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The Robot Brains [with w cat]

Баундс Сидней


397 One day he was standing in the corridor near his cell waiting for the giant woman who always brought him food. Suddenly he saw another woman who was running very quickly towards him. Some other women were running after her and beating her with metal whips.

398 The woman jumped into Christian's cell and stopped at the far wall. At that moment Waldo appeared in the corridor.

399 "You are a fool to interfere," he said to Christian. "Let them do what they like." He looked around the cell. "Do they give you enough food? Are you all right?" he asked.


Тогда есть шанс - сказал он - Если Кристиан жив, возможно, он спасется и принесет нам информацию, в которой мы так нуждаемся.


Кристиан был в очень большом зале с высоким потолком, но без окон. У него возникло впечатление, что он глубоко под землей.


В стенах было несколько дверей через которые были видны длинные коридоры. Центр зала занимала большая конструкция с лестницами и балконами. Два Умника стояли у пульта управления, на котором горели красные и зеленые лампочки. Сбоку конструкцию заполняли черные кристаллы.

"I am all right." replied Christian.

400 Waldo rubbed his hands and smiled. "Excellent, excellent," he said. "Not long now, you won't have long to wait..."

401 He walked away. His smile reminded Christian of a cat playing with a mouse.

402 The giant woman brought Christian his food. When she saw the woman in his cell, she said something to her and called her "Alma." Then she went away.


Кристаллы были разделены по парам. Время от времени из пустоты появлялся Умник и укладывал свой черный кристалл на место в конструкции и тогда красная лампочка меняла цвет на зеленый. Иногда другой Умник брал кристалл из конструкции и закреплял его на поясе. Затем он касался кристалла и исчезал.


Кристиан понял, что конструкция это вид передатчика, с помощью которого Умники посещают Землю и исчезают оттуда.


Он хотел вскочить и разбить машину... но два Умника вооруженные декаптаторами сторожили его. Кристалл посредством которого он попал сюда, был отобран и воодружен на место в трансмиттере.

403 Alma quickly took some food from the tray and ate it.

404 "You can eat all of it if you like, Alma," said Christian, and she ate some more and drank the water. Christian tried to speak to her, but she did not answer, and soon ran out of his cell and along the corridor.

Все ребята, как сказал инспектор в первой главе "Show out", я думаю, вы убедились, что язык книги очень простой, и надеюсь, далее моя помощь вам не потребуется.


Был ли он по-прежнему на Земле, только под землей? Или он на другой планете? Или, возможно он на борту космического корабля?


Из одного из коридоров вышла женщина. Это была очень странная женщина. У нее были длинные светлые волосы и она

была очень красива. Но она была по крайней мере девяти футов ростом.

Ну, я то знаю, что будет дальше, интересно, догадались ли вы, где находится Кристиан, а ему предстоит еще много приключений, ведь это только половина книги.



– 28 -

Christian thought about Alma. It was clear that she was very hungry and afraid. But why? Why did the other women run after her and beat her?

He decided to walk along the corridors in the direction in which Alma had run away.

As he was walking, the corridor was getting wider and wider. At last he could not see the walls. It was already not a corridor, but a large underground cave.

Everywhere there was tall grass. It was hot and wet. The grass was becoming thicker and taller, it was like a grass jungle.

Suddenly Waldo walked up to him.

"A man can hide here," said the Brain.

"Or a woman..."

"Or a woman," Waldo agreed and laughed. "You are quite right, Captain - Alma is somewhere here."

Christian did not want to talk to him and walked away, back to the corridor.

When he was going along the corridor in the direction of his cell, he noticed that many Brains were standing at the walls of the corridor and looking at him. Instinct told him that his time was running out...

He saw a group of giant women walking towards him. They were all carrying metal whips with which they had attacked Alma. One of them gave a command, and they ran to him with loud shouts, waving their metal whips.

Christian turned and ran. The Brains were standing along the walls and laughing. He ran as fast as he could. He reached the grass jungle and ran into the tall grass.

He was running through the thick tall grass and heard laughing and shouting behind him.

He was breathing hard. He began to understand how an animal feels during the hunt. He was running and changing directions, but he heard that the Brains were surrounding him on all sides. He stumbled and fell. When he raised his head, he saw Waldo standing over him.

"You were running well, Captain," said the Brain, "but this is the end!"

He raised his weapon -

Something lifted Christian. He looked up and saw a giant figure. Alma! She threw him over her shoulder and jumped into the green jungle. She did it so quickly, that Waldo had no time to shoot.

Alma was running very fast, and soon the cries of the hunters died away.

She stopped near a huge old tree, about twenty feet across, and put Christian down on the grass.

"We can hide inside this tree," she said. "Get in."

Christian got after her into the hollow trunk. Alma sat down on the grass that was on the bottom.

"You are safe here," she said.

"Thanks," said Christian. "Thanks for saving my life."

He was looking at her and thinking what questions to ask her.

– 29 -

Suddenly Alma said: "Why do you use the archaic language?" Can't you speak properly?"


"Yes, archaic. Don't think I am a fool. I am intelligent."

She looked at him.

"You are not one of us - your body is too big and your head is too small. Where are you from?"

"From Earth," Christian said. "Earth is the third planet revolving round -"

"Do you take me for an idiot?" said Alma angrily. "I know that."

Christian looked at Alma in silence. He did not know what to say. Finally he asked: "What planet is this?"

"Why, Earth, of course!"

"If this is Earth," said Christian, "it is certainly not the Earth which I know. We are underground, I suppose?"

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