ГУЛаг Палестины
We also had a psychological evaluation at this point concerning Ina.
From observing our children, the commissioners could understand that because the children are shy and timid they
could be abused or even killed by Israeli children. That would bring additional danger to their lives. Such children as
ours have always much more chances to be abused or even killed in the countries with the dominated "east temper".
Because in spite of the time, which passed since we came from Israel to Canada, both Ina and Marta visually reacted
to the discussion about their life in Israel with horror and fear, the commissioners had a chance to see how deep the
psychological trauma affected the children and also how easy such children could become targets for abuses in
The description of multiple assaults of our children were also ignored by the commissioners. The IBR members also
probably knew that by the time of our hearings Israeli authorities could take children away from Christian, atheist,
mixed, or non-traditional Jewish families...
In the text of their negative decision the IRB members seriously distorted some paragraphs of our refugee claim,
which described multiple abuses against our children.
Through all mentioned above (active or passive) actions, the IRB members had shown themselves as people with no
mercy, open to cruelty and ready to commit abuses themselves. If they had no attention or mercy even towards the
children, who then they are and how could such people make a decision in our case?!
The commissioners had also a chance to observe my wife.
My wife Alla (look over our refugee claim) suffered very much from multiple abuses, batteries, insults, and
discrimination in Israel. That all caused already serious damage to her mental and physical health. During first two
years in Canada, she suffered from the consequences of that damage. (A surgery was done to her in relation with
what happened to her in Israel; she often cute her hands, stroke herself not on purpose because of her mental
disorder; once she spent several days in an emergency; by then a danger has threaten her life).
A psychologist found her mental disorders serious enough. He told us that they came in result of her previous life
period, what means in result of our life in Israel. (See her medical reports: Supplements, Documents #13, 14,
15, 16, 17, 18).
Only about a year and a half ago her mental and physical wounds started to heal, and she came almost completely
back to norm. But even now more time is needed and the danger of deportation back to Israel has to be liquidated for
complete improvement of her health.
During our refugee hearings, the IBR members had to see that she was paralyzed by fear and horror so much that
hardly could speak. They could see that she was near an emotional collapse, and they had to understand that it must
be connected with what happened to us in Israel.
By observing us, by listening to my wife's, and my, replies IBR members could easy understand that we belong to a
rare type of people, for whom any suppression of their own pride is unbearable. We could become refugee
claimants and agreed for all the degrading procedures only because of a threat to our lives, only! We care about our
children lives, and we know that they need us. Otherwise, we would never let a person like Mrs. Judith Malka
humiliating over us! It was absolutely clear that something really serious (like a threat to our lives) had to happen to
force people like us to become refugee claimants.
To ignore their observations the IRB members had not to care about our fate at all. Their indifference demonstrated
that they came with prepared in advance negative attitude towards all Russian speaking refugees from Israel in
general. Nothing could change this attitude, no matter who is sitting in front of them... It was visually clear that such a
partial attitude could not be affected by their emotions, by compassion; or they rather had no emotions, no
compassion at all...
Please, read my wife's statement in Group of Documents # 4, Document # 2.
Everything that corresponds to my children and my wife corresponds to my mother as well. If the commissioners had
no mercy towards the children and towards the woman, who suffered so much, then may be they expressed
compassion towards an old mother who might loose her single son (she told them that her younger son died) if we
would be removed to Israel? No, they had no shame before an old mother to use their unfair methods and
demonstrate no sign of a mercy!
I am the very person, whom Israelis persecuted long before then I was taken to Israel (see Document #2). I was
taken to Israel by force, against my will (see Document #2, page 4, paragraphs 2.16., 2.17., and the NOTE).
When I was in Israel, Israeli State radio (RADIO RECA) called me in one of its auditions (3 December 1993, around
noon) "a racist." The radio correspondent Daniela Linor gave an opposite meaning to one of my articles (see
Supplements, Document # 27). In that article ("Israeli (Jewish) Apartheid") I denounced the discriminatory practice
of Israeli authorities against some of the ethnic minorities, including Buchara origins. If not my good relations with