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54 исторические миниатюры и 29 переводов. Сборник

"On September 20, 1519 the squadron Magallanes has left in the high sea" [3].

During the first around-the-world cruise expedicion de Magallanes-Del Cano (1519-1522) there were some extreme moments.

One of them - the mutiny which has taken place in the first numbers of April, 1520, even before passing of the Strait called later by the name of Magellan.

Not it was pleasant to all participants of spanish expedition, that it heads by Portuguese navigator. But if the sea voyage at "a initial" phase was accompanied by apparent successes and sensation of safety, hardly nationality of the chief would have essential value. But the success was still far, and sensation of danger was in air. In some measure the mutiny was based on opposition to the "alien" Portuguese.

Words said Magallanes for day up to supression of mutiny: "my solution is solid: I will better experience the heaviest deprivations, than with a shame return back in Spain" [3].

The ships of expedition of Magallanes - part of an european civilization; on the ships already - european orders acts - more or less standard.

As a part of an expedition there are officials with special functions. One of such officials, quoters of the Crown - Spaniard - responds for observance of the law order. His positions, probably, unambiguous modern analogy can't be picked up. In one books him call as the judge, chief justice, in other - police officer. There is also such version of translation of concept "alguacil" in modern realities: the bailiff. The Stefan Zweig will use the original naming of the position: he decided to name Gonzalo Gomez de Espinosa "alguacil of fleet" [5] (alguacil mayor de la armada de Magallanes) (preboste de la flota ("alguazil")). By the literature, Gonzalo Gomez de Espinosa was the judge above the participants of mutiny.

Probably, approximately exact will be generalized comprehension: "accountable for the law order with judicial and administrative functions". (Once again we shall mark, that Gonzalo Gomez de Espinosa - certainly not navigator; he - figure of an sphere of control (management sphere)).

Ferdinand Magellan routes alguacil Gonzalo Gomez de Espinosa to one of the chiefs of mutiny with an order to demand subordination and termination of mutiny, and at resistance - to apply force.

Having met with resistance, alguacil pins up by a dagger (dirk) of one of the chiefs of mutiny. (Earlier rioters have killed one of the supporters Magallanes). The act of alguacil makes an authoritative impression on the members of expedition. Alguacil - Spaniard, he - quoter (representative) of the Crown. To this act of alguacil the skilful operatings Magallanes are added. And the mutiny finishes by a fall. The expedition is prolonged.

The mutineers (the rebels) were the Spaniards. And the Spaniards of a nobiliary parentage, officials assigned by the Crown. One of the organizers of mutiny, may be, consist in family relations with the spanish monarch... Someone in behavior of alguacil Gomez de Espinosa can see some kind of moral exploit. What "values" could bring the loyalty to Ferdinand Magellan? Really there were no presentiments, suppositions? It would be not easier "morally to surrender"? To capitulate? To interprete behavior of Magallanes in a negative light? To return to secure Spain? To join the influential opponents of Magallanes?

What motives were to continue sea voyage in the uncertainty seeming disastrous?

A duty? "Simplly" "duty"!? Personal responsibility? And what about life, and safety, and health, and family life? And what about solidarity with the noble Spaniards? Let's not forget also precept ...

At once after supression of mutiny alguacil de Espinosa has conducted judicial proceedings on a coast of Southern America. Among the indictees (and denounced) was Del Cano, one of the participants of mutiny ... the Majority denounced was had mercy by Magallanes.

4. Gonzalo Gomez de Espinosa ("simple" ... "duty ")

The destiny Gonzalo Gomez de Espinosa is rather curious. After death Magallanes on Philippines in April, 1521 he (de Espinosa) avoids destruction (part of a personal structure of expedition was killed the inhabitants of one of far foreign-made islands; but de Espinosa on some internal impulse has managed to return prior to these tragic events from the coast on the ship). (Have perished, in particular, Duarte Barbosa, exchanging Magallanes in the rank of the chief of expedition, captain "Conception" ("Concepcion") Juan Serrano, main control (pilot), cartographer and astrologist Martin).


Juan Sebastian del Cano and Gonzalo G'omez de Espinosa became co-chiefs of an expedition.

The quite good basis for an emotional drama any of the great playwright. It is possible to expect to see spunky opposition of the spunky men. But not drama performance is watched, but persevering tendency successfully to complete expedition.

The ship "Victoria" under a command del Cano departs through Indian and Atlantic oceans to Spain.

"This was a pathetic scene on the other side of the world, when forty-seven officers and men who were going home in the "Victoria," bade farewell to the fifty-one selected to await on Tidore the repair of the "Trinidad." Down to the last hour, the latter group stayed on board the "Victoria" with their comrades, to embrace them once again, and to send home letters and greetings. Two and a half years of hardships shared had cemented unity among those who spoke different tongues and belonged to so many different races. No dissension could now disturb their harmony. When the "Victoria" heaved anchor, the crew of the "Trinidad" were still unwilling to depart. On rowboats, or paddling in Malay prahus, they kept alongside the "Victoria" as she gathered way, to see a little longer the faces of those who were homeward bound, and to shout a last message. Not until night fell and their arms were weary, did they put about and make for the shore, while a broadside was fired in last good-bye. Then the "Victoria" continued her ever-memorable voyage of circumnavigation alone" [5A].

"It was unanimously agreed that the "Trinidad," when she had been made seaworthy, should recross the Pacific in order to reach overseas Spain at Panama..." [5A].

On all visibility, after losses, suffered by expedition, in crew "Trinidad" there were no enough skilful, aware navigators, mariners. The ship a long time the ship wanders in the ocean, decays, loses capacity to sail on ocean.

Were saved both discipline, and perseverance in achievement of the purpose, tendency to return in Spain.

But, as it is possible to draw a conclusion, there was no qualified a navigator, navigation officer, captain, were hindered an exact determination of the ship position, maintenance of an exact course. The ship doomed on wanderings, wandering.

The hypothetical pathway of wanderings from illustrative maps, allows to suspect, that those wanderings in any measure is comparable to an hypothetical route (not becoming a reality) "Trinidad" through Pacific ocean for achieving spanish possessions in Panama.

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