Английский язык с Робинзоном Крузо
"Aye (да), aye!" cried all the rest.
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. f ranklang . r u
"Well, then," said the captain, "it grieves my heart to see you in this hard case
(мне печалит сердце видеть вас в этих тяжелых обстоятельствах). The ship, as you
know, still lies at anchor off the shore (на якоре у берега). It is still held by some of the
ruffians who brought this trouble upon us (удерживается
на нас эту беду). If I should persuade the governor to set you free (если я уговорю
губернатора освободить вас), what say you? Would you help me retake the ship
(поможете ли вы мне вновь взять = захватить корабль)?"
"Aye, aye!" they all cried. "We would stand by you to the end (мы будем
помогать тебе до конца), for we should then owe our lives (будем тогда обязаны
жизнью), to you (вам)."
"Well, then," said the captain, "I will see what I can do. I will go and talk with the
The matter was soon arranged (вопрос был скоро улажен).
The captain was to choose (должен был выбрать) five of those he thought would
be most faithful (которым можно было больше всех доверять). These were to help him
retake the ship. But the rest were to stay in prison as hostages (как заложники).
If the five behaved themselves well, then all were to be set free (должны быть
отпущены на волю). If they did not behave, then all were to be put to death (обречены
на смерть, казнены).
These were the governor's orders (приказы губернатора).
It was then agreed (было соглашено = договорились) that the captain, with all
the men he could trust (со всеми людьми, которым он мог доверять), should go out to
the ship. I and my man Friday were to stay on shore to watch the prisoners (следить за
The hole in the bottom of the long boat was soon mended (дырка в днище
длинной лодки была скоро заделана). Four men, with the passenger as their leader,
went out in this (вышли в ней). The captain, with five men, went out in the other boat.
It was after midnight when they reached the ship (после полуночи достигли
The men on board were taken by surprise (были застигнуты врасплох), for they
thought that these were their friends who were but just then returning to the ship (так как
думали, что это были друзья, которые как раз только возвращались на корабль).
Мультиязыковой проект Ильи Франка www
. f ranklang . r u
They even threw a rope (кинули веревку) to them and helped them on board,
never suspecting that anything was wrong (вовсе не подозревая, что что-то было не
так; wrong — неправильный).
The whole business was managed well (все это было проделано отлично). The
second mate and the carpenter (плотник), who were among the leaders in the plot (в
заговоре), were soon overpowered (пересилены = их одолели).
The rebel captain (мятежный капитан), the worst of the crew (самый худший из
команды), was asleep in his berth (спал на койке). He sprang up and showed fight
(«показал бой» = оказал сопротивление). He shot three times at the captain's party,
wounding the mate but touching no one else (ранив помощника, но не коснувшись
никого больше).
The mate, wounded as he was, raised his musket and fired (поднял мушкет и
выстрелил). The rebel captain fell to the deck with a bullet through his head (упал на
палубу с пулей /прошедшей/ через голову).
The rest, seeing that they were without leaders, fell upon their knees and begged
for their lives (упали на колени и просили сохранить им жизнь).
Thus the captain became again the master of his own ship (хозяином корабля).
boatswain [bausn] yield [ji:ld]
BY my orders, Friday and the captain's mate hurried through the woods to the
little river where I had landed so long ago with my rafts.
When they had reached the place, they shouted as loudly as they could. The men
who were just getting into the boat heard them. They answered, and ran along the shore
toward the little river.
The three who had been left in the boat also rowed around toward the same place.
Near the mouth of the river, however, they came to land again, and one of them ran along
the bank of the stream to meet his fellows.
Мультиязыковой проект Ильи Франка www
. f ranklang . r u
At this moment I rushed forward with the captain, and seized the boat before the
two fellows who were in it could save themselves.
It was now almost dark, and we had nothing to do but wait till the seamen came
back to the shore to look for their boat.
Soon Friday and the captain's mate rejoined us, and I stood at the head of my little
army, listening to the seamen as they made their way through the bushes.