Стеклянная клетка. Автоматизация и мы
31. Цитируется по: Gavin Mortimer. The Longest Night. N. Y.: Penguin, 2005. Р. 319.
32. Dino Marcantonio. Architectural Quackery at Its Finest: Parametricism //Marcantonio Architects Blog, 2010. May 8.UPL:blog.marcantonioarchitects.com/architectural-quackery-at-its-finest-parametricism/.
33. Paul Goldberger. Digital Dreams // New Yorker, 2001. March 12.
34. Patrik Schumacher. Parametricism as Style – Parametricist Manifesto // Patrik Schumacher’s blog, 2008. UPL:patrikschumacher.com/Texts/Parametricism%20as%20Style.htm.
35. Anonymous. Interviews Renzo Piano.
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38. Michael Graves. Architecture and the Lost Art of Drawing // New YorkTimes, 2012. September 2.
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40. Michael Graves. Architecture and the Lost Art of Drawing. См. также: Masaki Suwa et al. Macroscopic Analysis of Design Processes Based on a Scheme for Coding Designers’ Cognitive Actions // Design Studies 19, 1998. Р. 455–483.
41. Nigel Cross. Designerly Ways of Knowing. Basel: Birkhдuser, 2007. 58.
42. Scho#n. Designing as Reflective Conversation.
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45. Graves. Architecture and the Lost Art of Drawing.
46. Juhani Pallasmaa. The Thinking Hand: Existential and Embodied Wisdom in Architecture. Chichester, U.K.: Wiley, 2009. Р. 96–97.
47. Интервью Мида автору от 23 июля 2013 года.
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49. Matthew B. Crawford. Shop Class as Soulcraft: An Inquiry into the Value of Work. N.Y.: Penguin, 2009. Р. 164.
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51. John Dewey. Essays in Experimental Logic. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1916. Р. 13–14.
52. Matthew D. Lieberman. The Mind-Body Illusion // Psychology Today, 2012. May 17. UPL:psychologytoday.com/blog/social-brain-social-mind/201205/the-mind-body-illusion. См. также: Matthew D. Lieberman. What Makes Big Ideas Sticky? / What’s Next? Dispatches on the Future of Science / Ed. Max Brockman. N. Y.: Vintage. 2009. Р. 90–103.
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56. Andy Clark. Embodied Cognition.
57. Shaun Gallagher. How the Body Shapes the Mind. Oxford, U.K.: Oxford University Press, 2005. Р. 247.
58. Andy Clark. Natural-Born Cyborgs: Minds, Technologies, and the Future of Human Intelligence. N. Y.: Oxford University Press, 2003. Р. 4.
59. Цитируется по книге: Fallows. Places You’ll Go.
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