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Английский язык с Р.Л.Стивенсоном. Остров сокровищ

Еремин Андрей


removal [rɪ`mu:vl] streamlet [`stri:mlɪt] chimney [`tʃɪmnɪ] coughing [`kɔfɪŋ]

The slopes of the knoll and all the inside of the stockade had been cleared of timber to build the house, and we could see by the stumps what a fine and lofty grove had beer destroyed. Most of the soil had been washed away or buried in drift after the removal of the trees; only where the streamlet ran down from the kettle a thick bed of moss and some ferns and little creeping bushes were still green among the sand. Very close around the stockade — too close for defence, they said — the wood still flourished high and dense, all of fir on the land side, but towards the sea with a large admixture of live-oaks.

The cold evening breeze, of which I have spoken, whistled through every chink of the rude building, and sprinkled the floor with a continual rain of fine sand. There was sand in our eyes, sand in our teeth, sand in our suppers, sand dancing in the spring at the bottom of the kettle, for all the world like porridge beginning to boil. Our chimney was a square hole in the roof; it was but a little part of the smoke that found its way out, and the rest eddied about the house, and kept us coughing and piping the eye.

Add to this that Gray, the new man (вдобавок к тому, Грей, новый /наш/ человек = товарищ), had his face tied up in a bandage (/сидел/ с перевязанным бинтом лицом) for a cut he had got in breaking away from the mutineers (потому что он получил порез, вырываясь от разбойников; to break away — убегать, отделяться, вырываться); and that poor old Tom Redruth, still unburied (и бедный старый Том Редрут, все еще не похороненный), lay along the wall, stiff and stark, under the Union Jack (лежал у стены, окоченевший, под британским флагом; stiff — негибкий, окостеневший; stark — окоченевший, застывший).

If we had been allowed to sit idle (если бы нам позволили сидеть сложа руки; idle — незанятый, неработающий, праздный), we should all have fallen in the blues (мы бы впали в уныние; blue — хандра, подавленность) but Captain Smollett was never the man for that (но капитан Смоллетт не был таким человеком /чтобы допустить это/). All hands were called up before him (вся команда была созвана перед ним = он построил нас перед собой), and he divided us into watches (и разделил нас на вахты). The doctor, and Gray, and I, for one (доктор, Грей и я /вошли/ в одну); the squire, Hunter, and Joyce, upon the other (сквайр, Хантер и Джойс — в другую). Tired though we all were (и хотя мы все устали), two were sent out for firewood (двое были посланы за дровами); two more were set to dig a grave for Redruth (еще двое принялись копать могилу для Редрута); the doctor was named cook (доктор был назначен поваром); I was put sentry at the door (меня поставили в караул у двери); and the captain himself went from one to another (а сам капитан переходил от одного к другому), keeping up our spirits and lending a hand wherever it was wanted (подбадривая нас и оказывая помощь: «давая руку /помощи/», где было необходимо; to lend — одолжить, дать, предоставить).

From time to time the doctor came to the door for a little air and to rest his eyes (время от времени доктор подходил к двери, чтобы немного подышать /свежим/ воздухом и дать отдохнуть своим глазам), which were almost smoked out of his head (которые были почти выкурены из его головы = сильно покраснели от дыма); and whenever he did so, he had a word for me (и всякий раз, когда он это делал, у него было слово для меня = он перекидывался со мной парой слов).

bandage [`bændɪʤ] divided [di`vaɪdɪd] almost [`ɔ:lməust]

Add to this that Gray, the new man, had his face tied up in a bandage for a cut he had got in breaking away from the mutineers; and that poor old Tom Redruth, still unburied, lay along the wall, stiff and stark, under the Union Jack.

If we had been allowed to sit idle, we should all have fallen in the blues but Captain Smollett was never the man for that. All hands were called up before him, and he divided us into watches. The doctor, and Gray, and I, for one; the squire, Hunter, and Joyce, upon the other. Tired though we all were, two were sent out for firewood; two more were set to dig a grave for Redruth; the doctor was named cook; I was put sentry at the door; and the captain himself went from one to another, keeping up our spirits and lending a hand wherever it was wanted.

From time to time the doctor came to the door for a little air and to rest his eyes, which were almost smoked out of his head; and whenever he did so, he had a word for me.

“That man Smollett (этот Смоллетт),” he said once (сказал он однажды), “is a better man than I am (лучше, чем я). And when I say that it means a deal, Jim (а если я так говорю, то это кое-что значит, Джим; deal — договор, сделка).”

Another time he came and was silent for a while (в другой раз он пришел и молчал некоторое время). Then he put his head on one side, and looked at me (затем склонил голову набок и посмотрел на меня).

“Is this Ben Gunn a man (этот Бен Ганн — /настоящий/ мужчина = на него можно положиться)?” he asked.

“I do not know, sir (не знаю, сэр),” said I. “I am not very sure whether he’s sane (я не совсем уверен, в своем ли он уме).”

“If there’s any doubt about the matter, he is (если есть сомнения по этому вопросу, /значит/ он нормальный),” returned the doctor (ответил доктор). “A man who has been three years biting his nails on a desert island, Jim (от человека, который три года грыз ногти на необитаемом острове), can’t expect to appear as sane as you or me (нельзя ожидать, чтобы он казался таким же нормальным, как ты или я). It doesn’t lie in human nature (это не лежит в человеческой природе = так уж устроен человек). Was it cheese you said he had a fancy for (это о сыре, ты сказал, он мечтает; to have a fancy for — любить, увлекаться чем-то)?”

silent [`saɪlənt] doubt [daut] sane [seɪn] human [`hju:mən] cheese [tʃi:z]

“That man Smollett,” he said once, “is a better man than I am. And when I say that it means a deal, Jim.”

Another time he came and was silent for a while. Then he put his head on one side, and looked at me.

“Is this Ben Gunn a man?” he asked.

“I do not know, sir,” said I. “I am not very sure whether he’s sane.”

“If there’s any doubt about the matter, he is,” returned the doctor. “A man who has been three years biting his nails on a desert island, Jim, can’t expect to appear as sane as you or me. It doesn’t lie in human nature. Was it cheese you said he had a fancy for?”

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