Idiots are invincible
Chapter 2: Sources of stress
Contemporary stress: you have a list of 15 phone numbers to reach your family of three! – Anonymous
WHAT IS the primary cause of stress in your everyday life? What do you see yourself doing daily that you do not like? What is the problem? Your finances, other people, your relationships, your kids, your work and your boss, traffic, pollution, your health, the dessert in the fridge that is, without a doubt, going to end up in your tummy?
Exercise: What stresses me out
Recall and record a recent stressful experience:
Alternatively, complete the following sentences:
I get bored when …
I am tired of …
I get irritated by …
I can’t stand …
When I set this exercise, the most common answers by participants include the following:
– my relationships with others (their opinion of me, their lack of understanding and communication, their inconsistencies, their rudeness, the fact that I constantly need to nag them)
– my partner (e.g., when they do not call, wash the dishes)
– loneliness
– my relationship with myself
– failure
– traffic jams
– waiting
– lack of money, time, sleep
– office politics, job dissatisfaction
– noise, pollution, crime.
I worry when I have nothing to worry about! I know, it is rather worrying, isn’t it?
Strangely enough, what is extremely difficult or unbelievably boring for one person can be wonderfully enjoyable for another; and vice versa. For example, think of exercise, work, and fishing. Even activities such as travelling, sex, or sleep, which are considered pleasant and enjoyable by so many, are sometimes perceived as unpleasant or unwelcome by many others.
Modern sources of stress
What are the most common sources of stress these days? Are they different from the “Good old days?”
Consider the following:
– If the last 50,000 years of our existence were divided into lifetimes of approximately 62 years each, there have been about 800 such lifetimes. Of these 800, fully 650 were spent in caves. Only during the last seventy lifetimes has it been possible to communicate effectively from one lifetime to another – as writing made it possible to do. Only during the last six lifetimes did masses of men ever see a printed word. Only during the last four has it been possible to measure time with any precision. Only in the last two has anyone anywhere used an electric motor. And the overwhelming majority of all the material goods we use in daily life today have been developed within the present, the 800th lifetime.15
– In the last-but-one lifetime, the fastest mode of transport was the horse. The changes that have occurred over the last lifetime are dramatic. Today we are able to comfortably travel 10,000 kilometres in a single day!
– Every day we receive around several thousand times more stimuli than a hundred years ago and, as if that weren’t enough, existing knowledge doubles (in certain scientific fields) every five years.
– A hundred years ago, deaths from cancer or heart disease were almost unknown (mainly because people died earlier of other diseases, before they reach the age where cancer and heart disease developed). Today, half the fatalities associated with the 10 most serious causes of death are due, largely, to behavioural habits.
– According to a comparison of self-reported stress in three different time periods (1983, 2006, and 2009), levels of stress increased a little during the 2008-9 economic downturn, but increased more for certain groups, such as younger adults and those with low socioeconomic status (Cohen & Janicki-Deverts, 2012).
An American journalist once asked Hans Selye if, given the dramatic increase of stress levels, parents and teachers should teach us how to cope with it more effectively. Selye questioned the assumption about the elevation in stress levels and suggested that every stage of life has its own problems. A century ago we may not have had the threat of a nuclear war, but there was cholera and the plague, that wiped out entire towns and villages. Every age has its own uncertainty, as is the case during the lifetime of an individual: you may be healthy today and ill tomorrow; rich one day and poor the next.
Several approaches have been used to categorize the sources of stress.16 Among others, these include categories according to the type of the problem that creates stress, the characteristics of the situation, time, internal or external factors, etc. As one would expect, these categories often have several common elements. Let us explore some of these in more detail. We will discuss:
A. Dilemma, pressure, frustration, and change (daily stressors and important life events)
B. Loss, guilt, entrapment, boredom
C. Sources of stress at work, and
D. Internal and external stressors.
See if you can identify your sources of stress and examine how they fit into the “boxes” suggested by the experts.
A. Dilemma, pressure, frustration, and change
According to a first distinction, sources of stress may fall into one of the above categories.
The first category is Dilemmas.
Conflicts of needs, decision-making, and having to choose between alternative options (even if both are positive or pleasant) can be quite stressful. This category includes three sub-sets:
a) Approach-Approach (as in caretta-caretta):17 When I have to choose between two similar and positive – or, at least, attractive – goals or choices. For example: “Shall I go on a date with Kate or Sue?” (“Both!” I hear my more dapper readers reply). “Shall I choose chocolate cake or apple pie?” (“Both!” answer my greedy and potentially chubby readers).
b) Avoidance-Avoidance: when I must choose between two negative (unattractive and/or unpleasant) goals, I wonder: “Which is the least bad, therefore the better?” For example, “I must go the dentist, which is unpleasant and painful, or shall I leave it … for another time?”, “Should I remain unemployed or should I accept a demeaning job?”
c) Approach-Avoidance: when there is one goal with both negative and positive aspects. For example, “I am going to ask Penelope out on a date, but what if she turns me down?”, “Double cheeseburgers are tasty, but what about the calories?”, “Shall I get a divorce or stay married?”.
The difficulty of choosing between two alternatives was one of Bob’s main sources of stress.
The second category is Pressure.