Английский язык. Практический курс для решения бизнес-задач
Exercise 5. Translate into English.
Корпоративное управление в ТНК-ВР
Стратегия ТНК-ВР подчеркивает важность прозрачности и хорошего корпоративного управления в построении русской компании мирового класса и достижении уровня, сопоставимого с уровнем наших международных коллег.
ТНК-ВР рассматривает хорошее корпоративное управление как ключевой двигатель создания ценностей. Этика управления и профессионализм – фундамент, на котором строятся эксплуатационные усовершенствования.
В течение следующих пяти лет ТНК-ВР будет внедрять стандарты корпоративного управления, которые помогут достигнуть
Совместно с высоким качеством человеческого капитала, полученным от трех компаний-предшественниц, высокие стандарты управления обеспечат ТНК-ВР устойчивым фундаментом для дальнейшего роста.
Совет директоров из 10 членов (с одинаковым количеством представителей двух акционеров компании – ВР и AAR) управляет ТНК-ВР. Правление имеет два комитета – Комитет по аудиту и Комитет по компенсациям. Ежедневное управление компанией выполняет команда высшего руководства.
Точная и своевременная информация – основа хорошего корпоративного управления. Прозрачность, обеспеченная своевременным потоком точной информации от производства до управления (и обратно), дает возможность эффективного прогнозирования и планирования, принятия обоснованных решений и логичного распределения ресурсов.
ТНК-ВР находится на стадии реализации нескольких проектов, целью которых является повышение уровня корпоративного управления и увеличение прозрачности. Так, широкомасштабный проект трансформации бухгалтерского учета (ATP) начался в начале 2004-го и был нацелен на модернизацию систем и практики учета. Как первый проект подобного рода в российской нефтяной промышленности, он разрабатывался для того, чтобы компания получала в ускоренном режиме более точную и полную информацию для нужд внешней и внутренней отчетности. В ходе проекта были достигнуты следующие цели:
– время, необходимое для закрытия данных, сократилось до 10 дней;
– был разработан единый план счетов (chart of accounts);
– учет в соответствии со стандартами МСФО (IAS) осуществляется в регионах;
– сохранность и целостность данных обеспечивается внедренными и контролируемыми системами.
В дополнение к этому было начато внедрение проекта по усовершенствованию системы внутреннего контроля и «Кодекса деловой практики и корпоративных стандартов».
Источник: www.tnk-bp.ru
Lesson 16
Corporate Social Responsibility
Read and translate the texts and learn terms from the Essential Vocabulary.
People, Planet and Profit
Corporate social responsibility (CSR) refers to a company’s obligation to be sensitive to the needs of all its stakeholders in its business operations. The principle is closely linked with the imperative of ensuring that these operations are «sustainable». ‘Sustainable development’ was defined by the 1987 Brundtland Commission as development that «meets the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of the future generation to meet their own needs.» In other words, meeting the goals of sustainable development means searching for development paths that permit decoupling of economic growth from environmental degradation.
Today’s heightened interest in the proper role of businesses in society has been promoted by increased sensitivity to environmental and ethical issues. In some countries government regulation of environmental and social issues has increased, and standards and laws are also often set at a supranational level (e.g. by the European Union).
It is important to distinguish CSR from charitable donations and
CSR goes beyond charity and requires that a responsible company will take into account the impact on all stakeholders and on the environment when making decisions. This holistic approach to business regards organizations as being full partners in their communities, rather than being primarily in business to make profits and serve the needs of their shareholders.
CSR reporting
The application of Sustainable Development principles through the introduction of a CSR policy is often accompanied by what is called triple bottom line reporting which declares that it is necessary to account for not only financial results, but also for the social and environmental impact of the business, i.e. focus not only on Profit, but on People and Planet aspects as well. Some countries (e.g. France) have made such reporting mandatory. However the measurement of social and environmental performance is difficult and new measurement techniques need to be developed.
Advocacy for triple bottom line reforms is popular in Green Parties and in the United Nations circles.
While many people agree with the importance of social and environmental goals, there are also many who disagree with the ‘Triple Bottom Line’ as the way to achieve these goals. The main arguments against it may be summarized as:
Division of labor, which is characteristic of rich societies and a major contributor to their wealth, ensures that organizations contribute most to the welfare of society when they focus on what they do best. Business’s expertise is in satisfying the needs of society and generating a value-added surplus. Thus the ‘triple bottom line’ is diverting business attention away from its core competency. Just as charitable organizations like the Salvation Army would not be expected to pay a cash dividend, business should not be expected to take on concerns outside its core expertise.
Effectiveness. Concern for social and environmental matters is rare in poor societies (a hungry person would rather eat the whale than photograph it). As a society becomes richer its citizens develop an increasing desire for a clean environment and protected wildlife, and both the willingness and financial ability to contribute to this. The ‘Triple Bottom Line’ is said to be an example of the choices available to the citizens of a society made wealthy by businesses attending to business. Thus, Adam Smith’s Invisible Hand will ensure that business contributes most effectively to the improvement of all areas of society.
Nationalism. Some countries adopt a nationalistic approach with the view that they must look after their own citizens first.
Inertia. The difficulty of achieving global agreement on simultaneous policy may render such measures at best advisory. People would be unwilling to undergo a depression or recession in order to remediate lost ecosystems.
Many large companies now produce annual reports that cover Sustainable Development and CSR issues, and these reports are often externally audited. But there is no common template for the reporting and the evaluation methodology varies between companies. Critics often comment that some of these reports are just an ad and as an example note that Enron published a glossy «Corporate Responsibility Annual Report» and that tobacco corporations such as BAT also produce social reports.