Павлов И.П. Полное собрание сочинений. Том 2. Часть 2
[74] 74 [L u d w i gl, Zeitschr. f. rat. Med. , N. F., L., 1851, [S. a55-277].
[75] 75 2 [S c h i f f], Archiv f. physiol. Heilkunde, 1851.
[76] 3 76 [Cl. Bernard]. Lecons sur la physiologie et la pathologie du systeme nerveux, t. II, 1858.
[77] 77 [E c k h a r d], Eckhard's Beitrage... 2, 1860, [S. 81-98].
[78] 5 78 L. cit.
[79] 6 79 [S c h i f f]. Lehrbuch der Muskel- und Nervenphysiologie. 1858-1859.
[80] 7 80 [N a v r o t z k yl, Studien d. Physiol. Inst. zu Breslau, Bd. 4, 1868, [H. 4, S. 125-145].
[81] 8 81 [Loeb], Eckhard's Beitrage, V, 1869, [S. 1-26].
[82] 9 82 [He i d e n h a i n], Pfleger's Archiv f. d. ges. Physiol., Be. XVII, 1878. [S. 1-67].
[83] 83 [L a n g l e yl, Philosophic. Transact. of the Royal Soc. (в
[84] 84 [H e i d e n h a i n], Stud. d. Physiol. Inst. zu Breslau, 1868, [Bd. 4, Н. 4, S. 1-124], и Pfluger's Archiv f. d. ges. Physiol., Bd. XVII, 1878, [S. 1-67].
[85] 2 85 [Werther], Prliger's Archiv f. d. ges. Physiol., Bd. XXXVIII, 1886, S. 293 -311].
[86] 3 86 [Fletcher], Phil. Trans. , 1889, [vol. 180, p. 109--154].
[87] 4 87 [He i d e n h a i n], l. cit.
[88] 88 [He i d e n h a i n], l. cit.
[89] 1 89 [Becher und Ludwigl, Zeitschr. f. rat. Med. , N. F., I, 1851, [S. 278 284].
[90] 90 [H e i d e n h a i n], Pflugers Archiv f. d. gen. Physiol., Bd. XVII, 1878, [S. 1-67].
[91] 2 91 [L a n g l e y], Phil. Trans. , 1892, [р. 85--124].
[92] 92 [Zerner], Mediz. Jahrbucher, 1887, [S. 530-538].
[93] 1 93 [L u d w i gl, Sitzungsber. d. Wien. Akad., mathem.-nature. Kl., XXV, [S. 584 590], и Wien. med. Wochenschr., 1860, [№ 28 -29, стлб. 433-437, 449-454].
[94] 2 94 [B a y l i s s and Hill, Journ. of Physiol., vol. 16, 1904, [p. 351-359].
[95] 95 [B a y l i s s and B r a d f o r dj, Proceed. of the Royal Soc. , London, 1886, [vol. XL, p. 203-206].
[96] 2 96 [Bradford], Journ. of Physiol., vol. 8, 1887, [р. 86-98].
[97] 3 97 [H e i d e n h a i n], Stud. d. Physiol. Inst. zu Breslau, Bd. 4, 1868, [H. 4, S. 1-124].
[98] 98 [L a n g l e y], Journ, of Physiol., vol. 2, [1879-1880, р. 261-280j.
[99] 1 99 [He i d e n h a i n], 1. cit.
[100] 2 100 2 Врач, 1890, [№ 7, стр. 153-156; № 9, стр. 210-212; № 10, стр. 231--234]. (См. первую книгу этого тома, сто. 142.
– - Ред. ).
[101] 3 3 101 Диссертация, СПб., 1890.
[102] 102 [Henderson], Americ. Journ. of Physiol., vol. 3, 1900, [р. 19-25].
[103] 103 a r c r o f t ), Journ. of Physiol., vol. 27, 1901, [p. 31-47].
[104] 6 104 [Ke u c h e l], Диссертация, Юрьев, 1878.
[105] 7 105 [L a n g l e y]. Journ, of Physiol., vol. 9, 1888.
[106] 1 106 [B a r c r o f t], 1. cit.
[107] 2 107 [Cl. Bernardl, Compt. rend. de la Soc. de biol. a Paris, 1858.
[108] 108 3 [H e i d e n h a i n], Pfliger's Archiv f. d. ges. Physiol., Bd. V, 1872, ip. 309 -318].
[109] 4 109 [B e i n b r i d g el, Journ. of Physiol., vol. 26, 1900--1901, [р. 79-91].
[110] 5 110 [L a n g l e y], ibidem, vol. 11, 1890, [p. 123 158].
[111] 6 111 [Cl. Bernard], Journ. de Tanat. et physiol., t. I, 1864, [p. 507-513].
[112] 112 7 [L a n g l e yl, Journ. of Physiol., vol. 6, 1885, [p. 71-92].
[113] 113 [H e i d e n h a i n), Stud. d. Physiol. Inst. zu Breslau, Bd. 4, 1868, [H. 4, S. 1-124].
[114] 2 114 [E c k h a r d], Eckhard's Beitrage. . . Bd. 2, 1860, [S. 205--216].
[115] 115 3 [L a n g l e y], Journ. of Physiol., vol. 1, 1878, [p. 96--103].
[116] 4 116 [Heidenhain], l. cit.
[117] 117 [L a n g l e y], Schafer's Textbook of Physiol., 1898, [vol. I, p. 475-530'
[118] 6 118 [Bradford], Journ. of Physiol., vol. 8, 1887, [p. 86 -98].
[119] 1 119 [H e i d e n h a i nl, Pfluger's Archiv f. d. gen. Physiol., Bd. V, 1872, [S. 143-153].
[120] 2 120 [B a i n b r i d g el, Journ. of Physiol., vol. 26, (1900-1901), [р. 79-91].
[121] 2 121 [L a n g l e yl, ibidem, vol. 11, 1890.
[122] 122 [B r a d f o r d], ibidem, vol. 9, 1888, [p. 287--316].
[123] 1 123 [He i d e n h a i n], l. cit.
[124] 124 [L a n g l e y], Journ. of Physiol., vol. 1, 1878, [p. 96-103].
[125] 3 125 [L a n g l e yl. Journ. of Physiol., vol. 10, 1889, [p. 291-328].
[126] 3 126 [M a t h e w s], Americ. Journ. of
[127] 1 127 [B u n c h], ibidem, vol. 26 (1900 Physiol., vol. 4, 1900, ip. 482-489].
[128] 1 128 [He i d e n h a i n), Pfluger's Archiv f. d. gen. Physiol., Bd. XVII, 1878, [S. 1-67].
[129] 2 129 [Langley], Journ, of Physiol., vol. 10, 1889, [p. 291-328].
[130] 130 3 [M a t h e w s], Annal. of the New-York Acad. of Sci. , vol. II, 1898,
[131] 131 [He i d e n h a i n], Pflugers Archiv f. d. gen. Physiol., Bd. XVII, 1878, 1-67].
[132] 132 [M a l l o i z e l], 1. cit.
[133] 2 133 [C z e r m a k], Sitzungsber. d. Wien. Acad., mathem.-naturw. Kl., XXV, 1857, [S. 3-18].
[134] 134 [Eckhard], Eckhard's Beitrage... 2, 1860, [S. 81-98].
[135] 2 135 [Heidenhain], Pfliger's Archiv f. d. ges. Physiol., Bd. XVII, 1878.
[136] 3 136 [L a n g l e y], Journ. of Physiol., vol. 1, 1878, [p. 339.
– -369].
[137] 137 [Bradford], ibidem, vol. 9, 1888, [p. 287-316].
[138] 1 138 [Heidenhain, in:] Hermann. Handbuch der Physiologie. 1880.
[139] 2 139 Врач, 1890, [№ 7, стр. 153--156; 9, стр. 210-212; № 10, стр. 231-234].
[140] 3 140 [B r a d f o r dl, l. cit.