Диалогика текста как бесконечномерное смысловое пространство
6) эмоциональная оценка, обусловленная отношением автора к положению вещей в лингвистической науке:
It would seem both stubborn and naive not to introduce it systematically into any analysis right from the beginning therefore.
But this particular field of linguistic study is certainly one of the most intriguing at the present time.
7) эллиптические конструкции, свойственные для разговорной речи и придающие высказыванию диалогическую динамичность:
I am not saying that such speculations are necessarily trivial or uninteresting, for they are not.
If it (the adjective order case) can be, than it can be made use of here, if not, then it would have to be discarded, and an alternative explanation hypothesized.
Why choose the above five criteria and not others? If others had been chosen, would the results have been different?
Sooner or later you would come to the end of the possible substitutions you could make and you would assume that your inventory of the important sounds was complete.
9) аппелятивы, способствующие "приглашению" к диалогу:
We could formulate further alternatives, but let us stick to these three.
Let us move on now to the study of more specific topics.
10) восклицательные предложения, вызывающие эмоциональное отношение к фрагментам текста:
As someone put it once why should we see the child as if it were born with a copy of Aspects of the Theory of Syntax tucked inside his head! Unkind, perhaps!
11) отрицательная альтернативная конструкция, позволяющая поразмышлять вместе с автором:
And whether one considers this questioning of empirical method a scientific blasphemy or not, the fact remains that the questioners have developed an extremely thorough frame of reference for their views which, like it or not, has contributed more to the progress of knowledge of human language than anyone before.
III. Риторические приемы:
1) "Эффект" снятия напряжения:
At this point it is perhaps appropriate to stop and draw breath.
At this point I usually pause for laughter from any lecture audience to whom I might be trying to introduce morphological ideas...
Во время чтения лекции Д. Кристал рекомендует остановиться и перевести дыхание, сделать паузу для смеха, что является эффективным средством снятия напряжения.
2) риторический вопрос:
Has not language been studied for centuries - indeed, thousands of years? Are there not many treatises... dating back to classical Greek and Roman times? Are there not also many grammatical manuals of English, French, and other languages, dating back to the middle ages?...
Так как риторический вопрос не требует ответа, то он является одним из мощных средств привлечения к диалогу, особенно в тех случаях, когда риторический вопрос имеет в своем составе отрицание 'not'.
3) вопросно-ответный комплекс:
Is there one-to-one relation between tense and time? Do the tenses have any other jobs to do in language apart from signaling time relationships? Let us answer those questions one at a time.
4) лирические отступления:
Many people tend to be scared of the word 'theory' - especially if they had an arts training. The story goes of the lecturer who said: and now, ladies and gentlemen, let us turn to matters of theory! He looked down at his notes for instant, and when he looked up again, his audience had gone. Apocryphal, perhaps.
Подобные лирические отступления создают "эффект" релаксации и дают возможность адресату отдохнуть;
5) цитирование с ироническим оттенком:
We frequently find it popular discussing slogans like 'preserve the tongue which Shakespeare spoke' - this particular one coming from a newspaper article a few years ago. The English language is held to have 'decayed'... since the period of literary excellence, though the mind boggles at the thoughts a community all speaking in iambic pentameters!
Автор рассчитывает на чувство юмора адресата и его лингвистическую эрудицию. Оба коммуниканта понимают абсурдность данного подхода;
6) комплекс средств и приемов:
Some people find language a fascinating aspect of human behavior, and they take a great delight in prodding from various points of view - where does language come from? Why do people speak differently? How do words change their meaning? Topics such as these are regularly discussed with varying degrees of informedness in everyday conversation (there is at least one teacher's common-room in my experience, where problems of etymology... provide the normal lunch time gossip).
Конвергентная комбинация средств, состав смыслов высказывания способствует созданию "эффекта" доверия между автором и адресатом. Автор убеждает, что лингвистика предполагает полемику, дискуссии и ее интеллектуальность и эстетические сложности сами по себе очаровывают;
7) косвенный вопрос к адресату с помощью глагола 'ask' оживляет действие, и это передается адресату:
And here we come to an important conceptual distinction, which the metaphor of 'schools of thought' in linguistics has obscured. I am sometimes asked, for instance, whether I am a generative grammarian, whether I follow Chomsky, and the like. The trouble is there no straight answer to such a question.
8) диалог в диалоге (вставка или воспроизведение фрагментов реального диалога):
Grammar is an area where the counter-argument 'well it all depends what you mean by' ...is particularly common.
If meaning is as important as all that, a harsh reader might say, 'then it is about that he got to semantics'.
Неожиданные непредсказуемые вставки в авторское повествование элементов диалогической речи явно попадают в фокус внимания адресата;
9) варьирование адресата с помощью: