Как вести беседу по телефону
Mr James: Two-four-five; seven-double three-six.
Mr Serov: Good morning. Could I have a word with Mr James, please?
Mr James: Speaking.
Mr Serov: Boris Serov here, Arthur.
Mr James: Oh, hello, Boris.
Mr Serov: I’m calling to offer you my heartiest congratulations on your promotion.
Mr James: Thank you ever so much.
Mr Serov: I guess you have other fish to fry [12] and we won’t be having as many official contacts now, but I do hope that our productive cooperation will continue.
Mr James: I hope so, too. It has always been a great pleasure for me to have worked with the people from your country.
to have other fish to fry
Mr Serov: Thank you. That’s splendid then. Please accept my best wishes for your future career. Good-bye, Arthur.
Mr James: Good-bye, Boris.
Mr Clay: Hello. Could I speak to Mr Orlov?
Mr Orlov: Speaking. Good afternoon.
Mr Clay: Good afternoon, Mike. This is John Clay speaking.
Mr Orlov: How are you, John?
Mr Clay: Fine, thanks. I called to wish you a happy birthday.
Mr Orlov: Thank you very much, John. It’s so kind of you to remember my birthday. Incidentally could you come over to my place tonight? I’m having a few people over.
Mr Clay: Thanks, Mike, but I’m afraid I must be leaving for Glasgow today. I’ll give you a ring when I come back.
Mr Orlov: Good. So I hope to see you before long. Good-bye.
Mr Clay: Good-bye.
Mr Candlin: Three-four-one; seven-one-double eight.
Mr Azarov: Hello, Philip, Azarov here.
Mr Candlin: Oh, Victor, good morning.
Mr Azarov: I was delighted to hear of your marriage, Philip. Please accept my most sincere and hearty congratulations. I wish I could have been at your wedding but I have only just come from Moscow.
Mr Candlin: Thank you very much. I was so sorry you couldn’t come.
Mr Azarov: It’s really good that you decided to get married at last and I do wish you and Mary the very best of luck and many years in which to enjoy it.
Mr Candlin: Thank you for your kind wishes.
Mr Azarov: Good-bye.
Mr Candlin: Bye.
Mr Petrov: Good afternoon, Jack.
Mr Hailey: Good afternoon, Nick.
Mr Petrov: Congratulations on the arrival of your son. My wife and I were delighted to hear the good news and especially to know that Jenny and your son are both well.
Mr Hailey: Thank you very much, Nick. You can’t imagine how happy I am.
Mr Petrov: You are sure to make a wonderful father, but don’t get too excited about it.
Mr Hailey: I can’t help it. I’m brimming over with joy and happiness [13] . You know how it feels to become a father.
Mr Petrov: Congratulations again, and please give them to Jenny when you see her, from both of us. Good-bye.
Mr Hailey: Thanks, Nick. Bye.
I. Read the dialogues and reproduce them paying attention to telephone phrases.
I’m brimming over with joy and happiness.
II. What would you say on the phone in reply to these remarks and questions?
1. I’m happy to offer you my hearty congratulations on your promotion. 2. You can’t imagine how happy I am. My wife has borne me a son. 3. I’m so sorry you couldn’t come to our wedding. 4. Many happy returns of the day, Nick. 5. My wife has been seriously ill. But now she is out of danger. She managed to pull through her illness. 6. I’m calling to convey our congratulations on your successful completion of the project. 7. Accept my best wishes for your future career.
III. In what situations would you say the following?
1. You have other fish to fry. 2. I hope that our productive cooperation will continue. 3. Please accept my best wishes. 4. It’s so considerate of you to send me your congratulations. 5. I am sure you’ll make a wonderful father. 6. He’s brimming over with joy and happiness. 7. Convey my hearty congratulations to your wife. 8. I’m delighted to hear that your wife and new-born baby are well.
IV. Convey congratulations by phone: