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Let's mark - for historical distinctness - that Portuguese Prince Henry the Navigator (1394 - 1460) lived before English seaman Francis Drake (approximately 1540 - 1596). Drake was born approximately in 80 years after completion of a zoetic path of great Portuguese prince.

Naturally, Prince Henry the Navigator could not take advantage of something from experience or from discoverings of sir Francis Drake.

To the contrary, and during second in a history of around-the-world cruise (1577-1580), and during diverse expeditions Francis Drake has used that cultural potential, to formation which Prince Henry the Navigator made start. In sailings Francis Drake we see, that become a reality both new "engineering" and new cultural "format" of navigation.

Drake had ability to intuitive knowledge, to improvising, suddenness. But Francis Drake could not make a little long voyage without planned use, rationality, discipline, development of intellect (fissile usage of knowledge and skills), without results of civilization efforts Prince Henry the Navigator. Who have made of the ship not a simplly nautational means, but small terrain unified (christian in that time) Europe.

It is understandable, that the element of opposition , on the one hand, disciplines, planned use, intellectuality, and, with another, - improvising, capacity to intuitive knowledge, steady tendency to achievement of good luck, - is partly conditional, is illustrative.

It is clear, that Prince Henry the Navigator, outfitting all new and new expeditions along the African coast, acted partly intuitively, and Francis Drake could not to fulfill the voyages without the order, discipline and calculation.

Consideration of a subject "the order and improvisation", the consideration of activity Prince Henry the Navigator and Francis Drake makes by a subject of attention the participants of the first around-the-world cruise: Ferdinand Magellan, Juan Sebastian del Cano, Gonzalo Gomez de Espinosa.

Historically after Prince Henry the Navigator (years of life: 1394 - 1460) followed Ferdinand Magellan (years of life: approximately 1480 - 1521), Juan Sebastian del Cano (years of life: 1486-1526), Gonzalo Gomez de Espinosa (one of presumable versions of dating of the birth and death: approximately 1490 - after 1550), and behind them - Francis Drake (years of life: approximately 1540-1596).

2. Henry the Navigator (rationality and planned use, discipline)

The cultural revolution in european (and global) seamanship is connected to a name Henry the Navigator.

At first, rather brief sea voyages (tied to the coast ) on courts with paddles (galera) step-by-step of steel to leave in past (or on the second schedule). Them were succeeded by long ocean voyages on sailing ships (caravels).

In this point of reasoning we have the right to recollect about Vikings and their distant ocean sailings. Those most ancient samples of the ships Vikings, which one were kept till now, are dated IX by century. They are intended as for rowing (as for the course on oars), and for the course under a sail [2]. But in XI century for Vikings used also clean sailing vessels (alongside with the ships equipped with oars and a sail) [2].

"Due to skill of the seamen and art of the shipbuilders Vikings were the sovereigns of the seas, and their courageous instructions to the seafarers prolong confidently to sound through centuries: "From Hernar in Norway be floating directly to the west, to Greenland ..." [2].

The culture of distant marine sailings of Vikings was a part of enough especial ethnic -religious culture.

The memory on distant ocean sailings of vVikings clearly demonstrates one more cultural merit Henry the Navigator - the merit, maybe, exceeding "technical" replacement of galeras on caravels.

Secondly, Henry the Navigator made the ship the territory of the all-European culture, the small territory big (Christian at that time) Europe.

The theses about "the all-European culture", about "the European community" with reference to a boundary 1400 - 1500 years can to someone show hypothetical. However structure of distant marine expeditions, including expedition of Magallanes, allows to use such terms. A considerable proportion of a personal structure of the first round-the-world expedition - Spaniards. The chief - Ferdinand Magellan - the Portuguese, Antonio Pigafetta, drawing up diary of expedition, - Italian.

With Magallanes many aliens have departed "to expedition: at least thirty seven Portuguese, seventeen Italians, five

фламандцев (mainly бомбардиров), some germans, Englishmen, Africans, Arabs, Basques, Greeks, inhabitants of Azores and Madeira" [3].

By and large, the participants of expedition perceived one another, cooperated, jointly overcame considerable difficulties.

"Thanks to connection of dynastic lines Carl inherited huge territories in Western, Southern and Central Europe, earlier never integrated ... (...) Actually Carl was the first governor (ruler) of unified Spain in 1516-1556 years ... Itself Carl officially was the king of Aragon (as Carl I, Spanish: Carlos I, 1516-1556), and in Castile was Regent of his the mother ... " [4].

Probably, there are basis for a conclusion about the all-European structure of the first round-the-world expedition.

The ship on a boundary 1400 - 1500 years became a place of a faith, discipline, accumulation of knowledge.

The ship went to a long voyage with particular purposes, the captain received rather detailed instructions.

In sailing the definite rules bolstering discipline, rallying crew, guides it to achievement of effective objectives worked. Not having communications with a native land the ship, nevertheless, as a whole, in general followed the regulations and the rules developed the European practice. Having returned from sailing, the crew of expedition enriches all-european community by the obtained knowledge. Let's mark, that to the moment of a beginning of the first round-the-world expedition already there were those oldest universities, in which one has listened cycles of the lectures in XIX century Heinrich Schliemann: the Parisian university (Paris-Sorbonne University), founded in 1215, and Neapolitan university (The University of Naples), founded in 1224. Approximately 1440 dates a beginning european mechanical movable type printing of the books (Johann Gutenberg).

Observatory and a school of navigators and map-makers, organized by Henry the Navigator have activated enormous, global processes.

3. Ferdinand Magellan (talent, intuition, resoluteness, discipline)

Though Henry the Navigator and Ferdinand Magellan also could not be personally familiar, but we have the right to draw a conclusion, that Magellan was the representative of cultural traditions of the long sea voyages initiated by Henry the Navigator.

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