Английский язык с Р. Э. Говардом
He was in a square chamber of no great dimensions (он оказался в квадратной комнате небольших размеров), whose marble walls rose to an ornate ceiling, inlaid with gold (мраморные стены которой поднимались к богато украшенному потолку, инкрустированному золотом; inlaid — инкрустированный). Gold friezes ran about the base and the top of the walls (золотистые фризы тянулись по основанию и верхней части стен; to run — бегать; тянуться; top — верх, верхушка; верхняя часть), and there was no door other than the one through which he had entered (и не было другой двери, кроме той, через которую вошел он; other than — иной кроме; one — слово-заместитель во избежание повторения ранее упомянутого существительного). But he noted these details mechanically (но он заметил эти детали механически = машинально; to note — замечать, обращать внимание). His whole attention was centered on the shape which lay on an ivory dais before him (все
He had expected an image (он ожидал изваяния), probably carved with the skill of a forgotten art (возможно, высеченного с мастерством позабытого искусства; skill — искусство, мастерство). But no art could mimic the perfection of the figure that lay before him (но никакое искусство не могло скопировать совершенство фигуры, которая покоилась перед ним; to mimic — пародировать; копировать;to lie — лежать; покоиться).
touch [t], frieze [fri:z], detail ['di:tel]
At his touch it swung open so readily that its hinges might recently have been oiled. Inside he halted, staring.
He was in a square chamber of no great dimensions, whose marble walls rose to an ornate ceiling, inlaid with gold. Gold friezes ran about the base and the top of the walls, and there was no door other than the one through which he had entered. But he noted these details mechanically. His whole attention was centered on the shape which lay on an ivory dais before him.
He had expected an image, probably carved with the skill of a forgotten art. But no art could mimic the perfection of the figure that lay before him.
It was no effigy of stone or metal or ivory (это было не изображение из камня, металла или слоновой кости). It was the actual body of a woman (это было настоящее тело женщины), and by what dark art the ancients had preserved that form unblemished for so many ages Conan could not even guess (и каким темным искусством = и какой черной магией древние сохранили эту фигуру безукоризненной на протяжении стольких веков, Конан не мог даже предположить; black art — черная магия;form — форма, вид; фигура /человека/; age — возраст; век; to guess — гадать, догадываться; полагать, считать). The very garments she wore were intact (сами одежды, которые она носила = которые были на ней, были не повреждены; very — тот самый, именно тот; сам;to wear — носить) — and Conan scowled at that (и Конан хмуро посмотрел на это; to scowl at — смотреть сердито, бросать сердитый взгляд; хмуриться, хмурить брови), a vague uneasiness stirring at the back of his mind (/при этом/ у него в подсознании зашевелилась какая-то смутная тревога; at the back of one's mind — подсознательно). The arts that preserved the body should not have affected the garments (магия, которая сохранила тело, не должна была повлиять на одежду). Yet there they were (тем не менее они были тут = вот они) — gold breast-plates set with concentric circles of small gems (золотые нагрудные пластины = золотой нагрудник, украшенный концентрическими кругами из мелких драгоценных камней; to set with — усыпать, украшать), gilded sandals, and a short silken skirt upheld by a jeweled girdle (позолоченные сандалии и короткая шелковая юбка, поддерживаемая поясом, отделанным драгоценностями; to uphold — поддерживать; to jewel — украшать, отделывать драгоценными камнями). Neither cloth nor metal showed any signs of decay (ни ткань, ни металл не обнаруживали никаких признаков обветшания; to show — показывать; обнаруживать, проявлять;decay — гниение; обветшание, разрушение /физических предметов/).
Yelaya was coldly beautiful, even in death (Елая была холодно красива, даже в смерти). Her body was like alabaster, slender yet voluptuous (ее тело было подобно алебастру, стройное, но тем не менее роскошное; voluptuous — чувственный, сладострастный; пышный, роскошный; возбуждающий чувственное желание /о фигуре, формах тела/); a great crimson jewel gleamed against the darkly piled foam of her hair (огромный малиновый /драгоценный/ камень мерцал на фоне пушистой, с темным оттенком, пены ее волос; pile — куча; пух, шерсть;darkly — с темным оттенком).
neither ['nad], decay [d'ke], voluptuous [v'lpus]
It was no effigy of stone or metal or ivory. It was the actual body of a woman, and by what dark art the ancients had preserved that form unblemished for so many ages Conan could not even guess. The very garments she wore were intact — and Conan scowled at that, a vague uneasiness stirring at the back of his mind. The arts that preserved the body should not have affected the garments. Yet there they were — gold breast-plates set with concentric circles of small gems, gilded sandals, and a short silken skirt upheld by a jeweled girdle. Neither cloth nor metal showed any signs of decay.
Yelaya was coldly beautiful, even in death. Her body was like alabaster, slender yet voluptuous; a great crimson jewel gleamed against the darkly piled foam of her hair.
Conan stood frowning down at her (Конан
courtesan [k:t'zaen], considerable [kn'sdrbl], corrupt [k'rpt]
Conan stood frowning down at her, and then tapped the dais with his sword. Possibilities of a hollow containing the treasure occurred to him, but the dais rang solid. He turned and paced the chamber in some indecision. Where should he search first, in the limited time at his disposal? The priest he had overheard babbling to a courtesan had said the treasure was hidden in the palace. But that included a space of considerable vastness. He wondered if he should hide himself until the priests had come and gone, and then renew the search. But there was a strong chance that they might take the jewels with them when they returned to Keshia. For he was convinced that Thutmekri had corrupted Gorulga.
Conan could predict Thutmekri's plans, from his knowledge of the man (Конан мог предсказать планы Тутмекри по своим знаниям этого человека = по тому, что он знал об этом человеке). He knew that it had been Thutmekri who had proposed the conquest of Punt to the kings of Zembabwei (он знал, что это был Тутмекри, который = именно Тутмекри предложил завоевание Пунта королям Зембабвей), which conquest was but one move toward their real goal (завоевание которого было лишь одним шагом к их истинной цели; move — движение; шаг) — the capture of the Teeth of Gwahlur (захвату Зубов Гвалура). Those wary kings would demand proof that the treasure really existed before they made any move (эти осторожные короли потребовали бы доказательства того, что сокровище действительно существует, прежде чем они предприняли бы какие-либо действия; to make a move — предпринять действие/попытку). The jewels Thutmekri asked as a pledge would furnish that proof (драгоценности, которые Тутмекри попросил в качестве залога, предоставили бы это доказательство; to furnish — снабжать, доставлять; предоставлять).
knowledge ['nl], goal [ul], exist ['zst]
Conan could predict Thutmekri's plans, from his knowledge of the man. He knew that it had been Thutmekri who had proposed the conquest of Punt to the kings of Zembabwei, which conquest was but one move toward their real goal — the capture of the Teeth of Gwahlur. Those wary kings would demand proof that the treasure really existed before they made any move. The jewels Thutmekri asked as a pledge would furnish that proof.