Английский язык с Оскаром Уайльдом. Звездный мальчик и другие легенды
indignant [In'dIgnqnt] daring ['deqrIN] ridiculous [rI'dIkjVlqs]
restrain [rI'streIn]
The Flowers were quite indignant at his daring to intrude into their beautiful home, and when they saw him capering up and down the walks, and waving his arms above his head in such a ridiculous manner, they could not restrain their feelings any longer.
`He is really far too ugly (он действительно слишком уж уродлив) to be allowed to play (чтобы ему было позволено играть) in any place where we are (в любом месте, где растем: «находимся» мы),' cried the Tulips (закричали Тюльпаны).
`He should drink poppy-juice (ему бы следовало выпить сок /опийного/ мака), and go to sleep for a thousand years (и заснуть на тысячу лет),' said the great scarlet Lilies (сказали большие алые Лилии), and they grew quite hot and angry (и они возмутились и рассердились; to grow (grew, grown) — расти; становиться, делаться; hot — горячий; возбужденный, раздраженный, angry — сердитый, гневный).
poppy ['pOpI] juice [dZu:s] thousand ['TaVz(q)nd]
`He is really far too ugly to be allowed to play in any place where we are,' cried the Tulips.
`He should drink poppy-juice, and go to sleep for a thousand years,' said the great scarlet Lilies, and they grew quite hot and angry.
`He is a perfect horror (он
perfect ['pq:fIkt] horror ['hOrq] cactus ['kxktqs] thorn [TO:n]
`He is a perfect horror!' screamed the Cactus. `Why, he is twisted and stumpy, and his head is completely out of proportion with his legs. Really he makes me feel prickly all over, and if he comes near me I will sting him with my thorns.'
`And he has actually got (и он даже заполучил; to get (got)) one of my best blooms (один из моих самых лучших цветков),' exclaimed the White Rose-Tree (воскликнул Белый Розовый Куст; rose-tree — штамбовая роза). `I gave it to the Infanta this morning myself (этим утром я сами подарила его Инфанте; to give (gave, given)) as a birthday present (в качестве подарка ко дню рождения), and he has stolen it from her (а он украл его у нее; to steal (stole, stolen) — воровать, красть).' And she called out (и она закричала): `Thief (вор), thief, thief!' at the top of her voice (во весь голос; top — верхушка; высшая степень).
exclaim [Ik'skleIm] present ['prez(q)nt] thief [Ti:f]
`And he has actually got one of my best blooms,' exclaimed the White Rose-Tree. `I gave it to the Infanta this morning myself as a birthday present, and he has stolen it from her.' And she called out: `Thief, thief, thief!' at the top of her voice.
Even the red Geraniums (даже красные цветы Герани), who did not usually give themselves airs (которые обычно никогда не важничали/не напускали на себя важность; air — воздух; важничанье, жеманство), and were known to have (и было известно, что они имеют; to know (knew, known)) a great many poor relations themselves (большое число бедных родственников сами), curled up in disgust (с отвращением свернулись; to curl up — скручивать(ся), свертываться) when they saw him (когда они увидели его), and when the Violets meekly remarked (и когда фиалки кротко заметили) that though he was certainly extremely plain (что хотя он и был, очевидно, чрезвычайно невзрачным/некрасивым; plain — ясный; некрасивый), still he could not help it (все же, это не его вина — он ничего не мог поделать; cannot help + дополнение — быть не в состоянии воспрепятствовать, помешать чему-либо), they retorted (они /цветы Герани/ возразили; to retort — отвечать резко и остроумно, возражать) with a good deal of justice (с большой долей справедливости; good — хороший; достаточный, обильный) that that was his chief defect (что это как раз и было его главным дефектом/недостатком), and that there was no reason (и не было никакой причины) why one should admire a person (почему кто-то должен восхищаться/любоваться человеком) because he was incurable (из-за того, что он был неизлечимо болен; to cure — вылечивать, curable — излечимый); and, indeed, some of the Violets themselves felt (и, на самом деле, некоторые из фиалок сами чувствовали; to feel (felt) — трогать; чувствовать) that the ugliness of the little Dwarf (что уродство маленького Карлика) was almost ostentatious (было почти что показным/хвастливым), and that he would have shown much better taste (и что он проявил бы гораздо больше такта; taste — вкус, такт) if he had looked sad (если бы он выглядел печальным), or at least pensive (или, по меньшей мере, задумчивым/грустным), instead of jumping about merrily (вместо того, чтобы весело прыгать вокруг), and throwing himself into such grotesque and silly attitudes (и не принимал бы такие нелепые и глупые позы: «не бросался бы в такие гротескные и неумные позы»; to throw oneself — бросаться, кидаться; attitude — позиция; положение, поза).
geranium [dZe'reInIqm] disgust [dIs'gAst] justice ['dZAstIs]
incurable [In'kjV(q)rqb(q)l] ugliness ['AglInIs]
ostentatious ["Ostqn|'teISqs, "Osten-] grotesque [grqV'tesk]
Even the red Geraniums, who did not usually give themselves airs, and were known to have a great many poor relations themselves, curled up in disgust when they saw him, and when the Violets meekly remarked that though he was certainly extremely plain, still he could not help it, they retorted with a good deal of justice that that was his chief defect, and that there was no reason why one should admire a person because he was incurable; and, indeed, some of the Violets themselves felt that the ugliness of the little Dwarf was almost ostentatious, and that he would have shown much better taste if he had looked sad, or at least pensive, instead of jumping about merrily, and throwing himself into such grotesque and silly attitudes.
As for the old Sundial (что
sundial ['sAndaIql] peacock ['pi:kOk] balustrade ["bxlq'streId]
charcoal-burner ['tSQ:kqVl"bq:nq] entirely [In'taIqlI] basin ['beIs(q)n]
fountain ['faVntIn] triton ['traIt(q)n]
As for the old Sundial, who was an extremely remarkable individual, and had once told the time of day to no less a person than the Emperor Charles V himself, he was so taken aback by the little Dwarf's appearance, that he almost forgot to mark two whole minutes with his long shadowy finger, and could not help saying to the great milk-white Peacock, who was sunning herself on the balustrade, that everyone knew that the children of Kings were Kings, and that the children of charcoal-burners were charcoal-burners, and that it was absurd to pretend that it wasn't so; a statement with which the Peacock entirely agreed, and indeed screamed out, `Certainly, certainly,' in such a loud, harsh voice, that the gold-fish who lived in the basin of the cool splashing fountain put their heads out of the water, and asked the huge stone Tritons what on earth was the matter.
But somehow the Birds liked him (но почему-то он понравился Птичкам). They had seen him often in the forest (раньше они часто видели его в лесу), dancing about like an elf (танцующим, словно эльф) after the eddying leaves (за крутящимися в потоке ветра листьями; to eddy — крутиться в водовороте, завихряться), or crouched up in the hollow of some old oak-tree (или сидящим, затаившись, в дупле какого-нибудь старого дуба; to crouch — присесть, припасть к земле, сжаться, hollow — пустота; дупло), sharing his nuts with the squirrels (и делящимся своими = собранными орехами с белочками; to share — делить, распределять). They did not mind his being ugly, a bit (и они ни капельки не обращали внимания на то: «не волновались из-за того», что он уродлив; to mind — возражать; беспокоиться).
crouched [kraVtSt] squirrel ['skwIrql] mind [maInd]
But somehow the Birds liked him. They had seen him often in the forest, dancing about like an elf after the eddying leaves, or crouched up in the hollow of some old oak-tree, sharing his nuts with the squirrels. They did not mind his being ugly, a bit.
Why, even the nightingale herself (ведь даже сам соловей), who sang so sweetly (который пел так сладко; to sing (sang, sung)) in the orange groves at night (по ночам в апельсиновых рощах) that sometimes the Moon leaned down to listen (что иногда даже Луна склонялась, чтобы послушать /его/), was not much to look at after all (был, в конце концов, некрасив; not much to look at — смотреть не на что); and, besides, he had been kind to them (и, кроме того, он был добр к ним), and during that terribly bitter winter (и в ту: «в течение/продолжение» страшно холодную зиму; bitter — горький; сильный, резкий), when there were no berries on the trees (когда на деревьях не было ягод), and the ground was as hard as iron (и земля была такой же твердой, как железо), and the wolves had come down to the very gates of the city (и волки подошли к самым воротам города) to look for food (в поисках пищи), he had never once forgotten them (он ни одного раза не забыл про них), but had always given them crumbs (а всегда отдавал им крошки) out of his little hunch of black bread (от своего небольшого ломтика черного хлеба), and divided with them (и делил с ними) whatever poor breakfast he had (свой, какой-никакой, скудный завтрак: «свой завтрак, каким бы скудным он не был»; poor — бедный; недостаточный, скудный, плохой).