1500 русских и 1500 английских идиом, фразеологизмов и устойчивых словосочетаний
хохотать до упаду
to laugh like a drain
It was a good film. I laughed like a drain most of the time.худой как щепка
(as) thin as a rake
She had been ill for several weeks and was as thin as a rake.цел и невредим
safe and sound; in one piece
After three days of searching for them, the kids were found safe and sound.
She was glad her son came home in one piece from his army training.цены нет
beyond price
Her paintings are beyond price.чем
you never can tell
I can’t see him as a teacher, but then you never can tell.через голову (кого-л.)
over someone’s head
The customer went over the manager’s head and complained direct to the shop owner.черепашьим шагом
at a snail’s pace
I’m sorry for being late. My bus went at a snail’s pace all the way.черный список
black list
His name is on the bank’s black list of debtors.Черт возьми!
Damn it!; I’ll be damned!
Damn it! She is late again!
Well, I’ll be damned, my watch has stopped again.черта с два!
Like hell!
I’m going to take the car, Dad. – Like hell you will!чертова дюжина a baker’s dozen
чесать языком
to chew the fat
We spent a pleasant evening in the pub chewing the fat.Честное слово!
honest to God/goodness!
I didn’t take your car, honest to God!читать между строк
to read between the lines
Reading between the lines of her last letters, I have the impression that she wasn’t satisfied with her work.чудеса в решете
a turn-up for the book
I never thought to find you here. What a turn-up for the book!чуть свет
at the crack of dawn
We had an early flight and had to leave at the crack of dawn.шаг вперед
a step forwards; a step in the right direction
The success of his plan took Tom another step forwards.
We agreed that the research was a step in the right direction.шаг за шагом
step by step, little by little
If you go through the procedure step by step you’re more likely to succeed.шестое чувство
a sixth sense
A sixth sense warned me that there was someone hiding behind the curtain.щедрой рукой
with an open hand
Mr Jones always treated us with an open hand.этого еще не хватало
that’s all I need
That’s all I need, another telephone bill!яблоко раздора
a bone of contention
The ownership of the house has been a bone of contention between us for the last twelve years.ясно
(as) plain as the nose on your face; (as) clear as crystal
There’s no doubt that she’s unhappy here – it’s as plain as the nose on your face.
It makes everything as clear as crystal.English idioms
a baker’s dozen
чертова дюжина
a bed of roses путь, устланный розами, безмятежная жизнь
a bee in one’s bonnet причуда, навязчивая мысль, пунктик
a big cheese/gun/noise/shot/wheel важная птица, большая шишка
a bitter pill (to swallow) горькая пилюля
a blessing in disguise неприятность, оказавшаяся благом
a bolt from the blue неожиданность, гром среди ясного неба
a bone of contention яблоко раздора
a chink in someone’s armour чье-л. слабое место
a close call опасное положение, смертельная опасность
a dark horse темная лошадка
a different story другое дело, совсем другая история
a dog’s life собачья жизнь
a drop in the ocean капля в море
a far cry большая разница, совсем не то
a feather in one’s cap предмет гордости, достижение
a flea in one’s ear резкий отпор, колкое замечание
a fly in the ointment ложка дегтя в бочке меда
a guinea pig подопытный кролик
a happy medium золотая середина
a hard nut (to crack) крепкий орешек
a hornet’s nest осиное гнездо
a horse of a different colour другое дело, совсем другая история
a hot line горячая линия
a jack of all trades мастер на все руки
a load off someone’s mind камень с души свалился, гора с плеч
a matter of life and death вопрос жизни и смерти
a millstone round someone’s neck камень на шее, тяжелая ответственность
a piece of cake детские игрушки, пара пустяков
a raw deal несправедливое отношение, притеснение
a snake in the grass змея подколодная
a stab in the back нож в спину
a step forwards шаг вперед, шаг в нужном направлении