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Английский язык с Э. Хемингуэем. Старик и море

Франк Илья


The iridescent bubbles were beautiful. But they were the falsest thing in the sea and the old man loved to see the big sea turtles eating them. The turtles saw them, approached them from the front, then shut their eyes so they were completely carapaced and ate them filaments and all. The old man loved to see the turtles eat them and he loved to walk on them on the beach after a storm and hear them pop when he stepped on them with the horny soles of his feet.

He loved green turtles and hawk-bills (он любил зеленых черепах и бисс; hawk-bill — бисса /морская черепаха/) with their elegance and speed and their great value (за их изящество, скорость и большую ценность; elegance — изящность, элегантность) and he had a friendly contempt for the huge, stupid loggerheads (и он испытывал дружеское = снисходительное презрение к огромным глупым грифовым черепахам; contempt — презрение), yellow in their armour-plating (желтым в своей пластинчатой броне; plating —

покрытие из пластин), strange in their love-making (чудным/прихотливым в своих любовных играх), and happily eating the Portuguese men-of-war with their eyes shut (и счастливым, когда поедают португальских физалий с закрытыми глазами).

He had no mysticism about turtles (он не разделял суеверных верований в черепах) although he had gone in turtle boats for many years (хотя он и ходил с охотниками за черепахами: «черепашьих лодках» много лет). He was sorry for them all (ему было их всех жалко), even the great trunk backs (даже больших кожистых черепах; trunkback — кожистая черепаха) that were as long as the skiff and weighed a ton (которые длинные, как лодка, и весят тонну). Most people are heartless about turtles (большинство людей бессердечны к черепахам) because a turtle's heart will beat for hours after he has been cut up and butchered (потому что черепашье сердце будет биться несколько часов после того, как черепаху разрежут на куски). But the old man thought, I have such a heart too and my feet and hands are like theirs (но у меня такое же сердце, а ноги и руки такие же как у них = похожи на их лапы). He ate the white eggs to give himself strength (он ел белые яйца, чтобы дать себе силы). He ate them all through May to be strong in September and October for the truly big fish (он ел их весь май, чтобы быть сильным в сентябре и октябре для действительно большой рыбы).

elegance ['elIgqns], loggerhead ['lOgqhed], weigh [weI]

He loved green turtles and hawk-bills with their elegance and speed and their great value and he had a friendly contempt for the huge, stupid loggerheads, yellow in their armour-plating, strange in their love-making, and happily eating the Portuguese men-of-war with their eyes shut.

He had no mysticism about turtles although he had gone in turtle boats for many years. He was sorry for them all, even the great trunk backs that were as long as the skiff and weighed a ton. Most people are heartless about turtles because a turtle's heart will beat for hours after he has been cut up and butchered. But the old man thought, I have such a heart too and my feet and hands are like theirs. He ate the white eggs to give himself strength. He ate them all through May to be strong in September and October for the truly big fish.

He also drank a cup of shark liver oil each day (он также выпивал кружку жира из акульей печенки каждый день) from the big drum in the shack where many of the fishermen kept their gear (из большой бочки в сарае, где многие рыбаки хранили свои снасти). It was there for all fishermen who wanted it (жир был там для всех рыбаков, кто захочет). Most fishermen hated the taste (большинство рыбаков ненавидели = терпеть не могли вкус). But it was no worse than getting up at the hours that they rose (но это было не хуже, чем вставать в часы, в которые они вставали) and it was very good against all colds (и был очень хорош против всяких простуд) and grippes (и гриппа) and it was good for the eyes (и был полезен для глаз).

Now the old man looked up and saw that the bird was circling again (сейчас старик посмотрел вверх и увидел, что птица снова кружится).

"He's found fish (она нашла рыбу)," he said aloud (сказал он вслух). No flying fish broke the surface (ни одна летучая рыба не нарушила гладь воды; to break — ломать, разбивать) and there was no scattering of bait fish (и не было видно мелкой рыбешки; scattering — рассеивание, рассыпание; небольшое количество; to scatter — рассеивать). But as the old man watched, a small tuna rose in the air, turned and dropped head first into the water (но пока старик наблюдал, маленьких тунец выпрыгнул: «поднялся» в воздух, перевернулся и упал головой вниз в воду). The tuna shone silver in the sun (тунец сверкнул серебром на солнце; to shine — светить, сиять) and after he had dropped back into the water (и после того, как он ушел назад в воду) another and another rose and they were jumping in all directions (другие стали подниматься и прыгали во всех направлениях), churning the water and leaping in long jumps after the bait (взбалтывая воду и прыгая длинными прыжками за мелкой рыбешкой; to churn — взбалтывать, вспенивать; to leap — прыгать). They were circling it and driving it (они кружили вокруг нее и гнали ее перед собой; to drive — гнать, преследовать).

tuna ['tjHnq], churn [CWn], leap [lJp]

He also drank a cup of shark liver oil each day from the big drum in the shack where many of the fishermen kept their gear. It was there for all fishermen who wanted it. Most fishermen hated the taste. But it was no worse than getting up at the hours that they rose and it was very good against all colds and grippes and it was good for the eyes.

Now the old man looked up and saw that the bird was circling again.

"He's found fish," he said aloud. No flying fish broke the surface and there was no scattering of bait fish. But as the old man watched, a small tuna rose in the air, turned and dropped head first into the water. The tuna shone silver in the sun and after he had dropped back into the water another and another rose and they were jumping in all directions, churning the water and leaping in long jumps after the bait. They were circling it and driving it.

If they don't travel too fast I will get into them (если

они не поплывут слишком быстро, я догоню их), the old man thought, and he watched the school working the water white (и он наблюдал, как стая взбивает воду до белизны) and the bird now dropping and dipping into the bait fish that were forced to the surface in their panic (и как птица, пикируя и ныряя, охотится на мелкую рыбешку, которая была вынуждена подняться на поверхность в панике; to force — заставлять, принуждать, вынуждать).

"The bird is a great help (птица сильно помогает)," the old man said. Just then the stern line came taut under his foot (как раз в этот момент кормовая леса натянулась под его ногой; taut — туго натянутый, упругий), where he had kept a loop of the line (где он придерживал ее виток), and he dropped his oars (и он бросил весла) and felt tile weight of the small tuna's shivering pull (и чувствовал вес маленького тунца, который судорожно дергал крючок) as he held the line firm and commenced to haul it in (в то время, как он крепко держал лесу и начинал вытягивать ее в лодку; firm — крепко, твердо; to commence — начинать). The shivering increased as he pulled in (дрожание усиливалось по мере того, как он тянул) and he could see the blue back of the fish in the water and the gold of his sides (и он увидел голубую спинку рыбы в воде и золотистые бока) before he swung him over the side and into the boat (перед тем как он перекинул ее /рыбу/ через борт в лодку; to swing). He lay in the stern in the sun (он /тунец/ лежал у кормы на солнце), compact and bullet shaped (сжатый, в форме пули), his big, unintelligent eyes staring as he thumped his life out against the planking of the boat with the quick shivering strokes of his neat, fast-moving tail (его большие бессмысленные глаза выпучились, пока он выбивал из себя жизнь о доски лодки быстрыми дрожащими ударами своего аккуратного подвижного хвоста; thump — наносить тяжелый удар, стучать; fast-moving — быстро двигающийся). The old man hit him on the head for kindness (старик ударил его по голове из жалости: «доброты») and kicked him (и пнул его = отодвинул его ногой), his body still shuddering (/при том, что/ его тело все еще дрожало), under the shade of the stern (в тень кормы).

taut [tLt], haul [hLl], compact [kqm'pxkt]

If they don't travel too fast I will get into them, the old man thought, and he watched the school working the water white and the bird now dropping and dipping into the bait fish that were forced to the surface in their panic.

"The bird is a great help," the old man said. Just then the stern line came taut under his foot, where he had kept a loop of the line, and he dropped his oars and felt tile weight of the small tuna's shivering pull as he held the line firm and commenced to haul it in. The shivering increased as he pulled in and he could see the blue back of the fish in the water and the gold of his sides before he swung him over the side and into the boat. He lay in the stern in the sun, compact and bullet shaped, his big, unintelligent eyes staring as he thumped his life out against the planking of the boat with the quick shivering strokes of his neat, fast-moving tail. The old man hit him on the head for kindness and kicked him, his body still shuddering, under the shade of the stern.

"Albacore," be said aloud. "He'll make a beautiful bait (из него выйдет отличная наживка). He'll weigh ten pounds (он, должно быть, весит десять фунтов)."

He did not remember when he had first started to talk aloud when he was by himself (он уже и не помнил, когда в первый раз начал разговаривать вслух сам с собой: «когда был один»). He had sung when he was by himself in the old days (раньше он пел, когда оставался один; to sing) and he had sung at night sometimes when he was alone steering on his watch in the smacks (и он иногда пел ночью, когда был один на вахте на рыболовной лодке; to steer — вести /судно/; smack — рыболовное судно, имеющее ёмкость для содержания живой рыбы) or in the turtle boats (или на черепашьих лодках). He had probably started to talk aloud, when alone, when the boy had left (он, возможно, стал разговаривать вслух, будучи один, когда ушел мальчик; to leave — оставлять, покидать; уходить). But he did not remember (но он не помнил). When he and the boy fished together they usually spoke only when it was necessary (когда они и мальчик рыбачили вместе, они обычно разговаривали только тогда, когда это было нужно). They talked at night (они разговаривали по ночам) or when they were storm-bound by bad weather (или были задержаны штормовой плохой погодой; stormbound — задержанный штормом; bound — связанный, несвободный; to bind — связывать). It was considered a virtue not to talk unnecessarily at sea (считалось добродетелью не разговаривать без нужды в море; necessary — необходимый, нужный) and the old man had always considered it so (и старик всегда так считал) and respected it (и уважал это = этот обычай/придерживался этого). But now he said his thoughts aloud many times (но сейчас он озвучивал свои мысли очень часто) since there was no one that they could annoy (потому что не было никого, кого бы они могли раздражать; to annoy — раздражать, сердить).

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