Великая Церковь в пленении
Luther M.Von den Consiliis und Kirchen (Weimar edition). 1914.
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Margunius Maximus.Letters //Legrand.Bibliographie Hellenique du 17 еsiecle. IV.
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Mavrommatis Neophytos. (ed. J. Sakellios. . VIII). Athens, 1862.
Meletios, Metropolitan of Athens. (ed. G. Ven-dotis).3 Vol. Vienna, 1783–1795 (with 4 thvolume by Vendotis).
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Morelli J.Intorno ad un orazione greca inedita del Cardinale Pietro Bembo alia Signoria di Venezia/ /Memorie del Regale Istituto del Regno Lombardo-Veneto. Milan, 1821.
Narratio epistolica Turbarum inter Cyrillum et Jesuitas/ / Hottinga.Ana-lecta, and Smith.Collectanea; identical in Chrysosculus.Letter (см. выше).
Neale A.Travels through some parts of Germany, Poland, Moldavia and Turkey. London, 1818.
Nucius Nicander.The Second Book of Nicander Nucius (ed. J. H. Cramer),Camden Society, XVII. London, 1841.
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Papadopoli N. C. Historia Gymnasii Patavini. 2 vols. Venice, 1762.
Paul, Deacon of Antioch.The Travels of Macarius (selected by Lady Laura Ridding). Oxford, 1936.
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Pius II, Pope.Lettera a Maometto II (ed. G. Toffanin). Naples, 1953. (Collectio Universalis 8.).
Pococke E.Supplement to his edition of Abulfaraj.Historia Dynasti-arum. London, 1663.
Pococke R. A. Description of the East. 2 vols. London, 1743–1745.
Raybaud M.Memoires sur la Grece. 2 vols. Paris, 1824. (With Introduction Historique, by A. Rabbe.).
Regenvolscius A.Systema Historico-Chronologicum Ecclesiarum Sla-vonicorum, Utrecht, 1652.
Ricaut P.The Present State of the Greek and Armenian Churches, Anno Christi, 1678. London, 1680.
Ricaut P.(name spelt Rycaut on title-page). The Present State of the Ottoman Empire. London, 1670.
Ricaut P. {Rycaut).In Vol. II, pt. II, of Knolles.The Turkish History (6 thedition), 1687; and Vol. Ill (The History of the Turks, beginning with the year 1687). London, 1700.
Roe T.The Negotiations of Sir Thomas Roe in his Embassy to the Ottoman Porte. London, 1740.
Roe T.Letters// Legrand .Bibliographie Hellenique au 17 еsiecle, V.
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Schmid-Schwarzenhorn R.Letters// Hurmuzaki E., de.Documente Privatore la Istoria Romдnilor, IV, I.
Scogardi.Letter// Hurmuzaki E., de.Documente Privatore la Istoria Romдnilor, IV, I.
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Simon R.Histoire critique de la creance et les coutumes des nations du Levant. Frankfort-am-Main, 1684.
Skinner J.An Ecclesiastical History of Scotland. 2 vols. London, 1788.
Smith T.An Account of the Greek Church. Oxford, 1680. (Latin version: De Graecae Ecclesiae hodierno statu epistola. London, 1676.).