Английский язык с Ф. Баумом. Волшебник Изумрудного Города
"That is very strange (это очень странно)," said Dorothy, "but we must try, in some way, to see him (но мы должны попытаться, так или иначе: «каким-либо образом», повидаться с ним), or we shall have made our journey for nothing (или /окажется, что/ мы проделали наше путешествие напрасно; for nothing — зря, без пользы)."
"Why do you wish to see the terrible Oz (а почему ты хочешь увидеть грозного Оза)?" asked the man.
"I want him to give me some brains (я хочу, чтобы он дал мне немного мозгов)," said the Scarecrow eagerly (страстно/горячо сказал Страшила; eager — страстно желающий, жаждущий).
"Oh, Oz could do that easily enough (о, Оз довольно легко может
"And I want him to give me a heart (а я хочу, чтобы он дал мне сердце)," said the Tin Woodman.
"That will not trouble him (это не затруднит его)," continued the man (продолжил мужчина), "for Oz has a large collection of hearts, of all sizes and shapes (ведь у Оза есть огромная коллекция сердец, всех размеров и форм)."
trouble [trAbl], collection [kq'lekS(q)n], size [saIz], shape [SeIp]
"That is very strange," said Dorothy, "but we must try, in some way, to see him, or we shall have made our journey for nothing."
"Why do you wish to see the terrible Oz?" asked the man.
"I want him to give me some brains," said the Scarecrow eagerly.
"Oh, Oz could do that easily enough," declared the man. "He has more brains than he needs."
"And I want him to give me a heart," said the Tin Woodman.
"That will not trouble him," continued the man, "for Oz has a large collection of hearts, of all sizes and shapes."
"And I want him to give me courage (а я хочу, чтобы он дал мне храбрость)," said the Cowardly Lion.
"Oz keeps a great pot of courage in his Throne Room (Оз хранит большой котел храбрости в Тронном Зале)," said the man, "which he has covered with a golden plate (который он накрыл золотой тарелкой), to keep it from running over (чтобы она не выплескивалась; to run over — переливаться через край). He will be glad to give you some (он будет рад дать тебе немного)."
"And I want him to send me back to Kansas (а я хочу, чтобы он отправил меня обратно в Канзас)," said Dorothy.
"Where is Kansas (а где находится Канзас)?" asked the man, with surprise (спросил мужчина с удивлением).
"I don't know (я не знаю)," replied Dorothy sorrowfully (ответила Дороти печально; sorrow — горе, печаль, скорбь), "but it is my home, and I'm sure it's somewhere (но это мой дом, и я уверена, что он где-то есть)."
cover ['kAvq], golden ['gquld(q)n], glad [glxd], sorrowfully ['sOrqufulI]
"And I want him to give me courage," said the Cowardly Lion.
"Oz keeps a great pot of courage in his Throne Room," said the man, "which he has covered with a golden plate, to keep it from running over. He will be glad to give you some."
"And I want him to send me back to Kansas," said Dorothy.
"Where is Kansas?" asked the man, with surprise.
"I don't know," replied Dorothy sorrowfully, "but it is my home, and I'm sure it's somewhere."
"Very likely (весьма вероятно). Well, Oz can do anything (что ж, Оз может сделать все /что угодно/); so I suppose he will find Kansas for you (и я полагаю, что он найдет тебе Канзас). But first you must get to see him (но сначала вы должны /суметь/ повидаться с ним), and that will be a hard task (а это будет трудной задачей); for the Great Wizard does not like to see anyone (потому что Великий Волшебник не любит никого видеть = ни с кем встречаться), and he usually has his own way (а он обычно поступает по-своему). But what do YOU want (а что ты хочешь)?" he continued, speaking to Toto (продолжил он, обращаясь к Тото; to speak — говорить). Toto only wagged his tail (Тото только повилял хвостом); for, strange to say, he could not speak (ведь, странно сказать, он не мог говорить).
likely ['laIklI], first [fq:st], wag [wxg]
"Very likely. Well, Oz can do anything; so I suppose he will find Kansas for you. But first you must get to see him, and that will be a hard task; for the Great Wizard does not like to see anyone, and he usually has his own way. But what do YOU want?" he continued, speaking to Toto. Toto only wagged his tail; for, strange to say, he could not speak.
The woman now called to them that supper was ready (в
The woman now gave Dorothy a bed to sleep in (женщина отвела Дороти кровать, /в которой она могла поспать/), and Toto lay down beside her (и Тото лег рядом с ней), while the Lion guarded the door of her room so she might not be disturbed (а Лев охранял дверь ее комнаты, так чтобы ее никто не тревожил: «чтобы она не была потревоженаа»; to disturb — нарушать ход, движение и т. п.; тревожить, беспокоить). The Scarecrow and the Tin Woodman stood up in a corner (Страшила и Железный Дровосек встали в углу) and kept quiet all night, although of course they could not sleep (и не шевелились всю ночь, хотя, конечно же, они не могли спать; to keep — держать, иметь, хранить; пребывать, оставаться в каком-либо состоянии; quiet — тихий, бесшумный; спокойный; to keep quiet — молчать; оставаться спокойным или неподвижным, не шевелиться).
gather ['gxDq], porridge ['pOrIdZ], oat [qut], guard [gQ:d], disturbed [dIs'tq:bd]
The woman now called to them that supper was ready, so they gathered around the table and Dorothy ate some delicious porridge and a dish of scrambled eggs and a plate of nice white bread, and enjoyed her meal. The Lion ate some of the porridge, but did not care for it, saying it was made from oats and oats were food for horses, not for lions. The Scarecrow and the Tin Woodman ate nothing at all. Toto ate a little of everything, and was glad to get a good supper again.
The woman now gave Dorothy a bed to sleep in, and Toto lay down beside her, while the Lion guarded the door of her room so she might not be disturbed. The Scarecrow and the Tin Woodman stood up in a corner and kept quiet all night, although of course they could not sleep.
The next morning, as soon as the sun was up (/на/ следующее утро, как только солнце встало), they started on their way (они отправились в путь), and soon saw a beautiful green glow in the sky just before them (и вскоре увидели прекрасное зеленое сияние в небе прямо перед собой; glow — сильный жар, накал; свет, отблеск, зарево).