Английский язык с Робинзоном Крузо
I hurried back to my castle to get things ready for my voyage.
I packed a big basket with bread; I filled a jug with fresh water; I put a compass in
my pocket that I might have it to steer by; I threw a bag full of raisins upon my shoulder.
Loaded with all these necessary things, I went round to the place where my canoe
was hidden. I found her half full of water, for she had been lying there neglected for a
long time.
With much labor I bailed the water out of her and got her afloat. Then I loaded
my cargo into her, and hurried home for more.
My second load was a bag full of rice, the umbrella to set up over my head for
shade, another jug of water, a cheese, a bottle of milk, and about two dozen barley cakes.
All these I carried around to my canoe. If there were men on board the wreck they
might be in need of food.
When I had arranged everything in good order, I started out.
I kept the canoe quite close to the shore until I had rounded the point past which
the dangerous current flowed. Being then in smooth water, I struck boldly out toward the
Soon, however, upon looking a little ahead of me, I saw the second current
flowing in a great eddy past a long line of half-hidden rocks.
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As I looked on these rapid currents, my heart began to fail me. I knew that if I
should be driven into one of them, it would carry me a great way out to sea. It would
carry me so far that I should never be able to get back again.
Yet I was determined to persevere in my venture.
I MAKE ANOTHER VOYAGE (я предпринимаю еще одно путешествие)
WITH very great care I steered my canoe out to sea (с большой осторожностью
я направил мое каноэ в море). I kept just within the edge of the current on my right
hand (держался точно у края потока по правую руку). It carried me along at a great
rate (он нес меня на большой скорости), but I did not lose control of the canoe (но я не
терял управление каноэ).
In about two hours I came up to the wreck. It was a sad sight to look at (грустное
The ship lay partly on her side (корабль частично лежал на боку), and was
jammed fast between two great rocks (зажат крепко между двумя большими скалами).
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She looked like a Spanish ship (выглядело,
badly broken by the waves (сильно поломано волнами), and everything on her decks
had been swept away (все с палуб было смыто /в море/).
As I came close to her, a dog looked over her side and barked at me (пес
выглянул через борт: «сторону, бок» и залаял на меня). When I called him he jumped
into the sea and swam out to the canoe (когда я позвал его, он прыгнул в море и
приплыл к каноэ).
I lifted him on board (поднял его на борт), and found that he was almost dead
with hunger and thirst (почти мертв от голода и жажды).
I gave him a barley cake (дал ячменную лепешку), and he devoured it like a
half-starved wolf (сожрал это, как полуголодный волк). I then gave him a little water,
but not too much lest he should harm himself (но не очень много, чтобы он не
повредил себе = чтобы ему не стало плохо). He drank (пил), and then looked up as if
asking for more (посмотрел вверх, как бы прося еще).
After this I went on board. A sad sight met my eyes. For in the cookroom I saw
two sailors who had been drowned (утонувшими), with their arms fast around each other
(с руками крепко вокруг друг друга = крепко обнявшись).
I suppose (я предполагаю) that when the ship struck (когда корабль ударился =
сел на мель) the waves dashed all over her (волны хлынули через него) and the men
had no way of escape (не имели никакого пути спасения). Those who were not swept
overboard (кого не смыло за борт) were drowned between decks (утонули между
Besides the dog there was no other live thing on board (кроме собаки, не было
никого другого живого существа на борту).
I found some chests that had belonged to the sailors (нашел несколько ящиков,
которые принадлежали морякам). With much labor I got two of them into the canoe
without stopping to look inside of them (с большим трудом я затащил два из них на
каноэ, не прекращая смотреть внутрь их).
Besides these chests (кроме этих ящиков), I took a fire shovel and tongs (лопату
для огня = камина и щипцы), which I needed very much (которые мне были очень
нужны). I found, also, two little brass kettles (латунных чайника), a gridiron
(рашпер /решетка для поджаривания мяса/), and a large copper pot (медный горшок).
Мультиязыковой проект Ильи Франка www
. f ranklang . r u