Английский язык с Оскаром Уайльдом. Звездный мальчик и другие легенды
tremulous ['tremjVlqs] scented ['sentId] hyacinth ['haIqsInT] knoll [nqVl]
primrose ['prImrqVz] nestle ['nes(q)l] gnarled [nQ:ld] haunted ['hO:ntId]
celandine ['selqndaIn] speedwell ['spi:dwel] catkin ['kxtkIn]
hazel ['heIz(q)l] foxglove ['fOksglAv] weight [weIt] dappled ['dxpld]
Here, in the Palace, the air was close and heavy, but in the forest the wind blew free, and the sunlight with wandering hands of gold moved the tremulous leaves aside. There were flowers, too, in the forest, not so splendid, perhaps, as the flowers in the garden, but more sweetly scented for all that; hyacinths in early spring that flooded with waving purple the cool glens, and grassy knolls; yellow primroses that nestled in little clumps round the gnarled roots of the oak-trees; bright celandine, and blue speedwell, and irises lilac and gold. There were grey catkins on the hazels, and the fox-gloves drooped with the weight of their dappled bee-haunted cells.
The chestnut had its spires of white stars (у каштанов были
chestnut ['tSesnAt] hawthorn ['hO:TO:n] delight [dI'laIt]
The chestnut had its spires of white stars, and the hawthorn its pallid moons of beauty. Yes: surely she would come if he could only find her! She would come with him to the fair forest, and all day long he would dance for her delight. A smile lit up his eyes at the thought and he passed into the next room.
Of all the rooms (из всех комнат) this was the brightest (это была самая светлая) and the most beautiful (и самая прекрасная). The walls were covered (стены были покрыты) with a pink-flowered Lucca damask (цветастым розовым /итальянским/ дамастом; Lucca — г. Лукка в центральной Италии в области Тоскана), patterned with birds (украшенным птицами; to pattern — делать по образцу; украшать узором) and dotted with dainty blossoms of silver (и испещренным изящными/нежными серебряными цветками; to dot — ставить точки; усеивать, испещрять); the furniture was of massive silver (мебель была из чистого серебра; massive — массивный, тяжелый; сплошной, цельный), festooned with florid wreaths (украшенная фестонами из цветочных гирлянд; wreath — венок), and swinging Cupids (и раскачивающимися амурчиками/купидончиками; to swing — качать, раскачивать); in front of the two large fire-places (перед двумя большими каминами; large — большой, крупный) stood great screens (стояли большие ширмы/экраны; great — большой, громадный) broidered with parrots and peacocks (расшитые попугаями и павлинами), and the floor (и пол), which was of sea-green onyx (который был из оникса цвета морской волны; sea — море; green — зеленый цвет), seemed to stretch far away into the distance (казалось, простирался далеко-далеко /вдаль/; to stretch — растягивать; тянуться, простираться; distance — расстояние; отдаление, даль). Nor was he alone (и он не был один /в этой зале/).
flowered ['flaVqd] damask ['dxmqsk] dainty ['deIntI] festoon [fe'stu:n]
Cupid ['kju:pId] onyx ['OnIks]
Of all the rooms this was the brightest and the most beautiful. The walls were covered with a pink-flowered Lucca damask, patterned with birds and dotted with dainty blossoms of silver; the furniture was of massive silver, festooned with florid wreaths, and swinging Cupids; in front of the two large fire-places stood great screens broidered with parrots and peacocks, and the floor, which was of sea-green onyx, seemed to stretch far away into the distance. Nor was he alone.
Standing under the shadow of the doorway (стоя в тени/полумраке дверного проема), at the extreme end of the room (в противоположном конце залы; extreme — крайний, предельный, самый дальний), he saw a little figure (он увидел маленькую фигуру; to see (saw, seen)) watching him (наблюдающую за ним). His heart trembled (его сердце затрепетало; to tremble — дрожать, трястись), a cry of joy broke from his lips (крик радости сорвался с его губ; to break (broke, broken) — ломать; срываться), and he moved out into the sunlight (и он выбежал на солнечный свет). As he did so (и когда он это сделал), the figure moved out also (та фигура тоже двинулась /от стены/), and he saw it plainly (и он отчетливо увидел ее).
shadow ['SxdqV] figure ['fIgq] extreme [Ik'stri:m]
Standing under the shadow of the doorway, at the extreme end of the room, he saw a little figure watching him. His heart trembled, a cry of joy broke from his lips, and he moved out into the sunlight. As he did so, the figure moved out also, and he saw it plainly.
The Infanta! It was a monster (это было чудовище; monster — урод; чудовище, монстр), the most grotesque monster (самый нелепый/гротескный урод) he had ever beheld (которого он когда-либо видел; to behold (beheld) — смотреть, созерцать). Not properly shaped (непропорционально: «неправильно» сложенный; properly — должным образом, правильно), as all other people were (как все /другие/
monster ['mOnstq] hunchbacked ['hAntSbxkt] limbed [lImd]
The Infanta! It was a monster, the most grotesque monster he had ever beheld. Not properly shaped, as all other people were, but hunchbacked, and crooked-limbed, with huge lolling head and mane of black hair.
The little Dwarf frowned (маленький Карлик нахмурился), and the monster frowned also (и уродец тоже нахмурился). He laughed (он засмеялся), and it laughed with him (и тот засмеялся вместе с ним), and held its hands to its sides (и уперся руками в бока; to hold (held) — держать; side — стена; бок /туловища/), just as he himself was doing (точно также, как и он делал это сам). He made it a mocking bow (он отвесил шутливый поклон; to mock — насмехаться, передразнивать), and it returned him (и тот ответил ему: «вернул ему») a low reverence (низким реверансом/поклоном). He went towards it (он пошел по направлению к нему), and it came to meet him (и тот пошел ему навстречу: «пошел встретить его»), copying each step that he made (копируя каждый шаг, который он делал), and stopping when he stopped himself (и останавливаясь, когда он сам останавливался).
dwarf [dwO:f] frown [fraVn] laugh [lQ:f]
The little Dwarf frowned, and the monster frowned also. He laughed, and it laughed with him, and held its hands to its sides, just as he himself was doing. He made it a mocking bow, and it returned him a low reverence. He went towards it, and it came to meet him, copying each step that he made, and stopping when he stopped himself.
He shouted with amusement (он закричал от изумления; amusement — увеселение; /приятное/ изумление, удивление), and ran forward (и побежал вперед), and reached out his hand (и вытянул вперед свою руку; to reach out — потянуться за чем-либо), and the hand of the monster touched his (и рука того чудовища коснулась его /руки/), and it was as cold as ice (и она была холодна, как лед). He grew afraid (он испугался; to grow (grew, grown)), and moved his hand across (и /стал/ двигать рукой), and the monster's hand followed it quickly (и рука чудовища быстро следовала за ней). He tried to press on (он пытался надавить), but something smooth and hard stopped him (но что-то гладкое и твердое остановило его). The face of the monster (лицо чудовища) was now close to his own (теперь было совсем близко к его собственному /лицу/), and seemed full of terror (и, казалось, было полно ужаса). He brushed his hair off his eyes (он убрал/смахнул волосы с глаз; to brush — чистить щеткой; причесывать, приглаживать, to brush off — счищать, смахивать). It imitated him (/уродец/ передразнил его; to imitate — подражать, копировать). He struck at it (он ударил его; to strike (struck, stricken)), and it returned blow for blow (и он ответил ударом на удар; to return — возвращать; отвечать тем же). He loathed it (тот был ему противен; to loathe — испытывать отвращение), and it made hideous faces at him (а /уродец/ строил ему отвратительные/страшные рожи; face — лицо; гримаса). He drew back (он отступил/отшатнулся назад; to draw (drew, drawn)), and it retreated (и тот отступил).
amusement [q'mju:zmqnt] ice [aIs] smooth [smu:D] terror ['terq]
imitate ['ImIteIt] loathe [lqVD] hideous ['hIdIqs]
He shouted with amusement, and ran forward, and reached out his hand, and the hand of the monster touched his, and it was as cold as ice. He grew afraid, and moved his hand across, and the monster's hand followed it quickly. He tried to press on, but something smooth and hard stopped him. The face of the monster was now close to his own, and seemed full of terror. He brushed his hair off his eyes. It imitated him. He struck at it, and it returned blow for blow. He loathed it, and it made hideous faces at him. He drew back, and it retreated.
What is it (что это такое)? He thought for a moment (на мгновение он задумался), and looked round at the rest of the room (и оглядел всю остальную комнату/залу; rest — остаток, остальное). It was strange (это было странно), but everything seemed (но все, казалось) to have its double (имело своего двойника; double — двойное количество, дубликат; двойник) in this invisible wall of clear water (в этой невидимой стене из прозрачной воды; clear — ясный; чистый, прозрачный). Yes, picture for picture was repeated (да, картина повторялась/воспроизводилась картиной), and couch for couch (и кресло — креслом). The sleeping Faun (у спящего Фавна) that lay in the alcove by the doorway (что лежал в алькове у двери: «дверного проема»; to lie (lay, lain)) had its twin brother (был брат-близнец) that slumbered (который /также/ спал/дремал), and the silver Venus that stood in the sunlight (и серебряная Венера, которая стояла в солнечном свете) held out her arms to a Venus (протягивала руки к Венере; to hold (held)) as lovely as herself (такой же очаровательной, как и она сама).