54 исторические миниатюры и 29 переводов. Сборник
Experimental, gradual de traducci'on de ruso a espa~nol "Enrique el Navegante, Fernando de Magallanes, Juan Sebasti'an del Cano, Gonzalo G'omez de Espinosa, Francis Drake. El orden y la improvisaci'on. Ensayo" publicado en la Internet: 10.09.2017 - 14.09.2017.
XXI. Naval dirk. To the topic of the "Magellan - del Cano- de Espinosa" expedition
About five hundred years passed from the date of the beginning of the first round-the-world expedition, but interest in her doesn't disappear!
Moreover, the authors continue to try to discover new and new historical and biographical nuances related to produced expeditions and human beings, who have carried out them.
The logbook (the ship's log) as a binding document was not at all times. There is some chronological point of its occurrence. At some point, the culture of navigation has made a leap, and from voluntary, independent, proactive, more or less fragmentary ship records, of any other documents (reports, for example), a logbook has emerged in the modern sense of the word. Perhaps the activities of Prince Henry the Navigator (years of life: 1394-1460) have played in this process of emergence of the logbook either the main thing, or important value.
Of course, in events of 500 years ago we can find not only emergence of logbooks.
Here one more complex of interesting historical questions.
During the first round-the-world expedition (1519-1522; the specifying dating: 1519-1527) there was a mutiny.
The riot has happened in April, 1520 at coast of South America, even before passing of the Strait of Magellan (the modern name). Ferdinand Magellan has directed an alguacil Gonzalo Gomez de Espinosa to one of leaders of a mutiny with order to demand the termination of a mutiny, and in situation of resistance - to use force.
Having met resistance, alguacil slew with a dagger of one of the chiefs of a mutiny. (Earlier the rebels have killed one of the supporters of Magellan). Rebellion comes to an end by a failure.
The expedition is continuing.
When translating from Russian into English and into Spanish languages essay about the first global cruise ("Prince Henry the Navigator, Ferdinand Magellan, Juan Sebastian del Cano, Gonzalo G'omez de Espinosa, Francis Drake. Order and improvisation. An essay") "nearby" with the concept "dagger" the word "dirk" "was found".
From Wikipedia articles, from other works follows, that "Dirk" is a variant of the dagger.
Near the concept "dirk" - such concepts as "sword" and "dagger". The chain of names of cold weapon can be continued. Of course, it is possible to ask: "And at what here a sword?". In reply it is possible to ask a counter question: "and about what "tell" epaulettes (officer shoulder straps)?". Will be the separate conversation about the European concept "officer".
However, why the dirk was and remains a steady element of a naval form, a steady symbol in a number of the fleet of the world? Unless the modern fleet assumes use of cold weapon?
If to believe that the dirk is not so much weapon, how many a symbol.
– A symbol of what?
Let's return to a situation of the rebellion in the expedition of Magellan.
The rebels were Spaniards of noble birth, officials appointed by the Royal power. One of the organizers of the rebellion, it seems, consisted in related relations (in family relationship) with the Spanish monarch... The Expedition was moving into the unknown. This uncertainty seemed disastrous. Magellan was clear not to all contemporaries.
Let's remind, that Magellan tried to obtain the decision of the authorities of Spain on sending an expedition not alone but together with the erudite astrologer and the navigator Rui (Ruy) Faleiro. In documents of the Spanish authorities it was told about the organization of an expedition of "Magellan and Faleiro ". The Spanish king has appropriated to Magellan and Faleiro a title of captains-commanders, appointed a salary.
K.I. Kunin, the author of the book "Magellan" (1940), writes that the astrologer before the expedition has made a new horoscope. Stars have predicted to the astrologer death during the voyage. Rui Faleiro has flatly refused to participate in a sea campaign.
In General, any long-distance ocean voyage at that time was a threat. But the voyage of Magellan was super dangerous. Behavior Faleiro confirms this. The man who achieved from the Spanish authorities to organize the expedition, the person named officially and publicly by one of the organizers of the expedition, the man who became a party in the treaty relationship with the Spanish king, refused to participate in a sea campaign!
Faleiro's behavior confirms the extreme riskiness of the Magellan expedition. The danger of the expedition was confirmed by the subsequent events.
Someone in the behavior of alguacil de Espinosa can see the kind of moral feat.
The loyalty on the relation to not absolutely clear Ferdinand Magellan could bring what "benefits", what "boons"? There was no feeling, assumptions? Wouldn't it be simpler to "morally bend", to capitulate morally? To interpret the behavior of Magellan from negative positions? Go back to safe Spain? Enter into alliance with influential opponents of Magellan? What were the reasons for continuing to swim in uncertainty, seeming to deadly? Duty? "Just" "Duty "?! And what about life and security and family life? And understandable solidarity with the noble Spaniards? Let's not overlook also biblical precepts ...
For the "normal" person is inexplicable the behavior of de Espinosa, the notable Spaniard, who hasn't supported the notable compatriots, who not taken measures to "reasonable" return to Spain.
Right after suppression of a mutiny alguacil de Espinosa have conducted court trial on the South American coast. Among defendants (and convicts) there was del Cano, one of participants of a mutiny ... Magellan has carried out pardon toward convicts - overwhelming number.