ГУЛаг Палестины
immigration board expressed almost no doubt about persecutions we survived in Israel or even recognized the harshness of these
persecutions. But the point is that they claim ... we are guilty in the persecutions ourselves - and therefore they don't worry about our souls
and our lives... So, this is not even a tribunal, but a brutal act of a vengeance. sp;* The court's negative decision (resume) was
made and expressed in an inappropriate manner without any clear connection to our real case. The decision was clearly made by the
immigration officer, not by the judges. She is an Israeli patriot and she hates the Russian-speaking people. Everything what is expressed in
the decision document is basicly a lie. The text of that document is politically motivated and juridically illegal. This is just the next stage of
SUPPLEMENTS (if required):
telephone number: (514) 845-8216
address: Ludmila Metelnitsky, 3440 Durocher Str., Apt.1602, Montreal, Quebec, H2X 2E2, CANADA
We came to Israel in 1990; as many other people we had a hope for a better life. As the most of Russian-speaking people we were
"welcomed" by a malicious anger, the state unti-Russian propaganda and the most severe discrimination. Our son was 15 when we came to
Israel. Each of us (including our son) was assaulted, abused, beaten, discriminated against. The ignorance of what is going on in Israel with
the Russian-speaking people can not make what our friends and we suffered from in Israel unreal. Batteries, assaults, abuses were real and
happened to us in real life. If my son could come to school and could hear a discussion about the last article in a Hebrew newspaper, in which
"Russians" were called sons of a bitch, prostitutes, fools and thieves: was it "unreal"? And the computer games in Hebrew accompanied by
songs with words like "Russians, go home": They were as real as the real life. And the social climate in Israel is so horrible that if a child is
beaten at school "because he's Russian" - he is forced to feel guilty himself as if he's guilty in not being an Israeli but being a Russian.
Any person with conciseness (a journalist, immigration official, a human right organization official) could take a translator from Hebrew, go to a
library or to an archive and find articles in Hebrew newspapers which have highly aggressive untie-Russian contest. And what about
thousands of articles in Russian newspapers published in Israel about what can be called almost genocide against "Russians"?
When they began to call my son to a draft board (because Israel has a compulsory military service) he asked an alternative military service
each time they called him: because he was afraid of hostility towards "Russians" within the Israeli army and also because of the rule that a
single son can not be taken into the front-line units against his will. They gave him no decision, but kept ordering him to come to the draft point
again and again.
One day a new routine order to come to the draft point arrived. My son was ordered to come one day - but the order has been sent one day
later then the date of his appearance. A couple of other days past before he got the order. But as soon as he got it he immediately went to the
draft board.
When he came they have arrested him incriminating him a disobedience to the order to come. No excuse, no explanation was admitted.
Everything happened so fast that there is no doubt: they were prepared. So, they have submitted this order for him later then the date he was
called to intentionally. He was accused in a refusal to come to the draft board (they ignored that he arrived voluntarily) and in avoiding the
military service. They have treated him like if he already was a soldier and flied from a military unit. He was also given a soldier's number as
if he was a soldier when in reality he never entered the army and never wearied a military uniform. When he admitted that he's going to
become mentally ill because of the military prison they refused to give him a Russian-speaking psychologist, and the Hebrew- speaking
psychologist couldn't speak with our son, but wrote a report based on ungrounded insinuations. When later a Russian-speaking psychologist
appeared he translated him that report but told that it is impossible now to dispute what the Israeli wrote.
When our son was in the military prison severe humiliations were committed over him. All the violations of the rules and of the moral norms in
his case were too innumerable to mention them. During his imprisonment our son was transformed from a healthy person to a mentally ill boy.
When he was released from the military prison (he was in the prison more then 3 months; no charges were posed against him, no court took
place) the military medical committee recognized him as a mentally ill person. When he was just imprisoned he was recognized as a fully
healthy person suitable to the military service. He received some treatment here, in Canada, and the immigration board knows it. We did