Английский язык с Робинзоном Крузо
от корабля).
As I looked at her, a sad thought (грустная мысль) came to my mind (пришла на
ум). For if we had all kept on board when she stuck in the sand (так как если бы мы
остались на борту, когда он напоролся на песок), we would now have been safe (мы
бы сейчас были бы в безопасности).
But there was no use (не было пользы) in thinking of what might have been
(обдумывать то, что могло бы быть).
I waded out (пошел вброд) as far as I could, and then swam for the ship (поплыл
As I came near her, I saw that she was lying high out of the water (лежал высоко
из воды = возвышался над водой). The part of the rock (та часть скалы) that was
uncovered (открыта) rose steep and straight into the air (возвышалась, поднималась
круто и прямо в воздух). There was no place for me to set my feet (не было
места /куда/ поставить ноги).
I swam round the ship twice (вокруг корабля дважды). How could I ever climb
up her smooth sides (как я смогу когда-нибудь = как же мне взобраться по гладким
I was about to give up (был готов сдаться), when I saw a small piece of rope
(небольшой кусок веревки) hanging down from the deck (свисающей с палубы). It
reached almost to the water (достигал почти воды). How strange that I did not see it at
first (как странно, что я не увидел ее сначала)!
I seized hold of the rope (ухватился за веревку), and climbed hand over hand to
the deck (взобрался на руках на палубу).
I went into the ship's cabin (вошел в корабельную кабину). I looked all through
the unlucky vessel (осмотрел все несчастное судно).
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wreck [rek] mild [maild] toward [tud] wonder [wnd]
WHEN I awoke it was broad daylight. The sun was up. The sky was clear. The air
seemed soft and mild. A fine day was beginning. It did not take me long to come down
from my lodging place.
I looked out toward the sea.
To my great wonder, I saw that the ship was now much closer to the shore. The
high tide had lifted her off the sand. It had carried her toward the land and left her on a
huge rock less than a mile away.
I could see that the good ship stood upright and was firmly wedged into the rock.
The waves had not broken her up, but her masts had been snapped off, and all her
rigging was gone.
The sea was quite smooth, and the tide was still going out. Soon the beach was
bare, and I could walk a long way out.
I was now within a quarter of a mile of the ship.
As I looked at her, a sad thought came to my mind. For if we had all kept on
board when she stuck in the sand, we would now have been safe.
But there was no use in thinking of what might have been.
I waded out as far as I could, and then swam for the ship.
As I came near her, I saw that she was lying high out of the water. The part of the
rock that was uncovered rose steep and straight into the air. There was no place for me to
set my feet.
I swam round the ship twice. How could I ever climb up her smooth sides?
I was about to give up, when I saw a small piece of rope hanging down from the
deck. It reached almost to the water. How strange that I did not see it at first!
I seized hold of the rope, and climbed hand over hand to the deck.
I went into the ship's cabin. I looked all through the unlucky vessel.
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I MAKE ME A RAFT (делаю себе плот)
THERE was a great deal of water (много воды) in the ship’s hold (воды внутри
корабля). But the cabin and the storerooms (кладовые) were dry (были сухими).
The boxes of food had not been touched by the water (короба с едой не были
затронуты водой).
I was very hungry (голоден), but I had no time to lose (не имел времени терять
= не мог терять время). So I filled my pockets with dry biscuits (наполнил карманы
сухим печеньем) and ate them as I went about (ел их, пока ходил /по кораблю/).
There were many things on the ship. They might be very useful to me (они могли
бы быть полезными для меня) if I had them on shore (если бы я имел их на берегу).
But there was no boat (лодки), and how could I carry them there?
"I will make a raft (сделаю плот)." I said to myself.
Мультиязыковой проект Ильи Франка www
. f ranklang . r u
There were several long pieces of timber (несколько длинных кусков дерева)
on the deck. I tied a rope (привязал веревку) to each of these (к каждому из них) so
that it would not float away (чтобы он не уплыл). Then I dropped them (скинул), one
by one, over the ship’s side (за борт корабля).
After this I slid down (спустил; to slide) my rope into the water, and tied these
Папина дочка
4. Самбисты
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