and the ensuing trend.
Simply put, a…… market refers to a market that is on the rise. In such times, investors have faith that the……will continue in the long term. Typically, the country’s……. is strong and……. levels are high.
On the other hand, a…… market is one that is in decline. Share prices are continuously dropping, resulting in a……. trend that investors believe will continue in the long run, which, in turn, perpetuates the spiral. The economy will typically slow down and unemployment will rise as companies begin……. off workers.
Characteristics of a Bull and Bear Market
Although we know that a bull or bear market condition is marked by the direction of……. prices, there are some accompanying characteristics of the bull and bear markets that investors should be aware of.
Supply and demand for securities – In a bull market, we see strong…… and weak……. for securities. As a result…… prices will rise as investors compete to obtain available equity. In a bear market, the opposite is true as more people are looking to….. than……, and, as a result, share prices drop.
Investor psychology – Since the market’s behavior is impacted and determined by how…….. perceive that behavior, investor psychology and sentiment are……. to whether the market will rise or fall. Stock market……. and investor psychology are mutually dependent. In a bull market, most everyone is interested in the market, willingly participating in hopes of obtaining a……. During a bear market, on the other hand, market sentiment is negative as investors are beginning to move their money out of……. and waiting in……. securities until there is a positive move. In sum, the decline in stock market prices shakes investor……… which causes investors to keep their money out of the market – which, in turn, causes the……. in the stock market.
Change in economic activity – Since the businesses whose stocks are……. on the……. are the participants of the greater economy, the stock market and the economy are strongly connected. A bear market is associated with a weak economy as most businesses are unable to……. huge profits because……. are not spending nearly enough. This decline in profits, of course, directly affects the way the market……. stocks. In a bull market, the reverse occurs as people have more money to spend and are willing to spend it, which, in turn……. and strengthens the economy.
How to Gauge Market Changes
The key……. of whether the market is bull or bear is the long-term……., not just the market’s knee-jerk reaction to a particular event. Small movements would only represent a short-term trend or a market……. Of course, the length of the time period that you are viewing will…….. whether or not you see a bull or bear market.
For instance, the last two weeks could have shown the market to be bullish while the last two years may have displayed a bearish……. Thus, most agree that a decided…… in the market should be ascertained by the degree of the change: if…… indexes have changed by at least 15—20%, investors can be quite certain the market has taken a different direction. If the new trend does continue it is because investors are perceiving changes in both market and economic conditions and are thus making…… accordingly.
Not all long movements in the market can be characterized as bull or bear: sometimes a market may go through a period of……. as it tries to find direction. In this case, a series of up and downward movements would actually cancel out gains and losses resulting in a…… market trend.
Source: www.investopedia.com, October 3, 2003 (excerpt)
drives, decisions, employment, flat, trend, buy, appreciating, stagnation, fixed income, record, downward, supply, profit, consumers, multiple, individuals, exchanges, performance, depreciating, determine, reversal, attitudes, determinant, bull, trading, uptrend, economy, bear, laying, stock, demand, share, sell, fundamental, equities, confidence, decline, valuates, correction, tendency
Exercise 5. Translate into English.
В среду после заявления премьер-министра Владимира Путина о планируемых налоговых льготах для стимулирования нефтедобычи нефтяные бумаги сразу выросли на 5%, вспоминает ведущий аналитик ГК «Регион» Константин Гуляев. Хотя котировки нефти Brent в течение дня снизились до уровня $123, акции «Сургутнефтегаза» на ММВБ выросли на 10,7%, «Газпром нефти» – на 8,1%, «Роснефти» – на 6,2%, «Транснефти» – на 6%, «Лукойла» – на 5,4%, «Татнефти» – на 3,7%. Акции «Газпрома» поднялись на 2,8% – по мнению Гуляева, здесь сыграла роль передача компании без конкурса месторождений с запасами порядка 3 трлн куб. м газа из фонда стратегических месторождений.