Английский с Р. Л. Стивенсоном. Алмаз раджи / R. L. Stevenson. The Rajah’s Diamond
He accosted the first policeman and courteously inquired his way. It turned out that he was already not far from his destination, and a walk of a few minutes brought him to a small house in a lane, freshly painted, and kept with the most scrupulous attention.
The knocker and bell-pull were highly polished (дверной
A servant-maid of some personal attractions immediately opened the door (горничная, /не лишенная/ некоторой личной привлекательности, немедленно открыла дверь), and seemed to regard the secretary with no unkind eyes (и, казалось, оглядела секретаря не недобрыми глазами).
“This is the parcel from Lady Vandeleur,” said Harry (вот пакет от леди Венделер, – сказал Гарри).
“I know,” replied the maid, with a nod (я знаю, – ответила горничная с кивком = кивнув). “But the gentleman is from home (но господин не дома: «из дома /вышел/»). Will you leave it with me (может быть, вы оставите его со мной = мне)?”
“I cannot,” answered Harry (я не могу, – ответил Гарри). “I am directed not to part with it but upon a certain condition (мне приказано не расставаться с ним без определенных условий), and I must ask you, I am afraid, to let me wait (и я должен попросить вас, боюсь, позволить мне подождать /здесь/).”
“This is the parcel from Lady Vandeleur,” said Harry.
“I know,” replied the maid, with a nod. “But the gentleman is from home. Will you leave it with me?”
“I cannot,” answered Harry. “I am directed not to part with it but upon a certain condition, and I must ask you, I am afraid, to let me wait.”
“Well,” said she, “I suppose I may let you wait (что
“Do you say so?” cried Harry (вы говорите так = в самом деле? – воскликнул Гарри). “Why, how strange (ох, как странно)! But indeed for some time back I walk among surprises (но, вправду, уже какое-то время я шагаю = живу среди сюрпризов). One question I think I may surely ask without indiscretion (один вопрос, думаю, я могу точно задать без невежливости): Is he the master of this house (хозяин ли он этого дома)?”
“He is a lodger (он квартирант), and not eight days old at that,” returned the maid (и еще меньше восьми дней в таком качестве = совсем недавно, – ответила горничная). “And now a question for a question (а теперь вопрос за вопрос): Do you know lady Vandeleur (вы знаете леди Венделер)?”
“I am her private secretary,” replied Harry with a glow of modest pride (я ее личный секретарь, – ответил Гарри с румянцем скромной гордости = зардевшись; glow – свет, отблеск, зарево /обычно также имеется в виду исходящее тепло/; яркость, блеск /о цвете/; румянец; to glow – рдеть, пылать, быть залитым румянцем /о щеках/).
“She is pretty, is she not?” pursued the servant (она хорошенькая, не правда ли? – продолжала служанка).
“Oh, beautiful!” cried Harry (о, красивая! – вскричал Гарри); “wonderfully lovely (чудесно милая), and not less good and kind (и в неменьшей степени хорошая и добрая)!”
“Do you say so?” cried Harry. “Why, how strange! But indeed for some time back I walk among surprises. One question I think I may surely ask without indiscretion: Is he the master of this house?”
“He is a lodger, and not eight days old at that,” returned the maid. “And now a question for a question: Do you know lady Vandeleur?”
“I am her private secretary,” replied Harry with a glow of modest pride.
“She is pretty, is she not?” pursued the servant.
“Oh, beautiful!” cried Harry; “wonderfully lovely, and not less good and kind!”