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3.3.I told Mrs. Broder that I have already composed my refugee claim. And gave her the text of my claim in Russian and in English. I refused

to cooperate with her in "composing the story." She was extremely persistent and ultimate, but also flexible and cunning in achieving her

goals. When she understood that she could not break my will not to participate in "composing the story," she told us to come later. Between

that and the next appointment my wife was worked upon by Lucy (our relative, whose negative attitude towards me in ex-USSR and in

Israel scared me a lot in the past) and by Mrs. Broder. They told her that all direct or indirect criticism of the state of Israel must be excluded

from my statement. They also told that I should not mention Israeli army, censorship in Israel, human rights violations, police brutality, and

provocation against me made by police; my tensions with Mossad and Shabak, or persecutions against me ordered by Israeli authorities.

The psychological pressure on my wife and on me was so strong that it could push us towards a suicide. We also met Mr. Le Brune in that

period of time, and he also suggested that our claim have to be based on everyday occurrences and social conflicts, but not on political

persecutions. When we met Mrs. Eleonora Broder next time I started to fight each sentence, but it was very complicated since my wife had

arguments with me taking Eleonora's side. But I want to make it clear: MY WIFE AND ME - WE NEVER AUTHORIZED MRS. BRODER

TO CHANGE OR MODIFY OUR REFUGEE CLAIM. We only agreed to allow some shortening.

3.4.Very soon Mrs. Broder called us and told us to sign her translation. I asked her to read us the context in Russian, but she refused

motivating her refusal by the lack of time. She also told us that only 5 more days are left (to complete the PIF and submit the claim; and that

the total number of days is 14), and if it would not be submitted, then a deportation order is going to be issued for us. (In reality 20 days or

even more are given, but we did not know about that). Then I told her that I could type my story with her shortenings just in 1 hour in English

myself - and give her or another translator to sign it (because I wanted to control its context, and I was not good enough in French by then).

She told me that in Quebec only French-written claims are accepted. Because of her threats and because my wife was near a hysterics I

was forced to sign it.

3.5.In December 1994 and January 1995 I gave a copy of Mrs. Broder's translation of my refugee claim to several people; they knew

French very well. Using their help I discovered that the context of our refugee claim was seriously distorted and sometimes even converted

by Mrs. Broder. Some details were given in such interpretation (translation) that they contradicted with other details. We also discovered

that the text of her French translation was different from her back translation into Russian made after my request and written by her own

hand. (I wanted to verify her translation). When Lucy's purposes of what she did to us might been explained by various reasons, the

purpose of Mrs. Broder might be only one: to sabotage the translation. I repeat that she distorted the translation not because of

incompetence or unconsciousness mistakes but on purpose. And I have good evidence: she excluded one paragraph from my story

without even discussing it with us. It was a description of humiliation over other Russian-speaking workers and me by employers-Israelis in

August 1991. Instead of typing this paragraph she made a statement in my name not just generalizing the situation, but placing an abstract

declaration about slavery in Israel. When I asked her later why she did it, she answered that immigration commissioners would never believe

that something like this exist in Israel. "They would call it "slavery" - and tell you that slavery doesn't exist in Israel. Why then she inserted

that pure statement about slavery in Israel in my name? If even a description of real events, which could be treated as a denunciation of

slavery is "bad", a pure statement about slavery (without any explanation) is "more worse" then?! I could only explain that by favor, which

Mrs. Broder did to the commissioners (immigration oficer in particular) - because they later used this exactly paragraph (in Mrs. Broder's

translation of my refugee claim) as a key indication of "exaggerations" and based their rejection of our refugee claim mostly on it. Mrs.

Broder also told me that she inserted this paragraph because I mentioned slavery in one of our conversations. I said that it does not mean

that I permitted to insert it.

3.6. I said that I do not remember if I really said that. In response Eleonora said that she secretly recorded all our conversations and now

could prove that I told it. She never agreed to correct her translation. She even threaten me by telling that she is going to present above

mentioned tapes to the immigration tribunal - and she claimed that I spoke enough on these tapes to make a conclusion that I am

dangerous to Israel and "was persecuted correctly".

3.7. The translation of our claim was also made in a sarcastic and humiliating manner as if the translator not just repeated the Russian text

in French, but wrote a humorist story about what was described. 3.8. Lucy constantly threatened us during my dispute with Eleonora, and I

think that her threats came as a reaction on my pretensions to Eleonora. She was threatening us from February till May 1995. She told that

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